Tag: life

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography

Love of Bird Photography – Some of my favorite shots this summer so far.

Eastern Bluebird on the Fly, update on these birds nesting in my purple martin house. They had 4 babies and I saw one fly out of the bird house with its parent. The other 3 would take turns coming out of the nesting box and sit on the little porch. That is a small space for 4 baby birds so they are all probably about ready to test their wings and fly to a tree.

Love of Bird Photography

Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird stopping by the feeder.

Shore bird after a dip in the water

Love of Bird Photography

Oh and my favorite, the White Pelican in flight. Nothing I love more than photographing these beautiful birds as they fly right over top of me. It is very hard to hold the camera in a complete vertical position but so worth the efforts. 🙂

Love of Bird Photography

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

Wildlife’s Picnic Table

Wildlife’s Picnic Table

Wildlife’s Picnic Table, This blue jay is stretching way up there to see what is on the table. Checking to see if maybe there is a better morsel of food than the one he already has.

Wildlife's Picnic Table
Wildlife's Picnic Table

Wildlife’s Picnic Table

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts


Book a Photo Painting Here; https://sandrajsphotographyfinearts.zenfoliosite.com/book

Symmetry in Nature

Symmetry in Nature

Symmetry in Nature involves parts that are similar or balanced in some way.

When you look closely at a birds wings, one would be in awe as I am to see the symmetrical design of each feather and how it all fits together. It is truly a piece of art created with a purpose, each and every feather.

Symmetry in Nature

Perfection by the hand of our Creator

Symmetry in Nature

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts


Delicate is the Road We Travel

Delicate is the Road We Travel

Delicate is the Road We Travel

Not I nor anyone else can travel that road you are on. You must travel it by yourself to find where your heart is telling you to go.

It is not far, it is in reach. Perhaps you have been on it since the day you were born and did not know it, for the path that leads us to Him, has always been there.

We just need to follow our heart and the rest will fall into place.

Delicate is the Road We Travel
Delicate is the Road We Travel

Delicate is the Road We Travel

Sandra J

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Trees of the South – Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.

I do love photographing and studying trees. They are designed with a purpose and each one is so unique.


Trees of the South


Trees of the South

New Mexico

Trees of the South

Big Bend Texas

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Sandra J

Hidden Rattlesnakes

Hidden Rattlesnakes

Hidden Rattlesnakes – we went hiking and I just about stepped on this little snake hidden so well amongst the rocks. Amazing how nature works.

Hidden Rattlesnakes

The red circle on the right is the head and the left is the rattler.

Hidden Rattlesnakes
Hidden Rattlesnakes

Hidden Rattlesnakes

Sandra J

When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come and the land is dark. The moon is the only light we will see. No I won’t be afraid, just as long as you stand by me.

I love these lyrics to the song stand by me by Ben King, video and music below.

Photos have a way of speaking to each one of us in a different way. That is the beauty of photography and one does not have to be a professional photographer for this to happen.

When the Night Has Come

They provoke a feeling, a memory and a change in our spirit I believe. When I looked at these silhouettes of the hummingbird the song Stand by Me came to mind right away.

When the Night Has Come

It was late in the evening as I was watching these two hummingbirds dancing around me, but the feeling did not arise until I saw this photo as if it is saying stand by me and I won’t be afraid.

For in the dark of the night, I know His presence, as He stands by me in the window pains of my heart.

YouTube player

When the Night Has Come

Sandra J

Sunsets in Southern New Mexico

Sunsets in Southern New Mexico

Sunsets in Southern New Mexico

If you would like to see the video of Cloudcroft and White Sands National park, Link is Here; Cloudcroft and White Sands.

We only stayed a week at this park and then moved farther west to one of the best parks all along the southern border. We had been in the desert for a couple months at this point. Dry, dusty and not much for trees at all.

But what a surprise we found at the next stop, birds, mountain, forest and water. The Chiricahua National Wilderness, just across the border of Arizona.

Sunsets in Southern New Mexico
Sunsets in Southern New Mexico

Sunsets in Southern New Mexico

Sandra J

Downtown El Paso Texas

Downtown El Paso Texas

Downtown El Paso Texas, we do not go into big cities very often. But we were camping here for 2 weeks and had to run in for supplies so decided to go down town and walk around a bit. I do love architecture as well and taking photos of buildings when I see some I like.

Downtown El Paso Texas

I like the older ones that have been restored or just kept up nice.

Downtown El Paso Texas

This is an overlook area facing south looking over the city of El Paso, everyday there was a bit of a haze over the city. Somedays we could not see the mountains in the background at all.

Downtown El Paso Texas

Sandra J

From the Mountains of No Names

From the Mountains of No Names

From the Mountains of No Names comes faith as small as a mustard seed, where nothing is impossible.

I have lived in the mid west my entire life and never ventured west until this year. I have always wanted to see the mountains and it is truly a sight to behold. To be able to climb to the highest peak that I can climb to and then look out over this vast landscape for miles and miles.

Not only is it breathtaking but it makes me see how small we really are, like standing next to the ocean. Areas that are bigger than my imagination and more beautiful then I could ever dream of. Creation is truly a gift.

The mountains started in southern Texas, below we climbed to the top of Franklyn Mountains in El Paso Texas.

From the Mountains of No Names

This photo below is Seminole Canyon in Texas, taken with the drone looking at the Rio Grande river which is very low water levels. We have noticed the lack of water all through out the south.

Below is the wide open spaces of Arizona, BLM land, that is our camper in the photo. BLM land is free to camp on. You just find an empty spot and stay there up to 14 days. The dust was blowing here all the time.

From the Mountains of No Names

Utah is amazing, the red rocks and canyons are amazing to see. This photo below is Zion National Park, it was taken with the drone outside of the park. Looking west. It is quite something how on top of the mountains it looks flat almost everywhere.

From the Mountains of No Names

This mountains range below and valley is quite the place. Its location speaks of much history on how folks lived back in the day. It is called Spring Valley in eastern Nevada, it is full of natural springs all along the valley. The water is flowing even now as we visited this place.

The green valley floods with the monsoon rains in the spring and summer and many many years ago, people lived along the valley and all this water would freeze in the winter. Cutting ice out of the frozen water was a way to make a living here. I will have more information on these places as I get to them individually.

Another mountain in Nevada below, we drove to the top of this one which was nearly 10,000 ft elevation. It is quite the road to get to the top. There is snow up there and you definitely want 4 wheel drive going up this back country road. But what a view from the top.

We continue our travels north, thank you so much for following along. I appreciate all your wonderful comments you leave on these post and enjoy being able to talk to each and everyone of you when I can. The internet is not always the best in some of these places we have been to. But thank you very much, I appreciate it. Have a wonderful day.

From the Mountains of No Names

Sandra J

Inks Lake State Park Texas

Inks Lake State Park Texas

Inks Lake State Park Texas, after our stay at the last park I found this state park that was only an hours drive away. We really like not driving more than a couple of hours between parks when possible and we are only staying at this park for 2 nights.

The Colorado river runs through this area and it is the largest river within the state of Texas. It travels 862 miles, almost 600 billion gallons of water flow in a typical year.

Inks Lake State Park Texas

Back in the day the river was as much a danger as a blessing for the residents around this area. So they decided to build a dam, a series of six dams to try and control the Colorado river and Inks Lake Dam was the second one built in the series.

In 1940 the state acquired about 1200 acres to make this park here. It has colorful rocks all around the lake, lots of hiking and really good fishing they say.

I love to learn the history of all these places we are visiting. It isn’t about just camping, I find this trip we are on is a walk down the real history of this country. How did all of these places come about? We have been finding a lot of these parks have great museums near by as well and we try to stop at all of them.

So much better than reading it in a book, to get out there and see how everything has changed over the years is quite remarkable to me.

Inks Lake State Park Texas

Inks Lake State Park Texas

by Sandra J

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life, as winter disappears and the spring rains start to come back to quench the thirst of this earth. Those standing alone who thirst for this water of life will come back to life in full beauty, that which is given to everything under the Sun as is designed.

Video of Black Swans in a Pond Below or click Here, Swans

Water Gives Life

And the earth she became chaos and vacancy and darkness over the surfaces of the abyss.

And the
Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters.

Waters is an idiomatic expression for our spiritual nature

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life, Nature/Creation speaks to us everyday.

He gives us life in the Garden of Trees

The One who moves over the face of waters In the Garden of Trees

Will never destroy us.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of the Father, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Black Swans to Music, Nature at its Best #shorts

Water Gives Life

by Sandra J

Desert Animals

Desert Animals

Desert Animals, I thought this little guy in the first photos was a chipmunk, but it is actually a squirrel called the Antelope Squirrel. One of the smaller ones in the species. Found in the desert regions.

Despite the hot desert weather, you will often see these squirrels dashing about in the middle of the day. They will stay out in the heat collecting food until their body reaches its maximum temperature and then they will rest in the shade until that temperature has lowered. Their tail is often held over their head like an umbrella helping to shade their bodies.

Desert Animals

You will see a lot of these in southern Texas, the Javelina’s. These were wondering around the campground in the early mornings or evening right by the tents people were sleeping in.

Desert Animals

Rock squirrels, below, are one of the largest members of the Scuridae family, growing to nearly a foot in length, not including their long, bushy tails which are nearly as long as their bodies.

Some of the Texas ranches have a variety of exotic deer. Like the two below. You will see them quite often as you drive through the state.

Desert Animals

Desert Animals

by Sandra J

Desert Surprises

Desert Surprises

Desert Surprises, it has been very dry in the desert this past month, I was beginning to think we were to early to see any flowers on this trip. But, we walked down to the Rio Grande river one morning right at sunrise and this lone yellow flower was blooming right in the middle of rocks and dry dirt.

A lovely surprise for sure.

Desert Surprises

Along with this one growing at the base of more rocks.

Even the cactus has just a touch of color with their red pointy needles.

Desert Surprises

Now this plant below, I believe is in the Agave family, you definitely would not want to trip and fall on one of these. Those things do not bend at all. They are as hard as a rock.

Desert Surprises

Sandra J

Purple and Blue

Purple and Blue

Purple and Blue, the light makes all the difference. I have photographed this White winged dove a few times now and this is the first time I noticed the purple color of the feathers around its neck. I made it down to the bird blind just as the sun was coming up.

Amazing what we can see if we sit still long enough to really see things. Having the patience to wait until the Light shows up makes all the difference.

Purple and Blue

Purple and Blue

Sandra J

Spring Is Coming Soon

Spring Is Coming Soon

Spring Is Coming Soon, the left overs of last fall are still intact around the country side. But the seeds are holding strong after the long winter and soon will be drifting off into the spring winds and rain to replant and grow into new flowers and lush green grasses.

That is always a refreshing time of year, when I can smell the green grass after a rain. We have been traveling in the south all winter and everything is brown and very dry where we have been, just no snow is all. We did not go far enough south to enjoy winter flowers and green grass.

Spring Is Coming Soon
Spring Is Coming Soon

Spring Is Coming Soon

by Sandra J

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Oh What a Beautiful Morning, some of my favorite dock photos.

This first one is on the gulf coast.

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

This little dock on the left is on the Mississippi River

dock reflections

And these last two are at one of my favorite lakes in Iowa. Great places to sit and dangle your feet over the edge and watch the sun come up.

dock on a lake

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

by Sandra J

Dramatic Sunrise Colors

Dramatic Sunrise Colors

Dramatic Sunrise Colors, The best sunrises and sunsets seem to be associated with middle to high clouds rather than lower level clouds.

The more clouds the better chance of seeing some vibrant colors of orange and yellow at sunrise like these photos below.

Dramatic Sunrise Colors
Dramatic Sunrise Colors

Have a Great Weekend

I may not have internet yet, I scheduled this post a couple of weeks ago just in case. If I have not responded to any comments that is why. I will be moving from this area on the 12th and will have internet again by then. 🙂 thank you

Dramatic Sunrise Colors

by Sandra J

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground, Mr. Pelican is coming in with the intention of taking the pole the Royal Tern is on. But Tern is not budging and appears to be yelling at the big boy coming in for a landing to get his own pole. But, , ,

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Mr. Pelican takes what ever pole he wants, as you can tell in the photo the lighter colored pole is where the Tern was standing and now the Pelican has it. He did take the pole and Tern had to move up to the next one. there is a stern look from the Tern towards the Pelican.

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Then they both relax and quit staring at each other and just enjoy the sunshine together.

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

by Sandra J

Portrait of the Reddish Egret

Portrait of the Reddish Egret

Portrait of the Reddish Egret, such a beautiful bird I think. When I photograph birds I take a lot of photos at one time when I can. I put my camera on burst and hold the shutter button when the bird looks like it is in the right light and position. On average 1 or 2 photos out of 20 will be sharp, but the photos that excite me the most is when I come across one like below that looks like it is posing for the camera.

This is what I find most enjoyable about wildlife photography.

Portrait of the Reddish Egret

When I find just the right photo I will often turn it into a digital oil painting as well. My artistic side 🙂

Portrait of the Reddish Egret

Portrait of the Reddish Egret

by Sandra J

My Day Begins at Sunrise

My Day Begins at Sunrise

My Day Begins at Sunrise for me, actually before sunrise. I am always up before the sunrises in anticipation for what is coming as the sun begins to warm the earth.

I watch the horizon, as if I am watching a movie in slow motion. The gorgeous colors of light dancing across the heavens. When you actually stop to see it, I mean really see it. You see its worth, its purpose and its power as the Light of the World.

Days Begin at Sunrise
Sunrise on Gulf, Slow Motion, Time Lapse Go Pro, From Above Drone Sunrise, Island Views, Relaxing

Have a Great Weekend.

Days Begin at Sunrise

by Sandra J

State Birds

State Birds

State Birds, I mentioned a few days ago that we are doing some traveling this winter, trying to avoid winter. But it caught up to us, some snow and lots of ice that many people are experiencing here in the states.

But, during this ice storm as we are hunkered down in our RV, I had a wonderful surprise this morning as I open the shade on my window and saw these beautiful cardinals sitting in a tree. I have not seen a cardinal in months and let me tell you, they are wearing their brightest feathers this month.

Below I picked a couple of my favorite cardinal photos from last summer. I also decided to try and take a picture of every state bird as we travel. Some I have already taken in other areas, but I will list them as we go.

The Cardinal is a state bird to; Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Illinois, Virginia and West Virginia.

State Birds
State Birds

Stay safe out there and have a great weekend.

State Birds

by Sandra J

Winter Color in the South

Winter Color in the South

Winter Color in the South, it has been getting colder even down here in the south. But on a sunny day you can still spot a butterfly or two with some yellow flowers strewn about.

Winter Color in the South
Winter Color in the South
Winter Color in the South
yellow daisies

Winter Color in the South

by Sandra J

In the Still of the Night

In the Still of the Night

In the Still of the Night

Another King will leave traveling North back into the Mountains of no name to be with His Father. He leaves with Duty, Purpose, Honor and Courage. For you see he wears many faces, a Soldier a father a King.  And then, in the still of the night, when the Light is low in the heavens. Look up son, for I will call your name and you will return to Me. To stand with those who went before you. To rest in Me for eternity. 

In the Still of the Night

  Peace be with you Mark, I will forever remember the day I found your post with the simple words that caught my eyes.  The Rural Iowegian.  💕  There is no fear in the walls of faith.

In the Still of the Night

I started reading Marks post (the Rural Iowegian), back in 2019. He struggled with cancer for 509 days and recently went home to be with our Father. May he rest in peace for evermore.

In the Still of the Night

by Sandra J

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight (Light)

Being in the sun generally makes people feel good, and there are many scientific reasons for this effect. I can attest to this theory. I worked in a factory most of my life, inside of 4 walls and no windows. But when I wasn’t at work I was outside, which works well with me being a photographer.

Take for example the two photos below, when I look at the first photo I see an ok picture, nothing to get excited over, for me.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

But look at the difference when the clouds started to clear up and the warm sun light started to bring the world around me to life. This is what excites me when I am out wandering in nature. It immediately gives me a warm feeling and lightens my mood.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Some of the effects of being in the sun is exposure to UVB rays, which causes human skin to produce beta-endorphins, which are hormones that reduce pain. Their other benefits include:

  • promoting a sensation of well-being and improving mood
  • boosting the immune system
  • relieving pain
  • promoting relaxation
  • helping wounds heal
  • helping people feel more alert
  • reducing depression

Makes One wonder if we were not designed that way.

Darkness is always the antithesis of light Freedom Comes From the Light that is placed in our heart

I am born again in the word, nobody taught me except the voice of the Creator within me.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Let your dreams dance on the windowpanes of your Heart in the never-ending Light

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Health Benefits of Sunlight (Light)

by Sandra J

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us – Tranquility does exist.  Off the beaten path, taking the road less traveled and returning to creation.  That is us down there on the left side of the photo. Husband takes care of the photos from above as I photograph from below.

A way to show any one that happens to see these photos that the beauty of creation still exist.

Looking Down at Us

I am the One who gave you hands to use your talents to create life around you.

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us

by Sandra J

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us Simplicity, beauty, purpose. That is what I see when I am in nature surrounded by the beauty of creation.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.

Nature Speaks to Us
Nature Speaks to Us
Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us

by Sandra J