Health Benefits of Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight (Light)

Being in the sun generally makes people feel good, and there are many scientific reasons for this effect. I can attest to this theory. I worked in a factory most of my life, inside of 4 walls and no windows. But when I wasn’t at work I was outside, which works well with me being a photographer.

Take for example the two photos below, when I look at the first photo I see an ok picture, nothing to get excited over, for me.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

But look at the difference when the clouds started to clear up and the warm sun light started to bring the world around me to life. This is what excites me when I am out wandering in nature. It immediately gives me a warm feeling and lightens my mood.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Some of the effects of being in the sun is exposure to UVB rays, which causes human skin to produce beta-endorphins, which are hormones that reduce pain. Their other benefits include:

  • promoting a sensation of well-being and improving mood
  • boosting the immune system
  • relieving pain
  • promoting relaxation
  • helping wounds heal
  • helping people feel more alert
  • reducing depression

Makes One wonder if we were not designed that way.

Darkness is always the antithesis of light Freedom Comes From the Light that is placed in our heart

I am born again in the word, nobody taught me except the voice of the Creator within me.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Let your dreams dance on the windowpanes of your Heart in the never-ending Light

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Health Benefits of Sunlight (Light)

by Sandra J

85 Replies to “Health Benefits of Sunlight”

  1. Such an inspiring post.

    But specifically, sunlight has different kinds with different benefits.

    Growing up, I learnt that the morning sunshine gives vitamin D, which is through. And then, the afternoon sunlight is very disastrous to the skin.

    To know how harsh the afternoon sunlight is, just visit Africa 😊😂

    Nice post 👍❤️

    1. Thank you very much, yes I love the morning light so much better, it is the best time for photography as well.

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