October Sunrise in a Park

October Sunrise in a Park

October Sunrise in a Park, a little mist, a little color. A wonderful way to start October. As we walked around a beautiful park, starting out early in the morning, the mist was rising off the water.

October Sunrise in a Park

An abundance color of purple all along the path. These purple daisy type flowers are every where on this walk today.

Morning Walk the Park

And of course, there are always the orange and yellow leaves hanging from the trees.

Early Morning Walk the Park

Lots of color on the forest floor

The sun starts to rise up over the trees, casting its warm glow across the calm lake waters.

October Sunrise in a Park

By the end of the walk, the sun is peaking out from around the clouds as the clouds flow softly across the mid morning sky.

The circle of Light from me to you. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

October Sunrise in a Park

October Sunrise in a Park

by Sandra J

42 Replies to “October Sunrise in a Park”

  1. The colors of Fall are wondrous – I love seeing the different colors of leaves on the trees, even on the ground. This morning was very gray but as I walked up to the entrance to the Park, there was a ray of sunshine coming from between the clouds and it illuminated a tree that was already a burnished gold. By the time I pulled the camera out, the ray was gone and it was gray again. [P.S. – I could not access via Reader again, so came here to your site – hope it is just me.]

    1. Thank you Jo, in that photo it was a little of both, mostly green. They were turning color more at the top of the trees.

      1. Well then, maybe you could come back when the leaves are fully rusty and take a picture of the rising sun from the exact spot. I m curious if it would look different.

        1. I will try that Jo, this park is about 40 minute drive, we were camping there last week, but I hope to get there again next week after the rains. Hopefully they will turn colors by then. We were a bit early this past week.

    1. It is so much fun this time of year, so many colors. I go out almost everyday, don’t want to miss anything. Thank you and have fun. 🙂

  2. I love how you give us two perspectives of the park in the pictures you selected for this post. Up close and far away. It reminds me of a verse I recently read in the book of Jeremiah “I am a God who is near. I am a God who is far away . . . I fill heaven and earth, “declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 23: 3-4 God’s Word Translation)

    1. That scripture is perfect Beth, you are able to see past the photo itself and look at the deeper meaning to His creation in the photos. Thank you Beth.

    1. Thank you so much Don, that means a lot to me. I was looking up into the clouds and this view was mesmerizing just standing there. I am a cloud watcher. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thank you, yes the best season, so many different colors from the sky to the ground. 🙂 Have a great weekend coming up.

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