Artistry in Nature

Artistry in Nature

Artistry in Nature, The Wing, it never ceases to amaze me, the intricate detail and design of the wing on all of the birds. I count at least 10 different lengths of feathers on this white pelicans wing. But they look so perfectly in line and a master of art itself from our creator.

Each feather with a purpose that only the designer knows exactly why and how it works. If someone asked me to design a wing. I would just make all the feathers the same because I don’t actually know the true purpose of all the different lengths.

But they are beautiful to look at.

Artistry in Nature

25 Replies to “Artistry in Nature”

  1. Very unique aren’t they Sandra? I am always impressed how sleek birds look – like a seagull for instance. There it is sitting on a railing, but once it takes flight, that wingspan is impressive and I wonder how they tuck those wings in so neatly?

  2. Many people just look at our world, but few wonder how this all came about… “Evolution” is what people say, but that is too easy an answer. Of course it is evolution, but how did it come to realize everything to perfection. The more I look at nature, the more questions I start to ask myself. OK, evolutions that were efficient were preserved and passed on, others disappeared because they were not suitable for and therefore offered less chance of survival. But still… our Earth was once a savage and unlivable planet that was part of a solar system in an immense universe. I challenge humanity to transform any similar planet from nothing to what we have here on Earth (even with today’s technology we wouldn’t be able to do it). And yet that same humanity often deals in a completely irresponsible way with everything that has arisen here “by miracle” and after billions of years. A few decades are enough to bring everything to the brink of the abyss and despite people becoming more and more aware of it, the pursuit of money still continues to prevail. This is so frustrating and makes me so very angry.

    This said, it is good to draw the attention to this wing of the pelican. Let’s hope some more people start to reflect. Have a lovely day Sandra and many greets.

    1. Wonderfully said Rudi, so very true. The miracles that are before us, like this simple thing of a birds wing. Is so much more interesting to me then anything money can buy. Looking at nature and all that it holds is where I look to see the past and the future. Nothing is more brilliantly made than that of birds and animals of all kinds. They survive with the simplest of things.

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