Percentage of Bad Photos
Percentage of Bad Photos – What is the percentage on average of photos that don’t make the cut and end up on the editing floor so to speak.
Well on average 2 out of 20 photos will be good when you are photographing a series or trying to follow a subject like wildlife.
Here are some perfect examples. I am trying to photograph this red squirrel, who by the way can move very fast.
Leaf in the way, no good
Not a fast enough shutter speed at all
Not fast enough yet
Below is a short video showing this squirrel moving so quickly, you can see why they are hard to photograph. I put the music from mission impossible movie with this clip. It fits pretty well 🙂 or click here; Mission Impossible Red Squirrel
Oh the expression, he seems a bit perturbed with me and would rather eat in peace. Bird seed doesn’t come free for these guys, the deal is they have to get their photos taken. I am pretty sure they signed a contract somewhere along the line. Maybe just in my mind. 🙂
Come back here
Who knows what happened here
The odds are right on, I had two good photos out of 18. I did not put all the bad ones on here. Just keep that in mind when you are out taking photos. They will never all be perfect, but photography is like playing golf to me. When you get that one awesome shot, it just makes me want to keep going and do more. Have a great weekend.
Have a great weekend. 🙂
Percentage of Bad Photos