Something Strange in the Snow

Something Strange in the Snow

Something Strange in the Snow this morning when I went outside. I grabbed my camera and went to investigate. It is extremely cold to the touch and sparkling in the morning light, how did it get here? What is it?

Something Strange in the Snow

It appears larger than life, it begins to dissolve in the center as the sun rays reach it on this cold January morning.

Did it fall from the night sky?

Something Strange in the Snow

Nope, I left some water in the bottom of a bucket last night and it froze into this beautiful piece of ice, I picked it up and set it in the snow. I thought it looked pretty cool. Thinking outside of the box today.

Something Strange in the Snow

by Sandra J

85 Replies to “Something Strange in the Snow”

  1. Very cool (literally and figuratively) … at first I thought it was a bubble. They always have the big Plymouth Ice Festival the beginning of January – guess they will have to cancel it. One year I’d like to go – they have beautiful ice sculptures and the artists sculpt them using a chainsaw!

    1. Isn’t ice sculpting amazing. To be able to have a vision and then carve it in ice. I would be doing that all the time if I could.

      1. I know – I’ve never been to the Plymouth Ice Festival, but every year they seem to have a warm spell, like a January thaw, at the same time. I can remember years and years ago, one of the weathercasters on the radio always entered the contest and she would report on the weather and what it was doing to her sculpture – that does make you believe in global warming, because they never had to cover those ice carvings … they left them out the whole ice festival.

  2. Sandra, these pictures are so much fun. I looked at the them before reading the text and enjoyed the associations my mind brought forth as I tried to figure out what you had photographed. The first one looks like clouds over the ocean with some islands underneath as seen from the Hubble Telescope. The last two had me convinced that nature had formed its very own snow globe.

    1. Isn’t that fun Beth, the imagination can go in so many different ways, I see things that way also. When I took the ice out of the bucket and put it on the snow, it looked like a ice planet that dropped down from the heavens, something so unique and shiny. Our imaginations are the greatest gift. Thank you Beth.🙂

  3. THAT IS BRILLIANT!!! Genius! LOVE this, Sandra!!! A wonderfully artistic woman was in the snow! That’s what!!! 😁 Cheers, Thank You, and Happy New Year!!! 🤗💖🙏🏼

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that. Made me smile, there is always something cool right around the corner in winter.

    1. Thank you Amy, there is not always things to photograph in the winter, depending on the weather, so sometimes we have to just use our imaginations. And there is always plenty of ice around. I do love things sparkling in the sunshine. Have a great day Amy. 🙂

        1. I clicked on your photo and it went to your page, I will read more of it when I open the computer. Is there a follow button?

        2. When I click on a post, there are photos and more at the bottom of page from Twitter. Correct? I am on the right site?

  4. Gorgeous!
    I have to add a pan of hot water to my birdbath each morning. I can’t stand to watch the little guys pecking at the ice!

    1. Thank you Emilie. I put out a small thing of water for the birds. It freezes quickly here but they get a little water when I put there food out.

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    Toch even zo goed de aller beste wensen voor het komende nieuwe jaar!!! * Elfriede, 4 januari 2020, 10.10 uur …, Hollandse Wintertijd * *

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