Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021, and what a way to start this beautiful day. I looked out the window as the pink light was dancing across the sky. Snow covered trees and the moon up above.

Genesis tells you this, there is eternity in the Spirit.  By the time your eyes open in the present the future has already become your past.  When the moon is overhead a new day starts.  

Happy New Year 2021

The sun came out today for the first time in many days, its rays were stretching out through the snow as I walked around enjoying the warmth of its light.

As I enter this new year on such a bright beautiful day, I pray for strength and peace for everyone. To stand strong in these trying times, to know and understand that we were created for a purpose.

Listen to your heart thoughts of you, knowledge is always stronger than wisdom.  But they cannot exist without the other.  One does not rule over the other, they are co-joined, separate but equal.

Happy New Year 2021

Such beauty from sunup to sundown, with the soft colors of the morning light, to the golden shadows as the sunsets to another day.

Life is a teaching experience we are either taught or we mimic back. Embrace Life

Happy New Year 2021

by Sandra J

115 Replies to “Happy New Year 2021”

  1. Beautiful sky and likewise those rays of sunlight poking through the snow. Are those footsteps from you marring the pristine snow? These photos are a great way to start off this new year. Happy New Year Sandra.

      1. Ha ha – I thought those dainty hoof prints were your boot prints … my friend Carol who lives in New York lives by a wooded area at the edge of her property. She takes photos through the sliding door of the deer eating everything in the yard – they love her berry bushes and Hosta plants and the birdseed. They even lap up the water from the birdbath. Then, in the Summer, they cool off by sitting under the big trees in the yard. 🙂

  2. Grazie per le tue bellissime parole e le straordinarie immagini.
    Buon 2021 a te e famiglia e che sia una rinascita d’amore e pace <3

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