New Year’s Eve Firecracker Red

New Year’s Eve Firecracker Red

New Year’s Eve Firecracker Red, a little bright coloring for this new years eve day. 2020 is coming to an end. Who needs man made fire crackers when all we have to do is step out into nature and the brilliant colors surround us sometimes.

New Year's Eve Firecracker Red
New Year's Eve Firecracker Red
red bellied woodpecker

New Year’s Eve Firecracker Red

by Sandra J

32 Replies to “New Year’s Eve Firecracker Red”

  1. Oh Sandra – he is a beauty for sure. What vibrant colors, especially since we see him up close. Seeing him reminds me that I’ve not seen Rex, the Red-Bellied Woodpecker in the Park for several weeks now … I just realized in seeing this post. We’ve had odd weather and sometimes, if it’s been bad weather, I cut corners and cross the Park to avoid walking on the icy trail so not logged as many steps. Hopefully he is okay.

  2. Truly the best kind of fire cracker. Happy New Year Sandra! May 2021 hold many opportunities for you to get out and photograph the beauty of our Father’s creation.

  3. Great pictures, Sandra. I so appreciate you and your work. And maybe this is just me, but in Picture 2, in the center of this bird’s lower back, I see a design of flying birds. Was this design by design? Wings on wings?

    I mention this in part because you love taking pictures of birds in flight. Whatever the case, your studies of birds reveal intricate design and complementary color combinations, and also masterful engineering. It could be that one has to put on the right glasses to see this. It is surely the case that most of it passes us by because we don’t have the time, take the time, or possess the means and tools for such close up shots of nature’s wonder. So again, thank you for your work in giving us all a closer look.

    Blessings to you

    1. Thank you very much RJ for your kind words. I do appreciate hearing that, this is what draws me to photographing nature. I have always loved animals, but I could never really see them close enough with the natural eye. I wanted to see more, a birds feathers are so unique and beautiful. And like you said, designed by the ultimate engineer. So photography has helped me as well to see what I have been searching for, what the details look like on these amazing animals. It takes my breath away everyday. Thank you again, may He give us all strength and peace in this new year. Happy new year.

  4. What a beauty ! Thanks for all your posts and pictures that made 2020 more bearable.
    Happy New Year Sandra… up to a better 2021 🙂

  5. Today is the Vigil, Mary, Mother of God (Theotokos) to conclude the Octave of Christmas. Christmas Season ends with celebrating the Baptism of the Lord January 10th.

    And… Happy New Year 2021!!!!

    1. Yes Gerry, may He bring us all peace and strength, and that we continue in his word above all else going into this new year.

      1. Yesss! I’m starting to get proficient in birds. 😀 Thank you for all the colors and beautiful pictures along the year. They meant a lot especially this difficult year. May 2021 be better! Happy New Year! ❤️

        1. Yes you are Jo, very good. They sure can bring some beautiful colors into our world when everything around us seems bleak at times. Yes, here is to a happy new year to you Jo and everyone else. 🙂💕

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