Blue Heron is in the Spotlight Today

Blue Heron is in the Spotlight Today

Blue Heron is in the Spotlight Today, and probably tomorrow. The Egrets have left the building and I will show you the last of the Heron photos I have for the year 2020. I have to say, it was an exceptional year for birding this past year.

There were a couple of months where it seemed like all the birds were just gone. But then they came back to put on a show right before winter set in.

The Heron is in the Spotlight Today

So the grand finale of the Herons are seeing their wing spans for me. When you get a chance to see the underside of their wings, it is amazing the uniform structure, all the feathers the exact length needed for precise landings and take offs.

But seeing the back of their wings is a whole new structure when they are landing. Three different layers, each with a specific design and purpose. Just amazing how they are built. It takes my breath away every time I see such a grand bird land or take off.

The Heron is in the Spotlight Today

I always dreamt I could fly like the birds. And occasionally I still have that same dream. Flying above it all, with the wind in my face.

My Father is a composite image of the spirits, the voices of those who have gone before me, that is my immortality He touches my face with his Creation ever day, every second.

Blue Heron is in the Spotlight Today

Blue Heron is in the Spotlight Today

by Sandra J

40 Replies to “Blue Heron is in the Spotlight Today”

  1. Beautiful images of the Great Blue Heron Sandra. My friend Ann Marie sometimes will send me a photo of a heron she has seen at the pond near her apartment building and always calls it “the GBH” – what amazes me in these photos is the last two which show off the blue. I have said to Ann Marie, (since she always uses that whole name of Great Blue Heron or GBH), “I don’t know where blue fits in their name – I see no blue, just gray!” Now, I see why. There is lots of blue and I am fascinated by wingspan too because the shorebirds tuck their very big wings against their body and you’d never guess how large they are. P.S. – I want to use a dab of hair gel on the first pic with the feather sticking up!

    1. I know, it is amazing how large their wings are when they look so small just standing around. Yes, that is where the blue is hidden, in those beautiful wings.

      1. Yes, that’s amazing to me, even for a seagull, same thing. I’ve never seen the blue patches … I always wondered where they got “blue” in the name from.

  2. The Divine Wind. A phrase used by so many different religious tradition. It is a marvelous power to bring our spirit to consider the vastness of creation.

  3. Just one species shows the delicate intricacies of God’s Master Plan. And think about all the other flora, fauna, geological structures, celestial bodies and yes, ourselves. Happy New Year.

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