Category: The Father

The Power of Emotions

The Power of Emotions

The Power of Emotions in black and white photography. This first photo below I created in photoshop. I see so much in this photo, not just black and white but so many different shades of gray. Which intern shows depth and soft lines to me. If you stare at it long enough, it almost looks like it is moving.

The Power of Emotions

 If your intention is to concentrate on details, then color photography is the way to go, while if your goal is to depict emotions, reflect eternity or mood, then black and white photography may become your preference.

The Power of Emotions

Black-and-white photography looks more formal and serious, and while the photo may look simpler, the mood of the photo is more intense making it more emotional.

Emotional meaning, the world can turn things into black and white, it can stir up emotions of good or bad. One or the other, theirs’s or ours.

But if you look close enough, as like this moss growing on this tree in the middle of winter. It is still green, it is full of color. It is pleasing to look at, it brings hope of spring to come in the middle of winter.

The Power of Emotions

This moss survives in the coldest of weather, it is alive. It is creation, He shows us His hands in everything around us. He encourages us to take in nature, to communicate with Him. To see the beauty around us in this coldest season of the year.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,

The Power of Emotions

by Sandra J

In This Garden There is One

In This Garden There is One

In This Garden There is One, It is 4am on Thursday morning as I write my thoughts down, I awoke earlier and went right to the news to see what was happening here in this country called America, after a day of unrest and protest.  (video and a poem by Daryl Madden below)

What I heard above all else was people blaming others for the behavior of a few. But my thoughts went directly to, it is not one person’s fault for what transpired on this day or any other day.  “He who is without sin, let them cast the first stone”.

In This Garden There is One

  I then turned the news off and continued to word press to view your comments on my post from the day before. I was talking about the noise that surrounds us. Two comments stuck out in my mind, they mentioned how lucky I was to be in a place surrounded by nature.  I thought for a moment, is it luck?

  I turned off the computer and listened, in the silence is when I hear the unspoken words that touch my heart.  I opened the computer back up and went directly to the Word; Samuel 8-15.  It read; The people insisted that Samuel give them a king. Samuel asked the Father what to do. The Father said; “Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods,”.

In This Garden There is One

  Let me tell you a quick story, this story started 50 years ago for me from this very location where I am at today.  I was very young and had just learned about God when my Grandfather passed away. Because of the circumstances, I had to leave this place and begin a new journey at a very young age.

Throughout these many years, I have hit many lows, I have felt rejection and pain repeatedly over the years. But, over the course of this journey, I never forgot about God, I remembered Him and the most important thing that I can say right now, is that He remembered me. Even though He has been rejected by man, I called on Him in my time of need and He answered. After all the years of being alone and knowing rejection over and over from people. The one place I never, ever was rejected, was when I was speaking to the Father.


   So, is it really luck or was it a path set before me? 

  Yesterday I was reading a post from; Aussiebirder and at the bottom of his post he had written these words. I know these words but they came to me again this morning; Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

In This Garden There is One

What is the purpose of my story you might ask; I believe when you walk in the flesh instead of the spirit, there will be noise and unrest among worldly beliefs. I do not put my faith in worldly things, governments etc. I, myself hold faith in only One, He who created life.

I am not a religion.  This is my life, my thoughts and if my story helps one person to know one thing; it doesn’t matter where the flesh is, but be in search of the Garden of Eden, it is not a place, it is where your heart is.

In this Garden you have one Father – One Tree of Life, where you are surrounded by nature. Sometimes you have to go back to where you came from to get to where you are going like a child.  Head East back to the garden of trees, the Laws of Your Nature. That is where my heart resides.

tree and sun rays

A Poem by; Daryl Madden, he wrote a poem yesterday from my post and I added his beautiful words to my video. Thank you.

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

by Sandra J

Where the Noise Disappears

Where the Noise Disappears

Where the Noise Disappears, I had tuned in to some news reports yesterday. To have an idea what is going on in this country here. It got to the point I could not listen to anymore. Why is it when humans speak, it becomes a level of noise beyond comprehension at times.

Where the Noise Disappears

But when I walk out into this place that surrounds me here, in the early morning Light, the noise disappears. The silence is healing to me, it is refreshing, it is glorious.

Where the Noise Disappears

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

by Sandra J

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021, and what a way to start this beautiful day. I looked out the window as the pink light was dancing across the sky. Snow covered trees and the moon up above.

Genesis tells you this, there is eternity in the Spirit.  By the time your eyes open in the present the future has already become your past.  When the moon is overhead a new day starts.  

Happy New Year 2021

The sun came out today for the first time in many days, its rays were stretching out through the snow as I walked around enjoying the warmth of its light.

As I enter this new year on such a bright beautiful day, I pray for strength and peace for everyone. To stand strong in these trying times, to know and understand that we were created for a purpose.

Listen to your heart thoughts of you, knowledge is always stronger than wisdom.  But they cannot exist without the other.  One does not rule over the other, they are co-joined, separate but equal.

Happy New Year 2021

Such beauty from sunup to sundown, with the soft colors of the morning light, to the golden shadows as the sunsets to another day.

Life is a teaching experience we are either taught or we mimic back. Embrace Life

Happy New Year 2021

by Sandra J

Every Sunrise is One of a Kind

Every Sunrise is One of a Kind

Every Sunrise is One of a Kind, the ever changing atmosphere and light makes every sunrise unique, a moment in time captured on the digital art board of life.

The first thing I do every morning is look outside to see what kind of painting will be created for my eyes to see. This is the time of day I enjoy the most, a new day, new light of the unspoken words of creation that are set before me.

sunrise silhouette,

So today I am thinking about what is going on in the world around us. I, like some of you maybe, never thought I would see a time like what we are living in right now. I don’t have a television, but I do keep up on what is going on to stay informed.

What I hear and what I see doesn’t sit well with what I feel. If I listen to others opinions for to long, I start hearing in the flesh, not the spirit. My husband asked me the other day, “When did we start worrying about the flesh so much, and not think twice about the health and well being of our Spirit?”

As I have gotten older I have learned what the difference is between the two for me. So I went to the Garden of Trees and this is what I heard.

It came to me in visions,  I sat with my Father and behold a vast grassland came before my eyes.  To the East was a great Sea and to the West was great sea.  To the South was another Sea.

To the North were great forest of Trees, saplings that reached into the heavens.  He sat me down in the midst of the open valley and as far as my eye could see. They were all bleached they were all dead laying in the hot sun.  It was dry as Death Valley there was no life in the land.  Just dry bones upon dry bones as far as my eye could see.

I asked my Father who was standing above me.  Can these bones ever come back to life?

Speak to them so they hear my voice and I will cause my breath to enter into you and you shall live.

I will put muscle upon and bring up flesh upon, and cover you with the skin of my words and put my breathe in you and you shall live and then you shall know I am your Father.  My Father left and I did as he commanded.

Then the great herds of cattle started to appear before my eyes and the ground was shaking from their hoofs.   

I returned home. My Father was standing above me. No other person has authority over me. I AM accountable to the Creator of the Universe above all others.

Every Sunrise is One of a Kind

Ascending, you see things in a different Light. Flesh descends, Spirits Ascend, Jacob’s ladder.

Every Sunrise is One of a Kind

Every Sunrise (Spirit) is One of a Kind

by Sandra J

Wednesday November One One

Wednesday November One One

Wednesday November One One, I woke up this morning and the number one was on my mind. I sat down at the computer and these four pictures were in the first folder I opened.

I thought, One bird, One flower, One bridge. And than I was wondering what the date was today, so I looked at my phone and it said 11. To all the Veterans, thank you. To our son who is in Italy today (Air Force), thank you.

Wednesday November One One
Wednesday November One One

One particle of pure energy, One Light. Intelligent design of Creation yours , mine, not the gods of man. Same thought, one probability wave, governing all.

Wednesday November One One

by Sandra J

See the Past in the Present

See the Past in the Present

See the Past in the Present , as we are nearing the end of October and this beautiful Autumn season, I would like to share some of my favorite photos over the next few weeks as a reminder to myself as to where I have been and as a thank you, to all of you who have been on this journey with me, who have shared such wonderful comments and all the encouraging, meaningful words that you have written to me. It means so much to me and I thank you.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

So I chose to start with my favorite time of day, sunrise. A new day, a new beginning to see what the Light is going to show me next. Never is there a day that is the same as yesterday, within creation that surrounds us. First thing I do every morning, (even though it is still dark out at 2:30 am), I look outside and then I take my dogs outside. The one moment of everyday that is like no other.

My first post was written in March of 2019, and let me tell you, I had no idea what blogging was, I am not even sure how I learned of it. I felt it was put in my path for a reason, some of you who found my words back in the beginning will understand what I am talking about.

At the time I begin, I wrote these words down ” Into the Light Adventures”, and decided to use that as the title. Not knowing why at the time, but I did learn what these words truly mean to me over the course of 7 months.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

For you see, I was completely lost back then and I was in search of something, not knowing what exactly. I know I wanted peace, I wanted a chance to rest. I wanted to understand why am I here. For those who do not know me, this blogging was and is a journey. It wasn’t just to put photos on the internet for me.

Every photo I took and still take has a meaning, as does all of yours who take photos and share your memories and your words. I have never been good with words, I have always been the quiet one, people always talked over me. But my love for nature and learning photography has given me my voice.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

And not only did it give me a voice, it taught me to listen. This journey has taken me places that I never saw coming. I had to listen to the words that were coming from the places photography was taking me to. I had to stop listening to the world and truly see and hear what was being said to me from the images before me, the creation before me.

Part 1 2020 in Review

I had an epiphany today, when I was standing at the edge of Lake Superior looking out over the water and Seeing the Past in the Present. I saw the meaning of the words ” Into the Light Adventures”.

I was in darkness most of my life, as I know so many others have been or still are, where we were searching for that one bit of hope. That one hand we could hold onto, that would pull us out of that moment in time that seemed never to end. And I was in search of that spark of Light that would set me free of it all.

ute lake sunset

Well that hand was held out to me and I took it, I had to face my fears and relive them. I have deleted most all of those old post, because they are in the past now. And 7 months later the Light was shinning brighter than I had ever seen it before, as well as for my husband. There is always hope, the Light will always shine and it is there when we look for it.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

And on the Seventh day He rested

See the Past in the Present

by Sandra J

The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before the Storm or is it the storm before the calm. I guess it goes both ways. A couple days ago I showed you Lake Superior on a windy day, storm waters stirring up the clay and dirt making this huge lake look more brown than blue. (video below)

The Calm Before the Storm

So this is kind of like the Glass half empty or is it half full kind of day. I like to think of life as half full. I go in search of the calm after the storm. I look for this calmness in nature, in creation.

Where these photos below are the same lake as above, but today the water is a beautiful blue, gently waves coming across the lake in a relaxing sound as I sit here next to the waters edge.

The Calm Before the Storm

I guess I have finally crossed that barrier in time, time meaning life. I do not go by the time man created, the ticking of the clock. But, by the life that is given to us. One life, that started way over there on the horizon and flows across to where I am standing now in the present.

So as I stand here looking at the vastness of this view in front of me, as if it represents the length of this journey of life for me. It brings a smile to my face, sure there were lots, I mean lots, of bumps and bruises to get to here. But after crossing that barrier, those thoughts fade away like the clouds in the distance.

Water, is like our spirits, our nature, it never stops moving. It gives life, it is life. I will continue to live life in the moment, for we do not know what tomorrow will bring. But what I do know is, the Spirit is returning unto the Father who He gave Her

Creation gives water to all that thirst.

The Calm Before the Storm

by Sandra J