See the Past in the Present

See the Past in the Present

See the Past in the Present , as we are nearing the end of October and this beautiful Autumn season, I would like to share some of my favorite photos over the next few weeks as a reminder to myself as to where I have been and as a thank you, to all of you who have been on this journey with me, who have shared such wonderful comments and all the encouraging, meaningful words that you have written to me. It means so much to me and I thank you.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

So I chose to start with my favorite time of day, sunrise. A new day, a new beginning to see what the Light is going to show me next. Never is there a day that is the same as yesterday, within creation that surrounds us. First thing I do every morning, (even though it is still dark out at 2:30 am), I look outside and then I take my dogs outside. The one moment of everyday that is like no other.

My first post was written in March of 2019, and let me tell you, I had no idea what blogging was, I am not even sure how I learned of it. I felt it was put in my path for a reason, some of you who found my words back in the beginning will understand what I am talking about.

At the time I begin, I wrote these words down ” Into the Light Adventures”, and decided to use that as the title. Not knowing why at the time, but I did learn what these words truly mean to me over the course of 7 months.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

For you see, I was completely lost back then and I was in search of something, not knowing what exactly. I know I wanted peace, I wanted a chance to rest. I wanted to understand why am I here. For those who do not know me, this blogging was and is a journey. It wasn’t just to put photos on the internet for me.

Every photo I took and still take has a meaning, as does all of yours who take photos and share your memories and your words. I have never been good with words, I have always been the quiet one, people always talked over me. But my love for nature and learning photography has given me my voice.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

And not only did it give me a voice, it taught me to listen. This journey has taken me places that I never saw coming. I had to listen to the words that were coming from the places photography was taking me to. I had to stop listening to the world and truly see and hear what was being said to me from the images before me, the creation before me.

Part 1 2020 in Review

I had an epiphany today, when I was standing at the edge of Lake Superior looking out over the water and Seeing the Past in the Present. I saw the meaning of the words ” Into the Light Adventures”.

I was in darkness most of my life, as I know so many others have been or still are, where we were searching for that one bit of hope. That one hand we could hold onto, that would pull us out of that moment in time that seemed never to end. And I was in search of that spark of Light that would set me free of it all.

ute lake sunset

Well that hand was held out to me and I took it, I had to face my fears and relive them. I have deleted most all of those old post, because they are in the past now. And 7 months later the Light was shinning brighter than I had ever seen it before, as well as for my husband. There is always hope, the Light will always shine and it is there when we look for it.

Part 1 To See the Past in the Present

And on the Seventh day He rested

See the Past in the Present

by Sandra J

84 Replies to “See the Past in the Present”

  1. Photos are the reflection of the world as seen through another persons eyes framed by all they hold dear and precious. The best pictures are seen differently by all who gaze upon them, but the common thread is the emotional response and the gift it brings.

    1. Beautifully said and very true. That is what I love about sharing photos, we each see something different, and the photo is capturing a moment in time that can never be duplicated. A way to show history, the past in the present. Thank you very much, 💕

  2. What an extraordinary post Sandra … baring your soul, presenting us with these beautiful photos that stir OUR souls. With pictures the likes of what you take, you need no words – they are not necessary, but are certainly welcome. Just looking at these photos calms me, lets me step away from the madness of the world – there is no sugarcoating our world events and reactions to them as we know it right now. In the beginning of the pandemic, people were allowed to go out and seek solace in nature … many strayed outdoors to see the beauty, looking around them as if for the very first time. I thought the mindset would continue and people would “get” what you and I and many others who follow your nature photography do “get” … but it seems people didn’t follow through. If there is anything I don’t like is to go to a beautiful venue like you show us and see people walking, but their heads are bent down looking at their phones. I see it at Council Point Park all the time. These images in this post will remain with meall day today Sandra.

    1. Thank you Linda, what you say is so true. People do not understand the beauty of nature that surrounds them sometimes. There is more beauty out there than one will ever see on a TV. And then to be in it and surrounded by it, always takes my breath away.

      1. You see even more than me Sandra as you are up and at ’em before the rest of world takes away your solitude in these beautiful places. I enjoy very much going to any of the parks when there are no or less people as it’s a better experience.

  3. O my goodness. Your photos are getting better and better, have not seen such amazing colours for a good while, Sandra 😊 You certainly have an eye for capturing the essence of the nature. Thanks for sharing and have a good day 😀 Aiva

  4. Well said with photos and words Sandra. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. but, sometimes it well take a thousand words to describe the depths and subtle meanings thoughts swirling to and from a captured image in a split second of time.

    1. Yes Gary, somehow the photos, when I look at them, the words then come to me, more like feelings as well. Thank you Gary.

  5. Tears filled my eyes as I read this beautiful post. Thank you for a snapshot in picture and words of your journey. I am so very glad that His Light pierced through the darkness and you responded. Your blog is such a blessing to me and I look forward to reading each new post and revisiting older ones that resonate with my heart. A verse came to mind that holds true with what you wrote. “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way (Psalm 37:23)” You Sandra are His delight.

  6. This post touched my heart and then some, Sandra. Your photographs are outstanding making me wish I had been there. Your “eye” is a gift I hope you know that. Your words as well struck a deep chord in me. Like you so much of my life had been dark but no more. You are such a beautiful soul, one that every time our paths cross, I am moved. Bless you for being a part of my life for you have brought such blessings to me. xo

    1. Thank you dear Amy, I thought of you and so many others as these words came to me this morning. My words come from seeing the photos before me. There are so many who are looking for that hand to reach out for them and for me that hand was not from a person, that hand was the Light of our Father, His hand was always there, but I could not reach it from all that was holding me down, like yourself. I only hope that others who may read my words and yours will see that there is always a way out. He uses all of us in His own way to help others. Have a wonderful weekend Amy. 😊💕

      1. When I hit a place in my life, Sandra, where all the “spiritual leaders” left a bad taste in my mouth along with bitter disappointment, God pointed to Mother as The Way and so the Teachings and Lessons began. I was taught not to look to man for understanding but only to God. Nature is my church. My camera is my therapist and friend. I went from lost to found and now my light that is not of me but through me I share with others. You are the same. I see a soul sister in you and I mean that wholeheartedly. I pray I have a good weekend!!! This week has been extremely challenging ….. lately I could sleep for 3 days straight. Busy season for not only me but my family …..

        1. I hear you Amy, yes, the same for me. And it makes sense, He speaks to us through His creation in different forms for different people. Sleep is so important as well. That is what can help rejuvenate our spirits. Stay well Amy.

  7. Loved the beautiful colours and hues of our Artistic Father and some of your heart felt sharing of your own journey through your creative narrative. Your photography captures Psalm 19 beautifully.

    1. Yes, there is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. It is everywhere around us once I learned to listen. Thank you so much for reminding me of that one. 😊💕

  8. I had a similar journey with blogging, not knowing what I was doing or why, other than to reinforce my writing. The community embraced me and I began to learn the technical skills needed to publish posts, etc. While I was clear on the meaning behind my title, I did not foresee all the friends I would meet nor would I understand the depth of this choice has impacted me.

    blessings to you, Linda ( aka litebeing)

    1. Thank you Linda for sharing your journey, it is amazing how things work when we take on something new. For each one of us it is a different journey that we hope will have a positive outcome, with wonderful people we may meet along the way. Yours sounds like that type of journey as well. Blessing to you also and have a wonderful day Linda.

        1. Nothing came up with this link, but if it is a song by the Band Journey, I know I would love it. I do like there music. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much for your kind and beautiful words. I appreciate that and I hope you have a wonderful afternoon.

  9. Blessings to you and your husband Sandra. Thank you for these great photos. As you well know, and by the great attention toward and love you show for them, a sunrise is a very special event in that it brings new light where there was once darkness. Our Lord Jesus is the Light of the world. So glad I “found” your site.

    1. Thank you so very much RJ, I want to thank you for all your kind words, encouraging and truthful words. They are a blessing and I am grateful to hear them. Yes, the Light of the world surrounds us everyday. 💕

    1. Thank you very much Tom, and thank you for all of your kind words along the way. I do appreciate it, blessings to you Dear Sir. 🙂

    1. You also Francine, much thanks to you for your wonderful words everyday. I very much appreciate it. Have a great day. 🙂

  10. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with us, your fellow bloggers. Your photographic journey brings new meaning to the words of Jesus:
    Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

    You indeed have considered wonderfully in both the appreciation for the lilly and the providential care for you and all you love.

    1. Thank you so much Gerry, your words mean a lot to me. He takes our burdens away, He knows how much we can handle. 💕

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