Category: The Father

Christmas in the Park

Christmas in the Park

Christmas in the Park; Bringing some holiday cheer. Christmas is a time of year where I find time to reflect on years past and present. It reminds me to think; “What’s Your Purpose in Life”,

Christmas in the Park

An age-old question that each of us tries to answer throughout our lives. In the cycle of life that whirls around us like a wheel from the time the Sun rises to the time the Sunsets.  We only have two absolutes to work with to answer that question;

Birth and Death an absolute that cannot be changed.

Male and Female an absolute that cannot be changed

Christmas in the Park

These are two absolutes that exist within our spirits that made us who we are.  If you try to alter the absolutes. All one is doing, is trying to create life, by changing the Laws of absolutes.  We all create an alternative reality that shines brightly in our eyes, like the moon at night, to displace the darkness that engulfs us all.

To give our lives meaning.  We run to and fro from one event to the next event in our lives picking up colorful jewels to hide our hurts.  That overtime lose their luster.  Then we look for other jewels to mask our hurts from prior events.  So, others cannot see.  We create a pseudo reality from the colorful jewels we clothe ourselves with.

This happens to so many people this time of year. Getting lost in the things of this world. Trying to become something they are not, trying to become what others say they should be like. I know, it happened to me years ago.

So, to answer the question, “What is my Purpose in Life?”.

I walked back one year to the Garden of Trees and sat in silence so that I may hear. 

I am the One that created you, I gave you my life, my breath within you. I gave you words within you to raise yourself from the dead to become like one of us.

I do not deny the One who created me. Cut out the middle man, the serpent that blocks your eyes to the One that created you.  That will only happen when your desire to live overrides what man told you on how to live.

Christmas in the Park

by Sandra J

Under His Wings

Under His Wings

Under His Wings Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Under His Wings  egret flying over water
Under His Wings  goose wings
single pelican
Eagle landing

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Under His Wings

by Sandra J

Bright Side of the Moon

Bright Side of the Moon

Bright Side of the Moon, Though the dawn may be coming soon
There still may be some time
Fly me away to the bright side of the moon
Meet me on the other side

Dream Weaver, this song came to me today, I have not heard it in many years. The moon has been keeping me up at night, shining through my window. So bright as if it is a nightlight for those of us looking out into the night sky.

Dream Weaver, I believe you can get me through the night…’ was a song about someone with infinite compassion and love carrying us through the night of our trials and suffering. None other than God Himself.” by Gary Wright

Bright Side of the Moon

We are living in some very strange times right now. Things going on that I have never witnessed in my lifetime. Confusing at times to say the least if you listen to the world.

But, there are always Two Sides, Two Events. Split down the middle, One side is brighter than the other, (Truth), Death and Life – Good and Evil.

Bright Side of the Moon

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. 

In the beginning He Created, Heaven and Earth,

The only way to create something is to speak it into existence, Which follows the Laws of Nature

bright moon in the sky

Dream Weaver; Take Me to the Bright Side of the Moon

 Take away my worries of today and leave tomorrow behind

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Sandra J's Photography

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Bright Side of the Moon

by Sandra J

Silhouettes in Nature

Silhouettes in Nature

Silhouettes in Nature, amazing what one sees when you look really close at something as simple as this photo here. Everyone sees something different. For me, I am peering into the heart of the Tree of Life where it was placed by the hands of Light.

Silhouettes in Nature

That is what I see, when in reality it is the end of a trees life, but always the beginning of a new one when you look through to the other side.

Silhouettes in Nature

by Sandra J

The Rushing of Waters to Waters

The Rushing of Waters to Waters

The Rushing of Waters to Waters and·he-shall-become, separating between waters to·waters. Here you have a physical reality and a spiritual reality. Waters is an idiomatic expression for the spiritual nature. I have been reading another bloggers post for over a year now. You may know him, The Rural Iowegian. He has been on a journey, a struggle of trying to over come cancer, he has shared his journey through blogging.

But his battle with cancer has come to a cross roads. His journey makes one think, it could happen to anyone of us. Life can change so fast and leave one with so many questions. It got me to thinking about life and death.

The Rushing of Waters to Waters

By the time we are 5 we become isolate to one thought, those of our fathers who have gone before us.  We become seen in life to the ones standing in front of us, to be judged in their fires.   To help us to cleanse the flectional thoughts we have picked up in life from those around us.  We isolate some thoughts and pick up flectional thoughts swirling just outside the corners of our eyes, like the water swirling in circles at the bottom of the water falls.

Those thoughts bend in the wind into any shape that is pleasing to the eye.  We allow ourselves to become malleable to the thoughts of others standings and too often bow to them for the bulk of our lives.

The Rushing of Waters to Waters

These thoughts in turn can lead to fear, fear of the unknown. Fear of sticking with your own beliefs, because of the pressures of those around us to to conform to their ideas. All these different thoughts can pull you into so many different directions that one can lose sight of the narrow gate that leads to the light at the end of the tunnel.

When I am standing by a waterfall, I can only hear the rushing of the water heading to its final destination. It pushes all the other noise away, so I can see the destination, the beautiful ocean of water where time stands still for but a moment and everything makes sense for awhile. My place of tranquility, where I can draw on the peace and quiet solitude within the Freedom of my Heart. Where the thought of Death does not bind me to the ways of the world.

Thank you Mark, for sharing your journey.

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Daryl Madden

by Sandra J

The Smallest of Those

The Smallest of Those

The Smallest of Those, creation. The smallest birds in my back yard, yet they survived the winter and the cold temps. Amazing how they are able to do this without a winters coat or boots on their little feet. Survival instinct, migration, what can we see and learn from the smallest around us?

The Smallest of Those

There are a few theories about how birds find their way between their seasonal homes, and there are still some mysteries surrounding how exactly their honing systems work.

For many birds, however, migration is an instinct, a journey their bodies are prepared to take when the time comes. No fear, it is written. They always find their way back home. Amazing indeed.

The Smallest of Those
The Smallest of Those

The least of you will become a thousand, and the smallest a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.”

Have a Wonderful Weekend

The Smallest of Those

by Sandra J

The Art of Cold Weather

The Art of Cold Weather

The Art of Cold Weather, What do you think this might be? To me it looks like a topographical map. Looking at a mountain range from the air in the winter. It almost has a 3 dimensional look to it. Video below.

The Art of Cold Weather

It is the frost on my windshield this morning. Single digit temperatures can create quite the art pattern on glass. I have never seen anything like it.

The Art of Cold Weather

The Power of the Sun

Creation is so beautiful in its simplest form. From the smallest things like the sun melting the frost from the side of my car. There seems to be a lot of chaos going on around the world. But if you can relax in the thought of the Father, you don’t worry so much about what man is doing without the Father.

I can see Stability more and more with Him, then without Him. Stability to me means no fear, it gives us the power to stand strong within our faith. Stability is often used to describe structures that won’t collapse or fall down. 💕

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

The Art of Cold Weather

by Sandra J

Beauty of Feathers and Fur

Beauty of Feathers and Fur

Beauty of Feathers and Fur, There are so many beautiful colors in nature from furry animals to the birds and their feathers. Nature is where I find peace and quiet, where there is unity amongst creation. Where we can witness wildlife going about their business, foraging for food, finding shelter and surviving with the instincts that are given to them.

Beauty of Feathers and Fur

Everything we see has a purpose, every cell, feather, hair, fur. Every tiny little detail is put into place for a purpose. When I look at all of this up close, I am in awe at what I see. Creation, you and I and everything around us. We are to live, love and take care of one another.

Beauty of Feathers and Fur

The human race has lost site of this to me. Here in this country, they are trying to divide, to bully people into making a choice. Through media, and peoples opinions of which side is better to be on. Fur or Feathers, which one do you choose? Doesn’t this sound familiar, from the beginning of time man thinks we should make a choice between those who want power and the only One who has power.

Creation never becomes greater than the Creator. You cannot create something out of nothing. But if you believe it, therein lies the gods of men and the fear that binds you to the world around you. The world and its religions only teach you half-truths because they know that no one will question their authority. 

 For me I have made a choice, I made my choice many years ago, the day my eyes and my heart were opened. There is no fear for me in my choice, there is no bulling or degrading. Or making me feel less of a person. Freedom exist in our hearts not our minds.

Beauty of Feathers and Fur

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Beauty of Feathers and Fur

by Sandra J