The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before the Storm or is it the storm before the calm. I guess it goes both ways. A couple days ago I showed you Lake Superior on a windy day, storm waters stirring up the clay and dirt making this huge lake look more brown than blue. (video below)

The Calm Before the Storm

So this is kind of like the Glass half empty or is it half full kind of day. I like to think of life as half full. I go in search of the calm after the storm. I look for this calmness in nature, in creation.

Where these photos below are the same lake as above, but today the water is a beautiful blue, gently waves coming across the lake in a relaxing sound as I sit here next to the waters edge.

The Calm Before the Storm

I guess I have finally crossed that barrier in time, time meaning life. I do not go by the time man created, the ticking of the clock. But, by the life that is given to us. One life, that started way over there on the horizon and flows across to where I am standing now in the present.

So as I stand here looking at the vastness of this view in front of me, as if it represents the length of this journey of life for me. It brings a smile to my face, sure there were lots, I mean lots, of bumps and bruises to get to here. But after crossing that barrier, those thoughts fade away like the clouds in the distance.

Water, is like our spirits, our nature, it never stops moving. It gives life, it is life. I will continue to live life in the moment, for we do not know what tomorrow will bring. But what I do know is, the Spirit is returning unto the Father who He gave Her

Creation gives water to all that thirst.

The Calm Before the Storm

by Sandra J

37 Replies to “The Calm Before the Storm”

  1. L’acqua è vita! Noi nasciamo dopo essere stati immersi nell’acqua.
    Io mi incanto a guardare il ruscello che scorre vicino la mia casa.
    Questo lago è stupendo.

  2. Beautiful photos and video, Sandra. Thank you. Nature always returns to a “settled down” calm order and natural beauty after a stirring storm. This gives us hope that our lives can also return to a natural “calm and order” position of the same after the storms of life. It is why we must retain our faith while in the storm and “keep our head” so to speak while dealing with it. The sun will always shine again.

    I like the poetic manner in which you have expressed the two sides of your life represented by the two shores of the great lake. Many people can relate to this. By looking at your simple but extremely profound post with illustrative photos, we can gain greater insight into the heart and intent of the Creator in that God always gives us hope regardless of circumstances that, according to our faith, we will regain the calm after the storm that we had before it, and in the process learn lessons we may never have had the opportunity to learn otherwise.

    Blessings to you.

    1. Yes RJ, as I was standing at that lake and even now as I looked at the photo this morning again, I interpreted the view as a message, a lesson just as you described it. He is with each one of us through it all and we will come out of it with a better understanding and hope, with a clearer vision to carry us through what ever may come next. It is amazing how He does this everyday. Thank you RJ, for your thoughts and words that add hope and truth for myself and anyone else that may read your words as well.

  3. Beautiful photos. Water can represent the circle of life–changing forms and locations, but always somewhere in one form or another.

  4. I love this article/story. I keep a “wash up with yourself on the shore cleaned after the storm has broken” sentiment in hard times where I proceed with rest and subtle actions, no hard pushes. The transformation of the water from ruddy to blue and back is a wonderful metaphor. Reminds me of, “How do you clear cloudy and muddy water? You stop stirring it.” Thanks for the post.

  5. That’s one unbelievably beautiful shade of blue. Most definitely the glass is half full… actually brimming. 🙂

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