Fish River Alabama, we actually were able to see this beautiful sunset along the fish river here in Alabama. Along with a short video to bring the photos to life. Have a wonderful day.
Unusual Critters I have seen this week. I was walking across a board walk early in the morning when this snail was slowly making its way across the path. What a strange little creature this is and such a long journey it must be for them when they move. Being it is at such a snails pace. 🙂
The next morning I went out onto the beach when it was still very dark outside. I had my flashlight with and in front of me I could see things moving very fast in the shadows of the soft light. One such creature stopped when my light shined on it. So I took a quick photo of this crab, another strange looking creature of the seas. Creation never ceases to amaze.
A Touch of Green and the sounds of spring await us as the earth awakens to new life after a long winter.
I love seeing things turn green this time of year, spring is such an encouraging month as the flowers emerge from the ground or ponds like these lilies.
The dried grasses in the fields return to their lush green colors, full of life for all.
Nothing says spring more than hearing the sounds of the Red Winged Black Birds.
A Beam of Light like no other. When there are clouds at sunrise you will probably witness sun beams like these as if a giant flashlight has been turned on to wake up the world and bring everything to life.
Train Tracks Moving up and down as this train passed us at a crossing. I have never noticed this happening before. We were parked at the crosswalk as this train went by and it was a very long train, so we were looking at the tracks right in front of us and that is when I noticed them moving up and down.
I don’t know if that is normal or not. I would assume there has to be some movement from the weight of the train. Fascinating things we see when we stop and look really close at what is in front of us. 🙂
External Light Source for small subjects. Someone asked awhile ago about using separate light source in dark areas, like in the forest. So I went out into the woods and found these pine cones to photograph for an example.
This first shot is natural light in the forest that works fine, but you might have to increase your ISO a lot to get the proper exposure.
But for this photo below, I used an external light source because I wanted to bring out more of the detail on the pine cone. Which is much easier to do with directional light that I add to a subject. My source of light is a small flashlight. I always carry one with me just for this type of photo.
If my light is to bright for the subject I will put something in front of my flashlight like a piece of paper or plastic. What ever I have in my camera bag. There are all sorts of ways to change the softness of your light source.
I typically do not use the flash on my bridge camera, even though there are settings on it to make a softer light. It still tends to blow out the scene because the flash is mounted on top of the camera.
This is a fun way to change up your photos when taking shots of items in dark areas. Just remember to take a flash light with you on your outings.
This blue jay looks like he wants to hear what I have to say 🙂
Spring Time Out Doors, lots of birds and more fishing for the husband this week. Nest are being built and the migration of birds is underway. I will have more new birds coming up the next couple of weeks.
The Early Bird catches the worm, as the old saying goes. I am defiantly an early bird and sometimes I go out and about without brushing my hair either.
You can’t see the forest for the trees! It’s a widely known saying that is accepted by many as truth whether they are talking about issues in the workplace or about life in general. You-can’t-see-the-forest-for-the-trees means that we sometimes cannot see situations as they really are while we are in the midst of them.
The forest hold so many hidden gems. Tiny creatures to unusual leaves and trees.
I was walking past this tree that has all these gorgeous green leaves shinning in the morning light. So I stopped to take a photo as the green color was very eye catching.
I did not even see all these spots on the leaves until I looked at the photo later. They are not bugs, my guess is they are seeds for new life of some kind.
Nature Provides plenty of food for all species. Birds have a wonderful diet that includes some very healthy options
Fruit being at the top of the list, or at the top of the tree if you will. This Cedar Wax wing is enjoying some fresh mulberry’s to replenish its system after a long migration flight.
This beautiful Summer Tanager is eating some sort of bug, which I am happy about. There are always plenty of bugs that provide a great source of protein.
Along with some nuts and seeds for fiber, they are a great food source to keep the system running smoothly. This Brown Thrasher is enjoying his fill of these today.
Of course we cannot leave out the best choice of food for a lot of species, its fish. I have seen a lot of birds doing pretty good at fishing the last few weeks.
This Belted King Fisher is an expert fishermen when it comes to diving into the water to catch a tiny little fish like this one.
This gull picked up a fish floating on top of the water after a fishermen through it back in.
The Great Blue Heron loves fish. They can eat up to a pound of fish a day. We have helped them get their fill this month. When we catch small fish we will sometimes throw them to the herons who are always hanging about looking for a good meal.
Color of Springtime is the morning light. Clouds at sunrise filter the suns light to a golden hue. A warm color after a long winter to warm our minds and spirits.
It radiates light and heat, which makes it possible for life to exist on Earth. Plants need sunlight to grow. Animals, including humans, need plants for food and the oxygen they produce. Without heat from the sun, Earth would freeze. A true metaphor to life. 🙂
Coolest Cat at the Campground, most campgrounds we go to have stray cats running around and kind folks feed them. I saw this one and had to take his picture, what a face. So cute.
Come to find out this particular cat is not a stray, he belongs to a gentlemen that works at the park. So I asked him if I could take his photo and make a painting for him. He said he would love one.
The first two are the photo I took and then the paintings below. This cat is 3 years old and so fluffy. His body fur is brownish but that face is quite something.
So now I am taking photos of all the stray cats when I can like this one below. This campground does catch each one and takes them to the vet to be spade or neutered. Which is a good thing.
Spring Has Sprung in some parts of the world. Down south we had a couple of good rains with warmer temperatures and that is all it took for the wild flowers to emerge from the earth.
Purple being my favorite color is the first thing I saw this week with these dainty little flowers here. Don’t forget to print some of your own photos if you take them to hang on your walls to enjoy every day. I do, I change my photos in my frames every month.
New Pet Portraits, I have been busy creating some fun custom pet portraits the last couple of weeks and I always have to do a couple of my own cat and dogs as well.
My cat and her crazy eyes I like to call them. She is a tuff one to photograph because she usually doesn’t want to sit still.
This ones name is Kit Kit
This is Chloee
This one is my little dog Deohgee or DOG for short, remember her name is not the word dog, you say each letter and that is her name. 🙂 She is 15 years old this year.
This one is a dog called Good Boy Chevy from a You Tube channel that I know
This is a cute little dog named Max, with some bottom teeth that stick out like that all the time. But he is still cute.
This is a stray cat at the campground.
Well, these are not pets of course. But I made them for my web site under the wildlife category.
William Bartram Trail, another park we stopped at not far from Savannah GA, a wonderful place to walk and see all the cool trees and some historical areas though out the forest. Old homestead grounds. We like visiting places like this. I enjoy reading all about the history of places now, never cared for it much back in school.
The trees are a piece of art even when they are blown over laying on the ground like this one.
I like this first photo painting, it was pretty far away so I had to crop a lot of the photo out so you could see the ship closer. It looks like I am standing right in front of it. But there is a curve in the river and eventually it goes right by us.
This ship below I could not find much information about it except they call it a general cargo ship. It was coming up behind the container ship.
And this guy was behind all of them. Making head way as it caught up to the other two as we were leaving.
Lots of Containers, they make for a cool looking photo up close. That would make a great puzzle to put together.
We did a day trip to Tybee Island and on the way back I saw this container ship traveling back the way we came. So I checked the map and found a place we could drive right up to the waters edge and made it there just as the ship was about to pass by.
Light House Photography, Well we made it to Georgia and made our way to a place called Tybee Island where I photographed my first Light House. It was in a perfect location not far from the beach.
I definitely would like to find more of these to photograph. There is so much you can do with the photo, they make excellent paintings and look good as black and white as well.
Now I learned how to make the light flash on my photo, as I am writing this we will see if it works when it is posted. Oh, and now we have seen the Atlantic Ocean. 🙂
Hidden in the Forest of trees is where you will find the secret life of the spiders. Not to be seen in the bright of the day, but in the early morning light with a touch of dew all around. Their cobwebs are shinning like a beautiful tapestry of art work that catches anything that tries to pass by.
The Horse of Course, the Paint Horse. A horse of a breed that combines the conformational characteristics of a western stock horse with a pinto spotting pattern of white and dark coat colors.
My family raised pinto horses when I was young. We had a lot of them. I was given my very own horse at the age of 12. Let me tell you, those days with my very own horse were the best days of my young life.
I did not have time for shopping, boys or anything else really. It was just me and my horse riding the trails for hours on end. I guess that is where I get my love for the outdoors and animals as well.
Back in the day when the weekends would roll around, our mother gave me two choices. I either help clean the house or go shovel manure in the barn. I spent all day out in that barn. 🙂
Pet Portraits, I have been busy making pet portraits for the folks that are camping near us and thought I would share a couple of them.
These are photos that folks have taken with their phones and text them to me. I then edit the photos and use several techniques to turn them into paintings. Now there was a few photos people sent to me that I just could not fix. Those photos that are way out of focus don’t work to well. But for the most part I can work with a lot of them.
This cat below is our cat. What a difference it makes in a photo depending on if the cats eyes are dilated or not.
Check out the link below if you would like me to make a portrait of your pet. It is simple as sending me a photo from your phone and I will do my best to make a painting for you. 🙂
Kootenai Falls Swinging Bridge, now this is the one place I took a few photos as we visited this beautiful river. I have walked across a few swinging bridges, but nothing like this one.
I have to admit , I could not do it. I could not walk across this one. With the rushing water below and the movement of the bridge under my feet. My heart started racing right away. My head was spinning.
I have had vertigo in the past and I had a tumor taken out of my head that was pressing on the nerves that control ones balance. So nope, I could not walk more than a couple of feet and I went back.
It is quite the bridge, but I will have to stay on this side of the river on this one.
The bridge was originally created to help the forest service get across to fight fires. But now it is a tourist attraction and a good challenge for anyone like my self.
Well, this is all from our trip out west. When we left here we pretty much traveled straight home without a lot of sight seeing. It did take us 5 days to get home, but it sure was a trip to remember.
We drove over 8000 miles in 8 months, give or take. We were home for 4 months and are now on the road again. I just don’t want to shovel snow again. 🙂
Vehicle Chain Up Area, never a shortage of these signs out in the NW. Snow and ice on the mountain roads.
Which reminds me of a story when I was driving semi back in the day. I was actually driving in southern Montana and of course I ran into some bad weather as I was starting to go down a steep grade. I was already in a low gear and started to descend at a slow pace.
But a semi farther ahead of me was going slower and slower, his break lights finally came on. Luckily I was going slow enough as I was getting closer to him and the road was all ice.
He got on the CB, ( do they even have CB’s anymore?:), he called out he lost his gear and was having to down shift and start over. That is never a good thing on a steep grade with ice.
I was able to go around him and never did see in my mirror if he started moving again. I can only imagine he did.
I truly appreciate all the truck drivers out there. It is a hard job but it was fun as well. I am glad I did it for a couple of years. The strange thing about this entire experience for me is that my father was a truck driver. I had only met my dad once when I was about 5 years old and never saw him again. He had pulled up in front of our house in a semi. Funny that I always wanted to drive one and I got the chance to do it for awhile. 🙂
Here is the video for a previous post I did on that Historic Brookport bridge that goes across the Ohio River, It is over 5000 feet long and only 19 feet wide. I made a video of us crossing it. Link to Brookport Bridge Here;
Kootenai Campground Montana, we were in Montana last June. This is basically the end of our trip from last winter. My brother and his wife live here and we stayed at this campground while we were visiting.
I actually did not take a lot of photos while visiting because we spent a lot of time just hanging out together and catching up on old times. We did go sight seeing, but sometimes spending time with family is more important then taking photos for me.
Yesterday a reader commented on the eagle photo. Mentioning that the bird in this photo below looks like an osprey instead of an eagle. So I thought I would share today a photo of each bird to show the differences between these magnificent birds.
I cropped the photo so we could have a closer look. From a distance the two birds can look similar and hard to identify for sure. But, the 3 things I look for are the color of the feet, the size of the beak and then the body size.
The osprey beak is much smaller and thinner, plus the osprey has a definite color difference with the one stipe that leads away from the eyes.
With body size, even a young eagle is quite a bit larger than an adult osprey.
Both birds are beautiful and majestic in their own ways. A sight to see in nature for sure.
I did find a few small flowers blooming here and there. I tell you, I am ready to see more flowers now. Spring time is always so uplifting as the grass starts to grow and the colorful flowers replace all the brown of the long winter months.