63 Replies to “A Colorful Winters Day”

  1. Beautiful photos Sandra. The birds are even more stunning close-up then simply flying by. How lucky you are to observe them so up close and personal.

  2. Very colourful. We have some finches in the UK at our feeders. Our woodpeckers are also colourful and our Jay only has a bit of blue, but it’s quite striking. Lovely photos, well captured.

  3. Such colorful birds! I remember having difficulty identifying a particular bird one winter, only to discover it was a goldfinch wearing his less than bright yellow feathers! I thought they left every winter, but no, they simply went drab to avoid predators during the non-breeding season. Just like us, we change coats for the change of season πŸ™‚ Can’t wait for the snow!

    1. Thank you Mary, yes, isn’t it something how they change to just a plain color. Amazing, and here the rabbits turn white in the winter where as they are brown all summer. πŸ™‚

  4. Thank you Sandra for these great shots. Nature is often all around us but we do not see it as we could. Your pictures do that for us. They reveal the beauty and the color and the life. If anyone ever wants to study the composition of color, what colors go together and what combinations work, one could simply look at these birds. The Creator has painted them perfectly. Blessings to you.

    1. That one is a Red Bellied Woodpecker. They are so easy to see with that bright red head, and their bellies are just a touch of red/orange. πŸ™‚

  5. Beautiful images Sandra. The colour is so believable and there’s a softness to your images which gives a kind of ethereal look. Love them.

  6. The third bird is new. So beautiful. They are all beautiful in fact. Models for your skillful camera.

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