The Geese are Back on the River

The Geese are Back on the River

The Geese are Back on the River, I like watching the geese landing on water, just like the Pelicans, they use those large webbed feet to skid across the water as if they are sliding into home every time.

The Geese are Back on the River

This group was flying low and coming right at me. They swooped up just as they got close. I think it was looking right at me.

The Geese are Back on the River

This one was flying over a little ice on the water, amazing how they can just touch the water with the wing tips at times.

The Geese are Back on the River 
goose flying over ice

Now this one, I am going to guess it is a snow goose, but it may be a pet to someone. It was in a field by some grain bins. It looks a little plump for those small wings. Eating a tad to much corn maybe.

white goose

by Sandra J

31 Replies to “The Geese are Back on the River”

  1. I love to watch the geese come in for a landing. They are always loud with their honking, then make that skid and splash, then seem to regroup in a matter of seconds. I don’t see the ducks flying overhead in flocks like that, just by themselves mostly. I’ve never seen a snow goose so nice to see your close-up of it. Yes, a little too much corn and not enough walking, er waddling around.

      1. Yes, I always marvel at them coming in for a landing. Elizabeth Park always has a lot of geese coming in for a landing – I looked at my photos today. There were more than I captured, but they soon spread out on the surface of the water – I was amazed how many there were.

  2. Great pictures! In the first one they look like they are water skiing. Why do I think they would be much better at that water sport than most humans myself included.

    1. I am going to say all birds are flying poop machines, you should see our cars in the late summer when berries are out. We have purple poop on the cars. 🙂

      1. They really had big hatches this year. Come next spring a lot of them will settle in the lake about a half mile away. I just hope they don’t reunite in our field.

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