Tag: spirit

Taking the Back Roads

Taking the Back Roads

Taking the Back Roads – Sometimes life takes us down back roads, for me, back roads are my way of life. They can take us on adventures we may have missed if we only take the roads everyone else travels on.

Taking the Back Roads

When we’re traveling down those back roads we can experience some of life’s greatest lessons and blessings.

See things that God intended for us to see. Things we might not have seen otherwise. Sure the Interstate that everyone else is taking looks much easier. It is faster and predictable. But those on the Interstate will experience the same thing that everyone else is.

They will not see the beauty that you see. They will not have a story to tell.

Taking the Back Roads

The excitement of taking the road less travelled resembles taking that narrow path that will lead us home.

Taking the Back Roads

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

The Great Awakening

Real Christianity

Flower Garden

Flower Garden

Flower Garden – Well I planted lots of flowers two months ago and they are in full bloom. So many wonderful colors and I am happy to say the hummingbirds are still here. They appear to be having a blast going to all the flowers and chasing each other.

I have two flower gardens that way the hummingbirds have plenty of room to check out all the flowers.

Flower Garden Finally Blooming
Flower Garden Finally Blooming
Flower Garden Finally Blooming

Flower Garden Finally Blooming

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Sweet Color of Sunlight – Out of all of the colors, Yellow is the most noticeable to human eyes. This color is said to aid in analytical thinking. It also brings up feelings of happiness and optimism in those who see it.

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Though too much yellow at one time can actually lead to annoyance and agitation from viewers and may also make you visually fatigued. Who knew one color held so much power!

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Have a wonderful weekend.

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

In the Arms of an Angel

In the Arms of an Angel

In the Arms of an Angel, this photo reminded me of this song by Sarah Mclachian.

In the arms of an Angel, fly away from here, From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie You’re in the arms of an Angel; may you find some comfort here

In the Arms of an Angel

I have shared some poems in the past, written by a very talented writer named Daryl Madden. He has a blog page here on word press where he writes the most beautiful poems inspired by other folks post. I treasure the words he writes when he chooses one of my post to create a poem with. https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/23196989

I then like to add his words to one of my videos. The result is below or click this link here; IF I

Poem - IF I - by Sandra J's Photography ASMR Cloud Time Lapse with An Osprey Bird in its Nest
Sarah McLachlan - In the arms of an angel

In the Arms of an Angel

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Birds Eye View

Birds Eye View

Birds Eye View, birds and fishing go hand in hand. Husband fishes and I photograph the birds coming around for a free meal. This blue heron was looking right at me as I took this photo. It is such a fun photo to have a bird look directly at the camera I think.

Birds Eye View
Birds Eye View

Birds Eye View

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts


Book a Photo Painting Here; https://sandrajsphotographyfinearts.zenfoliosite.com/book

Symmetry in Nature

Symmetry in Nature

Symmetry in Nature involves parts that are similar or balanced in some way.

When you look closely at a birds wings, one would be in awe as I am to see the symmetrical design of each feather and how it all fits together. It is truly a piece of art created with a purpose, each and every feather.

Symmetry in Nature

Perfection by the hand of our Creator

Symmetry in Nature

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts


You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand, Legend of the Sand Dollar

Sand dollars are actually burrowing sea urchins. When they wash up on the beach and are bleached by the sun, they look like a large silver coin, hence the moniker.

legend about these creatures says they represent the story of Christ:

You Find it in the Sand

On the top of the shell is a symbol that looks like a star, a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem that led wise men to the Christ Child. Around the star is an outline of an Easter lily, a reminder of the Lord’s resurrection.

You Find it in the Sand

There are five holes in a sand dollar – four around the ends of the star and one in the center. According to the religious legend, the four holes represent the four wounds of Christ when his hands and feet were nailed to the cross. The center hole represents the wound made from a soldier’s spear.

When you turn over the sand dollar, you see the outline of a poinsettia, the Christmas flower. And if you break open a sand dollar, five dove-shaped pieces emerge. Doves are often used in art and literature as a symbol of peace and goodwill.

Now you know the legend of the sand dollar, a story of hope and peace. See if you can find one on your next visit to Alabama beaches.

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our house to yours.

 May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Sandra J

The Older I Get

The Older I Get

I heard this song the other day by Alan Jackson, I found the lyrics to be very fitting.

The older I get
The more I think
You only get a minute, better live while you’re in it
‘Cause it’s gone in a blink
And the older I get
The truer it is
It’s the people you love, not the money and stuff
That makes you rich (video below)The Older I Get Video Here

The Older I Get

The older I get
The longer I pray
I don’t know why, I guess that I’ve
Got more to say
And the older I get
The more thankful I feel
For the life I’ve had and all the life I’m living still

AGING - Video/Photo credit to Sydney Whitling Chowins

The Older I Get

Sandra J

Difference Between Bill & Beak

Difference Between Bill & Beak

Difference Between Bill & Beak – Not a thing—the words are synonymous. Ornithologists tend to use the word “bill” more often than “beak.” Some people use “beak” when referring to songbirds with pointed bills, and “bill” when discussing birds like ducks with more fleshy beaks. However, both words are used in reference to a wide variety of species.

Difference Between Bill & Beak

They do serve an important purpose for each species from;

  • short thin bills for insect eaters,
  • short thick bills for seed eaters,
  • long thin bills can be for probing flowers for nectar or probing soft mud for worms and shellfish,
  • strong hooked bills for tearing meat.

Or they can be used to just goose the bird in front to get off the post.

Difference Between Bill & Beak
Difference Between Bill & Beak
Difference Between Bill & Beak

Difference Between Bill & Beak

Sandra J

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Trees of the South – Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.

I do love photographing and studying trees. They are designed with a purpose and each one is so unique.


Trees of the South


Trees of the South

New Mexico

Trees of the South

Big Bend Texas

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Sandra J

An Incredible Journey

An Incredible Journey

An Incredible Journey is the flight of the Monarch Butterfly. Each fall, North American monarchs travel from their summer breeding grounds to overwintering locations. East of the Rocky Mountains, monarchs travel up to an astonishing 3,000 miles to central Mexico, whereas the shorter migration west of the Rockies is to the California coast. 

An Incredible Journey

Decreasing day length and temperatures, along with aging milkweed and fewer nectar sources trigger a change in monarchs; this change signifies the beginning of the migratory generation. 

Similar to the Hummingbird as I mentioned last week. Amazing how these tiny little creatures both travel farther then most giant birds.

Orientation is not well understood in insects. In monarchs, orientation is especially mysterious. How do millions of monarchs start their southbound journey from all over eastern and central North America and end up in a very small area in the mountains of central Mexico?

An Incredible Journey

 From across the eastern U.S. and southern Canada, monarchs funnel toward Mexico. Along the way, they find refuge in stopover sites with abundant nectar sources and shelter from harsh weather. Upon reaching their destination in central Mexico beginning in early November.

Scientist say they do not learn the route from their parents since only about every fourth to fifth generation of North American monarch migrates. Therefore, it is certain that monarchs rely on their instincts rather than learning to find overwintering sites.

What kind of instincts might they rely on? Other animals use celestial cues like the sun, moon, or stars), the earth’s magnetic field, landmarks, mountain ranges or bodies of water.

Of these, the first two are considered to be the most likely cues that monarchs use, and consequently have been studied the most.

So when I see a monarch like this one who just stopped by my yard for one day, I imagine the incredible journey this little one is on. They have no worries about anything except survival, getting to their destination and continuing life as is written.

An Incredible Journey

Sandra J

When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come and the land is dark. The moon is the only light we will see. No I won’t be afraid, just as long as you stand by me.

I love these lyrics to the song stand by me by Ben King, video and music below.

Photos have a way of speaking to each one of us in a different way. That is the beauty of photography and one does not have to be a professional photographer for this to happen.

When the Night Has Come

They provoke a feeling, a memory and a change in our spirit I believe. When I looked at these silhouettes of the hummingbird the song Stand by Me came to mind right away.

When the Night Has Come

It was late in the evening as I was watching these two hummingbirds dancing around me, but the feeling did not arise until I saw this photo as if it is saying stand by me and I won’t be afraid.

For in the dark of the night, I know His presence, as He stands by me in the window pains of my heart.

YouTube player

When the Night Has Come

Sandra J

August and Golden Colors

August and Golden Colors

August and Golden Colors, after a hot summer I always look forward to the golden hues of fall. Now technically autumn doesn’t start until September 22nd. But warm colors of gold, yellow and browns are pleasing to the eye and warms the heart.

August and Golden Colors
August and Golden Colors

Have a wonderful weekend.

August and Golden Colors

Sandra J

Its the Simple Things

Its the Simple Things

Its the Simple Things that make me smile the most. Like this first photo, I did not have the camera prepared for this shot, but this little hummingbird showed up out of the blue and I just clicked away. Capturing a bit of light illuminating its beautiful colors.

Life can be a long bumpy road at times, but a journey worth taking, as it is a gift. The idea that any of us are here at all is worth thinking about. The true miracle of birth is something that I think about often, for I have never had children of my own. But, when you stop and remember how we are even here, that we all started from a tiny little cell.

(Video Below; A Moment in Time)

Its the Simple Things

That everything around us started from something so small, microscopic in some cases, birds, flowers.

Yet as a gift, we only have it for a short time. What we do with this gift is a journey we are all on.

So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

Its the Simple Things

Thank you to Garfieldhugs blog, someone who makes me and others smile with the simple things in life.

Life is but a Moment in Time

Desert Clouds Time Lapse, A Moment in Time

Its the Simple Things

Sandra J

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas, this area of Texas is our first look at the vastness of the south west. A terrain that is so different than anything I have ever seen.

Here is a video of the Pecos river and all the goats; Sometimes my videos go on after I make the post but I will add the link the next day. Wild Goats on the Pecos River

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

It is a place that has changed over the years, where people used to live and provide for themselves and others. When water was flowing high in the Pecos River.

seminole canyon

As we were standing at the bottom of the canyon, I looked up and squinted as I tried to see what these 4 rock type things are. So I zoomed in on them with my camera and it appears to be cement braces trying to hold up the two giant rocks on the side of this cliff.

My main thought is, how did they get those up there. Hmmmm, 🙂

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas
Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Sandra J

End May With a New Bird Count

End May With a New Bird Count

End May With a New Bird Count, 142 birds photographed. Remember, there are over 900 birds species in North America. So I have a long ways to go.

This first new bird to my eyes is the Western Tanager. What a bright colored bird, orange and yellows. We were camped at a small campground and I went for a walk and saw all these bright colored birds. I went over to the fence where they were all flying about to see what was attracting them all to this area and come to find out the owner had taken the honey comb trays out of his bee hives and these birds were loving that.

Next is the Bullocks Oriole, it was getting in on the action of the honey as well.

End May With a New Bird Count

End May With a New Bird Count

Sandra J

From the Mountains of No Names

From the Mountains of No Names

From the Mountains of No Names comes faith as small as a mustard seed, where nothing is impossible.

I have lived in the mid west my entire life and never ventured west until this year. I have always wanted to see the mountains and it is truly a sight to behold. To be able to climb to the highest peak that I can climb to and then look out over this vast landscape for miles and miles.

Not only is it breathtaking but it makes me see how small we really are, like standing next to the ocean. Areas that are bigger than my imagination and more beautiful then I could ever dream of. Creation is truly a gift.

The mountains started in southern Texas, below we climbed to the top of Franklyn Mountains in El Paso Texas.

From the Mountains of No Names

This photo below is Seminole Canyon in Texas, taken with the drone looking at the Rio Grande river which is very low water levels. We have noticed the lack of water all through out the south.

Below is the wide open spaces of Arizona, BLM land, that is our camper in the photo. BLM land is free to camp on. You just find an empty spot and stay there up to 14 days. The dust was blowing here all the time.

From the Mountains of No Names

Utah is amazing, the red rocks and canyons are amazing to see. This photo below is Zion National Park, it was taken with the drone outside of the park. Looking west. It is quite something how on top of the mountains it looks flat almost everywhere.

From the Mountains of No Names

This mountains range below and valley is quite the place. Its location speaks of much history on how folks lived back in the day. It is called Spring Valley in eastern Nevada, it is full of natural springs all along the valley. The water is flowing even now as we visited this place.

The green valley floods with the monsoon rains in the spring and summer and many many years ago, people lived along the valley and all this water would freeze in the winter. Cutting ice out of the frozen water was a way to make a living here. I will have more information on these places as I get to them individually.

Another mountain in Nevada below, we drove to the top of this one which was nearly 10,000 ft elevation. It is quite the road to get to the top. There is snow up there and you definitely want 4 wheel drive going up this back country road. But what a view from the top.

We continue our travels north, thank you so much for following along. I appreciate all your wonderful comments you leave on these post and enjoy being able to talk to each and everyone of you when I can. The internet is not always the best in some of these places we have been to. But thank you very much, I appreciate it. Have a wonderful day.

From the Mountains of No Names

Sandra J

What I Have Learned

What I Have Learned

What I Have Learned, This trip we are on has shown me a world I knew existed but was afraid to walk into. Traveling away from the physical world that I grew up in, has made me realize that my safety net is not where I am but knowing I am in His world where ever I am.

What I Have Learned
What I Have Learned

Natures Symphony Video

What I Have Learned

by Sandra J

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life, as winter disappears and the spring rains start to come back to quench the thirst of this earth. Those standing alone who thirst for this water of life will come back to life in full beauty, that which is given to everything under the Sun as is designed.

Video of Black Swans in a Pond Below or click Here, Swans

Water Gives Life

And the earth she became chaos and vacancy and darkness over the surfaces of the abyss.

And the
Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters.

Waters is an idiomatic expression for our spiritual nature

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life, Nature/Creation speaks to us everyday.

He gives us life in the Garden of Trees

The One who moves over the face of waters In the Garden of Trees

Will never destroy us.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of the Father, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Black Swans to Music, Nature at its Best #shorts

Water Gives Life

by Sandra J

Look at Everything

Look at Everything

“Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time:

Look at Everything

The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.

Look at Everything

Look at Everything

Sandra J

In the Still of the Night

In the Still of the Night

In the Still of the Night

Another King will leave traveling North back into the Mountains of no name to be with His Father. He leaves with Duty, Purpose, Honor and Courage. For you see he wears many faces, a Soldier a father a King.  And then, in the still of the night, when the Light is low in the heavens. Look up son, for I will call your name and you will return to Me. To stand with those who went before you. To rest in Me for eternity. 

In the Still of the Night

  Peace be with you Mark, I will forever remember the day I found your post with the simple words that caught my eyes.  The Rural Iowegian.  💕  There is no fear in the walls of faith.

In the Still of the Night

I started reading Marks post (the Rural Iowegian), back in 2019. He struggled with cancer for 509 days and recently went home to be with our Father. May he rest in peace for evermore.

In the Still of the Night

by Sandra J

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight (Light)

Being in the sun generally makes people feel good, and there are many scientific reasons for this effect. I can attest to this theory. I worked in a factory most of my life, inside of 4 walls and no windows. But when I wasn’t at work I was outside, which works well with me being a photographer.

Take for example the two photos below, when I look at the first photo I see an ok picture, nothing to get excited over, for me.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

But look at the difference when the clouds started to clear up and the warm sun light started to bring the world around me to life. This is what excites me when I am out wandering in nature. It immediately gives me a warm feeling and lightens my mood.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Some of the effects of being in the sun is exposure to UVB rays, which causes human skin to produce beta-endorphins, which are hormones that reduce pain. Their other benefits include:

  • promoting a sensation of well-being and improving mood
  • boosting the immune system
  • relieving pain
  • promoting relaxation
  • helping wounds heal
  • helping people feel more alert
  • reducing depression

Makes One wonder if we were not designed that way.

Darkness is always the antithesis of light Freedom Comes From the Light that is placed in our heart

I am born again in the word, nobody taught me except the voice of the Creator within me.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Let your dreams dance on the windowpanes of your Heart in the never-ending Light

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Health Benefits of Sunlight (Light)

by Sandra J

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us – Tranquility does exist.  Off the beaten path, taking the road less traveled and returning to creation.  That is us down there on the left side of the photo. Husband takes care of the photos from above as I photograph from below.

A way to show any one that happens to see these photos that the beauty of creation still exist.

Looking Down at Us

I am the One who gave you hands to use your talents to create life around you.

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us

by Sandra J

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us Simplicity, beauty, purpose. That is what I see when I am in nature surrounded by the beauty of creation.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.

Nature Speaks to Us
Nature Speaks to Us
Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us

by Sandra J

After the Rain

After the Rain

After the Rain here in the south the flowers come back to life even on the beaches. I want to say thank you to all of you that stop by to view my photos and read some of my words. I am not the best at writing but I have often said I like to let my photos speak for me. In a way that lets your imagination flow, a way for you to see a part of creation that is not always visible to all of us.

You may have noticed I have been posting photos from the southern states along the Gulf Coast for a few weeks now. Well, actually it has been since September. On September 30th 2021, I turned 60 years old and wanted to spend that day on the gulf coast which we did.

But, what I have not mentioned until now is that my husband and I have thought about this trip for some time now. We have been traveling for 5 months now and plan on skipping winter all together. I have always believed that life, for me, has never been on my timeline but on the creator’s timeline.

So this is the year that we are chasing 70 degree weather and so far it has been working out, is has been staying in the 70’s or less. The best part is not shoveling snow for the first time in my entire life.

Some may wonder how can one travel in times like this. It has always been my contention that the gaining of Knowledge cannot be decoupled from life experience which gives us a foundation of Wisdom. Simply put Common sense or the lack thereof of Common Sense determines one’s course or path in life.

Cognitive reasoning becomes distorted when we are given a daily dose of half truths to swallow in hopes of some redeeming value. Far to often in the realms of societal constraints imposed upon us, the daily rules and regulations, thousands of rules that regulate our everyday walk. We spend our waking hours in minute details of life.

The face of man kind is changing rapidly due to these effects. Society in large part has lost its bearings its common sense.

Opinions turn one into a thief to steal from others to maintain a feel good attitude.  A sense of superiority lording over others in a competitive spirit.


We can all have an opinion and facts have no basis in Reality because they don’t progress.  Truth lies in the opinion of the speaker and what he thinks. 

Progressions turn into distortions. We have lost respect for the construct of Creation and instead it becomes easier to explain life in what ever feels good at the time. Life becomes motionless at a standstill, you will decay, losing your bearings, your Nature in Creation.

If we leave our nature, the natural beauty that we are, we forget who we are and become someone else.

I see people creating life everyday around me. With their words and photos. Some will see the light some won’t that is just a fact of life. When your desire to live overrides what man told you on how to live. Your purpose in life might just be right in front of you. These are the thoughts that came to me by Creating my Vision.

After the Rain

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

After the Rain

by Sandra J

Reflections of Times Past

Reflections of Times Past

Reflections of Times Past We sometimes take Light for granted. It turns out that, with a bit of persuasion, Light would show us things we thought we would never see.  A beautiful reflection of you or me.

Reflections of Times Past
reflections on water
Reflections of Times Past
dock reflections
Reflections of Times Past

Reflections of Times Past

by Sandra J