The Best Show in Nature

The Best Show in Nature

The Best Show in Nature, a few weeks ago I was spending quite a few days down by the river, the water is really low, but that makes for great fishing for the Egrets. This has been such a thrill for me, I have never seen this many Egrets on the Mississippi River during all the years that I have lived here.

The Best Show in Nature

You really do have to be at the right place at the right time. They are passing through as they migrate south for the winter.

The water is low and the reflections are grand. As they catch fish to gain energy for their long trek south.

The Best Show in Nature

The birds may all look similar dressed in their finest white feathers, but everyday there is a new show from watching them stand as still as a statue.

To the elegance of landing with their long legs outstretched and every feather working as designed to guide the bird to its perch.

The Best Show in Nature

To the acrobatic flying in unison across the face of the water. I can’t even count how many hours I have been down at the river watching these birds dance and soar on mighty wings. They even have their toes pointed and wing tips up like professional dancers of the sky’s.

The Best Show in Nature

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

by Sandra J

49 Replies to “The Best Show in Nature”

  1. These are beautiful photos Sandra and I agree with you on the tranquil water and the stunning reflections of the egret. They are beautiful birds in flight or at rest. I saw two at the new sanctuary when I was there, but never saw them as close as you have them here.

    1. Thank you Linda, yes normally I only see them standing still. But with so many that landed here they are chasing each other for their territory rights. Pretty good fishing right now.

      1. I liked seeing them in flight and active too – I don’t see it much. I think the egrets I saw at the sanctuary were the first ones not on the ground. They were a pair. Your egrets’ reflections were so pretty Sandra.

  2. Way cool
    We don’t have the egrets here but i can sit and watch herons all day. I love it when they steel expensive fish out of peoples hoity toity ponds. If you don’t want to lose a two-hundred fish, Don’t put it wher the birds can get it.

    Laugh On

    1. Those ponds make for some easy fishing for the Herons, that would be awesome to have them come to my backyard if I had a pond. 🙂

  3. These are brilliant! As is all your photography. Apparently we have egrets in Wisconsin too. Who knew? I love your bird and nature photos so much I included a couple in my recent post. I remembered you graciously offered to let me use them, and the moment was just right. Thank you so very much!

    1. Thank you Mary, I appreciate it that you share these photos. Anytime Mary, yes I did not know we had Egrets in Iowa either. This is my first year seeing them. I must have always been in the wrong place.

      1. My pleasure, Sandra! I think perhaps egrets are simply more elusive than other birds. My bird watcher son saw one this past summer. They certainly are quite majestic. A migrating flock would be a awesome to observe 🙂

  4. How lucky you are to be able to see such an airshow. The picture on top is my favo but the pictures with the relections are also great.

  5. Sandra, those reflections are amazing – like a mirror image. That top photo with the two Egrets banking is absolutely wonderful.

    1. Thank you Don, the two flying together, the one was actually chasing the other one. They were sraping for territory. I have never seen them do that. It was amazing to see.

    1. Yes, there is just something about them. When they are flying, you really get to see the beauty of the wing spans.

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