Tag: birds

Change of Season with Birds

Change of Season with Birds

Change of Season with Birds, most of the time people notice the change of seasons to Autumn by the colors of the leaves and temperature. But this year is the first time I have noticed exactly when certain birds have left my area. Migration is a big thing in the spring and fall, especially for birders like my self.

These Red Winged black birds made their presence known all summer. They are very territorial and nested all around the pond here and two days ago they were all gone, just like that. Not one is here. The days are getting shorter by 1 minute a day. Birds sense this along with, weather, geography, food sources, day length, and other factors.

Change of Season with Birds

I had a pair of Robins that built a nest right by the cabin. They really enjoyed the bird bath I set out this year. Every day they were using the bath, especially on hot days. But, they are all gone now as well. Robins don’t mind the cold weather as much, they can handle that. They leave for warmer areas because of lack of food here in the colder months. Flocks of them arrive in Florida to spend the winters.

Change of Season with Birds

Yes, all the moths and butterfly’s are gone, along with my summer flowers not producing anymore. But the fall flowers are just starting up. A welcome sight, all the rich warm colors.

But, despite the birds telling us winter is coming soon. There are some exciting things that have returned since the summer birds have left. Take for example the Ravens, this one in particular I have named Edgar. Now he never left all summer, but he could not come visit as often as he would like because the Red Winged black birds would always chase him away. Now, he is back on his perch, high above the forest and comes and goes as he pleases.

Change of Season with Birds  raven

Migrating birds can cover thousands of miles in their annual travels, often traveling the same course year after year with little deviation. First-year birds often make their very first migration on their own. Somehow they can find their winter home despite never having seen it before, and return the following spring to where they were born.

Taking a journey that can stretch to a round-trip distance of several thousand miles is a dangerous and arduous undertaking. It is an effort that tests both the birds’ physical and mental capabilities. The physical stress of the trip, lack of adequate food supplies along the way, bad weather, and increased exposure to predators all add to the hazards of the journey.

To me, seeing what nature has to endure to get to the end results, speaks to me from that silent voice within us. We are on a similar path. The ups and downs, the long journey finding our way in this world. There will always be some hard times and ruff roads to travel and a lot of good things as well. But in the end we will find our way home, to where we were born. None of us die, we just go home.

Change of Season with Birds

by Sandra J

Update on the Tree Swallows

Update on the Tree Swallows

Update on the Tree Swallows, Well, I did not get any purple martins at my bird houses this year. But the pair of Tree Swallow birds are still here. I lowered the bird house last week and they have 5 eggs in their nest. So maybe there will be little ones flying around soon. The eggs have been there for quite awhile it seems like. But I have seen them coming in and out of that apartment in the house.

Update on the Tree Swallows
tree swallow
Update on the Tree Swallows

Now, they are called Tree Swallows, so I am assuming they should be nesting in trees, but I think they like being barn swallows and/or apartment dwellers.

Last week I had a surprise visitor at our back yard. A mother black bear and her yearling cub. I will be posting photos tomorrow and a video on You Tube, it was an amazing thing to see.

by Sandra J

Feathers From Heaven

Feathers From Heaven

Feathers From Heaven, I was reading a blog a few days ago by Wayne with Tofino Photography. He takes wonderful photos of wildlife, especially Eagles and he was talking about eagle feathers. To find a tail feather on the ground of an Eagle brings good luck.

I had mentioned to him that I have never picked up a feather of any kind. I never really looked for them or see that many. Well, I was sitting on my porch yesterday, just enjoying the beautiful weather, when all of a sudden this feather, this one feather floated down in front of me, ever so gentle, it floated down before me. Not one bird in sight above me.

I picked up this beautiful feather, amazed at the thought that I have never seen a feather fall from heaven. This one feather, one thought, expands my belief of what is possible.

Feathers From Heaven

A feather falling from heaven, is one we rarely see, but this one is quite different, for it is very special to me.

Feathers From Heaven
Feathers From Heaven

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Feathers From Heaven

by Sandra J

Edgar and Flicker

Edgar and Flicker

Edgar and Flicker, those sound like names of horses, but alas they are two birds who visit my backyard. My sister was here visiting a few weeks ago and The Raven came to say hello. I told her his name is Chuck, but she said he is definitely an Edgar, you know, Edgar Allan Poe. How do I know he is a raven, his beak is bigger and curvy, compared to a crow.

I said ok, he is now called Edgar, I know him by sight, because he has a small chip in his lower beak,

Edgar and Flicker
Edgar and Flicker

This is a Northern Flicker, she has a nest in a nearby tree. I have a small dirt pile on the ground she visits regularly. Finding food for her young ones. She does not sit still very long, she is a busy mom or dad. 🤔

Edgar and Flicker

Edgar and Flicker

by Sandra J

Duck Duck and Duck

Duck Duck and Duck

Duck Duck and Duck, I have not seen many ducks or geese this year so far. But, then again I have not gone to any lakes this past week or so. I will have to be getting out there again soon. It has been pretty quiet around my place right now with the birds. They are sitting on nest I imagine.

duck flying over water
Duck Duck and Duck
Duck Duck and Duck
variety of bird species

Duck Duck and Duck

by Sandra J

The Common Grackle

The Common Grackle

The Common Grackle, doesn’t appear to be so common. They are like a beauty in disguise. Most days they look like your average black bird. As if they were created to make one stop and really look at this bird, to not just take them for granted. Wait for the sun to come out, when the Light shines on this plain bird, amazing things will happen before your very eyes. It is like seeing a rainbow for a few seconds and then it is gone.

The Common Grackle
The Common Grackle

Have a Wonderful Weekend

by Sandra J

Fun Surprise in the Yard

Fun Surprise in the Yard

Fun Surprise in the Yard, the wild turkeys have found my bird feeder and come by to clean up all the left overs on the ground. But as you can see, there is a white turkey in the bunch. I have never seen a wild whitish turkey. It says about 1 out of 100 might end up white.

The photos are a little blurry because I had to take the photo through the window. The minute I open the door they all take off running and surprisingly, they can run really fast.

Fun Surprise in the Yard

by Sandra J

The Smallest of Those

The Smallest of Those

The Smallest of Those, creation. The smallest birds in my back yard, yet they survived the winter and the cold temps. Amazing how they are able to do this without a winters coat or boots on their little feet. Survival instinct, migration, what can we see and learn from the smallest around us?

The Smallest of Those

There are a few theories about how birds find their way between their seasonal homes, and there are still some mysteries surrounding how exactly their honing systems work.

For many birds, however, migration is an instinct, a journey their bodies are prepared to take when the time comes. No fear, it is written. They always find their way back home. Amazing indeed.

The Smallest of Those
The Smallest of Those

The least of you will become a thousand, and the smallest a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.”

Have a Wonderful Weekend

The Smallest of Those

by Sandra J

Two of My Favorite Large Birds

Two of My Favorite Large Birds

Two of My Favorite Large Birds, The Raven and The Bald Eagle. I actually witnessed this weekend an Eagle flying by my place and two Ravens were pestering him as he was flying by. The ravens stay around my place so it must be their territory. I would have thought, the eagle being so much bigger, that they would fly away from him.

Two of My Favorite Large Birds
Two of My Favorite Large Birds

by Sandra J

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

Eyes Glow in Different Colors, I have mentioned that it is really cold here, so I have a lot of time on my hands. This allows you to see how my thought pattern works in the mornings. I was taking photos of my dogs this morning with the flash on and that is when I noticed thy have different color glowing eyes. So I had to look up why.

Eyes that glow in the pitch-black night make for many a scary tale. But the glowing eyes is what makes them see better at night. That light-reflecting surface, is called tapetum lucidum.

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

When light enters the eye, it’s supposed to hit a photoreceptor that transmits the information to the brain. But sometimes the light doesn’t hit the photoreceptor, so the tapetum lucidum acts as a mirror to bounce it back for a second chance.

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

And not all eyes animals’ glow the same color. There are varying amounts of pigment within the retina, and that can affect the color, along with age.

Now it did say cats eyes glow also, I took a lot of photos of my cat with the flash on and I could not get the glow to come out. Juts the look of disdain and stop flashing my eyes, look from her.

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

Most animals that have a tapetum lucidum in their eyes are mammals, nocturnal animals.

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

Some species of birds – such as owls – have eyes that appear to glow.

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

But birds do not have a tapetum lucidum layer in their eyes. But their eyes are beautiful just the same.

Eyes Glow in Different Colors

by Sandra J