57 Replies to “Is it Frosty Out Here”

  1. So pretty, Sandra! I love looking at frost formation, especially on windows. Years ago while living in an old house with old windows, the north facing window at the top of the stairs visited by Jack Frost, we’d see the most amazing ferns, flowers, and feathers! I hope you find more to capture 🙂

    1. Thank you Francine, I know, I prefer being down south in the winter. But I grew up in the north country so I don’t mind the cold if I am dressed for it. 🙂 have a great day.

    1. I hear you Emilie, I would love the desert in winter. I don’t mind it here, the cold as long as I am dressed for it. 🙂

    1. Actually it is the side of the house, the dark spot on the left of the photo is my camera lens and the reflection is the field next to the house. 🙂 It is going to warm up again by next weekend.

        1. And that can be bad if there is some ice on the ground. Even the best winter shoes can sometimes slip. I know. 🙂

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