I Am Going to Tip Toe Away

I Am Going to Tip Toe Away

I Am Going to Tip Toe Away, yes there are still a few pelicans hanging out down at the old river. It has been pretty warm here so I think they are taking advantage of it.

I was down there the other day watching this group of pelicans and 3 Blue Herons in the background. (video below of Egret eating fish)

I Am Going to Tip Toe Away

And then a couple of Egrets showed up and two Herons left, getting to crowded for them. 🙂

And then this Heron on the left, looks like he is going to try and walk slowly away with no one noticing him, except the one Egret who is looking right at him.

Alright, time to run, as much as a Heron can run 🙂

I Am Going to Tip Toe Away

Here is a short video of an Egret eating a fish. You will see the fish go all the way down that long neck. They must have a good digestive system, because they eat one after another.

Have a Great Weekend

by Sandra J

36 Replies to “I Am Going to Tip Toe Away”

  1. The video was amazing Sandra. I wanted to shout at him “chew first, then swallow!” How they manage to catch the fish in the beak and get it turned around, then “down the hatch” is incredible enough but seeing that live fish twisting and turning down that skinny neck was a sight to see.

    1. Isn’t it something how they know to turn the fish around so it goes down head first. I read they know to do that because if they swallow them the wrong way, the scales on the fish could be bad on their throats as they work their way down.

      1. I didn’t know that – that is fascinating. Those gills would be sharp and could catch on their throats … not only that, the tail might be waving around as well. I’ve seen a heron gulp a fish, but just those shad and they’re small – it was interesting watching it go down the hatch twisting and turning.

  2. I found my pelican on a street light pole photo the other day. I think it’s on my big computer. I’ll try to remember to post when I’m on that pc this weekend!

    1. Thank you Ted, yes photos can’t always tell the whole story especially as the fish is making it’s way down that long neck. A photo just doesn’t always catch that. It would be fun to see videos of all these beautiful birds you take photos of. Especially the pink birds. That would be great to see. And video of the gators. I know I would love to watch that. 🙂

  3. These are great photos and video of our feathered friends, Sandra! Their feathers is in contrast to the blue water. Nice story too! Looks like the fish was still alive and giggling in the Heron’s throat ready to be submerged in the stomach’s acid. Wow! Also, great stretch wings photos too. Chapter 19 or just a spinoff of the Adventures of the Pteroda…Heron. GOD bless you and your family!

    1. Nope, and when the fish gets to the bottom of the neck, they do a little wiggle and fluff up their feathers, like they are burping. 🙂

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