Well the Moss is Green

Well the Moss is Green

Well the Moss is Green, I do love looking at moss on trees. When you get really close, it is like looking at a miniature forest. We had some snow a couple of days ago so there is still a little snow ice on the moss. The grass is not turning green yet and no buds on the trees. But the moss is always pretty to look at.

Well the Moss is Green
Well the Moss is Green

by Sandra J

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25 Replies to “Well the Moss is Green”

  1. I like to see moss in the forest or on trees and it looks emerald green. A fellow blogger does macro photography, bugs mostly and he had a post last week of an ant on lichen. The lichen seemed to sparkle – I’d have never guessed what it was.

          1. I should have just sent you the actual post from his WP site. It was interesting to see the lichen how it sparkled. One of his readers told a story about lichen. Tom does some mushroom macro shots too – interesting. You will have to try to go to see that big fungus in the U.P. if COVID gets down. I don’t know how big a crowd would go to see it or not.

  2. Beautiful pictures Sandra! One of my favorite things about the early spring woods is that without the cover of the foliage and undergrowth the mosses and fungi are centerstage and can be fully seen and appreciated.

  3. Ja visst är det vackert med mossa, som att titta in i en sagovärld. Igår när jag satt på huk och tittade på en mossig sten kom en spindel gående i slowmotion, så fin. Jag blev så fascinerad att jag glömde ta kort på den. 😊

    1. Yes, being in the moment looking at a scene like what you describe is like seeing a new world. 🙂 Moss has so many different textures and colors sometimes.

  4. Beautiful pictures, Sandra. And there is so much hope in it… Of course, if you posted them at the beginning of the winter the feeling would be different. 🙂

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