We Can Learn from Wildlife

We Can Learn from Wildlife

We Can Learn from Wildlife, The snow turned into the big fluffy flakes today, floating gently down to the ground. As I am photographing these colorful birds at the feeder, I noticed them looking up. Does it not look like they are watching these snowflakes floating down around them?

Especially the female on the left in this photo, if you look close enough, there is a snowflake that just landed in her beak. I believe she is catching them just like we did when we were children.

And the male Grosbeak on the right is watching her, I love that. We are never to old to stop and enjoy nature, to catch snow flakes on our tongues. The birds are showing us to live in the moment, enjoy every minute.

We Can Learn from Wildlife

No one knows the tomorrow because it is already past your eyes. For tomorrow we do not know, but today is here, today we live.

My camera is my paint brush and the world is my canvas. A new day has begun and I am preparing to paint a new canvas today.

We Can Learn from Wildlife

We Can Learn from Wildlife

by Sandra J

46 Replies to “We Can Learn from Wildlife”

  1. I enjoyed seeing these birds in the snow Sandra – I can’t say I’ve ever noticed birds reacting to the snow. You have captured them perfectly here and it is funny seeing them look up. That Blue Jay is just gorgeous. The Jays and the Cardinals help brighten up the Winter days with their bright plumage.

  2. You can learn so much from all animals, if only you just stop, watch, and listen. All animals have incredible lessons to teach us.

    Beautiful birds, you’re very lucky to have Evening Grosbeaks visit your feeders; I’ve never seen one at mine.

  3. One things I have noticed about both animals and many of us, that if we are placed in a strange or unknown situation, we are both still and spend time looking around to size up the situation. I first noticed this when a friend brought home a new dog–the dog seemed very subdued and well behaved because it was seeing what this home might be like. Since then, I have noticed it with children and adults.

    1. That is so true, I have seen it with the birds, like when I add something new. Only a couple come in to check it out, and sometimes it takes a few days and all of a sudden I have a flock of birds. Same thing with the deer. Amazing isn’t it. 🙂

  4. Awww… that’s so sweet. Love the way the birds enjoy the first snow. The air is crisp, everything is white, seeds in Sandra’s feeder… what else can a bird desire? 🙂

    1. 🙂 , it does make me feel good to feed the birds. I used to have lots of chores to do when I lived on a farm. And now I take joy in just one chore, feeding the birds and taking their pictures. 🙂

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