Miles and Miles – This is the time of year I like to get a new calendar and add items from this year to the new year coming up. For example I came across the month and year we bought this jeep and it made me think of all the places we have been with it.
We got it 8 years ago, there are no fancy bells or whistles on it, it has crank down windows, not electric. I do like the older vehicles, where one can still fix things them self without having to take it to a shop if needed.
What I See – A look inside of my imagination. Photography is a way to express ones imagination, it isn’t always about just taking a regular photo of landscapes or wildlife to me.
When I look at one of my photos, I can picture something more, I picture a world with more color, a giant moon, things that dreams are made of and I create it with photoshop from combining 2 or 3 of my own photos into one.
My camera is my paint brush and the world is my canvas. Have a wonderful day.
Cathedral Gorge Maze – This area is full of walkways though the clay spires that you can walk in just like a maze. You can see towards the back of this photo there are little green trees on the valley floor. These are actually juniper trees, they are the only kind that will grow in this area.
A lot of the trails going into this area are short trails or they just keep getting so small you can’t go any farther.
This photo below is me walking through the narrow passageway with a camera up over my head. Some areas you have to turn sideways and suck in your gut if possible. 😉
Next Stop Cathedral Gorge State Park – Made of bentonite clay. We just happened to stumble apon this state park as we arrived in Nevada. A must see place if you are ever in the area.
A beautiful landscape of spires and buff-colored cliffs. The beauty enjoyed today had violent beginnings, starting with explosive volcanic activity that, with each eruption, deposited layers of ash hundreds of feet thick.
after the eruptions ceased, block faulting, a fracture in the bedrock that allows the two sides to move opposite each other, shaped the mountains and valleys prevalent in Nevada today. This faulting formed a depression, now known as Meadow Valley.
Over time the depression filled with water creating a freshwater lake. Continual rains eroded the exposed ash and pumice left from the volcanic activity, and the streams carried the eroded sediment into the newly formed lake.
The formations, made of silt, clay and volcanic ash, are the remnants of that lake. As the landscape changed and more block faulting occurred, water drained from the lake exposing the volcanic ash sediments to the wind and rain, causing erosion of the soft material called bentonite clay.
Wind and water erode rocks and soils at a rapid rate and vegetation cannot grow on the outcroppings. The vegetation-free slopes stand in stark contrast to the valley floor where primrose and Indian ricegrass hold small sand dunes in place.
These mountains of clay are so unique, if you tap on the side of them they sound hollow inside.
Difference Between Bill & Beak – Not a thing—the words are synonymous. Ornithologists tend to use the word “bill” more often than “beak.” Some people use “beak” when referring to songbirds with pointed bills, and “bill” when discussing birds like ducks with more fleshy beaks. However, both words are used in reference to a wide variety of species.
They do serve an important purpose for each species from;
short thin bills for insect eaters,
short thick bills for seed eaters,
long thin bills can be for probing flowers for nectar or probing soft mud for worms and shellfish,
strong hooked bills for tearing meat.
Or they can be used to just goose the bird in front to get off the post.
Trees of the South – Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.
I do love photographing and studying trees. They are designed with a purpose and each one is so unique.
Utah’s Red Rock Country – Of all the common colorful minerals found in Earth’s crust, few are as abundant, dynamic, and multi-colored as iron. Depending on how it combines with other elements, iron can form a veritable rainbow of colors. When iron combines with oxygen it becomes iron oxide, and its degree of oxidation largely determines its color.
Hence the multi colors found at Zion National Park, we only drove the scenic route at Zion, but if we ever get back there one must take the hiking route into the canyon where you will find pools of emerald colored water and lush garden plants. Amazing the world we live on.
Zion Canyon Red Cliffs – It started out as Mukuntuweap National Monument in 1909, but was granted national park status by the U.S. Congress in 1919.
The highlight of Zion National Park is an expansive canyon. Averaging 2,000 feet deep,
As we were leaving Arizona last April we crossed into Utah for a week as we were making our way to Nevada. Not realizing we were so close to Zion national park until we found a campground just south of this national treasure and looked at the map and noticed it was just a short drive to get there.
So we headed out early one morning and entered the park at the east end. Traffic was minimal and the scenery is just gorgeous.
We stopped at a few places along the drive through the park where you can get out and do some hiking and see some of the beautiful rock formations and caves.
These two photos below are taken with the drone from above this beautiful area showing you the top of Zion National Park. Drones are not allowed in the park, but we were on the outside of the park when we took this photo.
It is like a glimpse of the past, can you imagine being the first people to come across this land, what a sight it is.
Glen Canyon Bridge – Just east of the Grand Canyon. It is like a miniature version of the grand canyon as the Colorado river flows through the red rocks of Northern Arizona.
The bridge’s central arch is 680 feet over the Colorado River, and at the time of its construction it was the tallest bridge in the world.
We went over this bridge back in April as we were heading out of Arizona. We stayed at a campground in Utah for one week and then headed to Nevada.
Fall Harvest – Well, fall harvest of photos. My tomato plants are full of green tomatoes that have been turning red very slowly. But I have been taking photos of the beautiful blooms drenched in the morning dew, like dressed in diamonds in the morning light.
So this fall I may harvest more photos than actual food. Either way I do enjoy gardening.
Desert Flowers – When we were in Arizona a few months ago, some of the cactus finally started to bloom. I don’t know what these are but the Gila woodpecker sure enjoyed them.
We have a bit of color starting to show up in my neck of the woods this week, I do love the month of September, for me it is usually the start of fall colors and this year it has begun. Hope everyone gets out and enjoys nature’s color wheel called Autumn.
Photography is about using your imagination, it’s about creating ideas that speak to people and create interest from a viewer’s standpoint.
What do these photos say to you, what do you see?
Photography has helped me to see things differently, it has opened my imagination to another level. When I see movement, light and colors as I am out looking at the world around me. I think about how to capture these moments within a photo. What angle to shoot at, how to stop motion, how to create art out of what I see and bring my imagination to life.
For example these photos, I was sitting outside enjoying a beautiful warm day looking at my bird bath that has a water fountain in it. The water looked as if it is dancing, almost like it has come to life in movement.
So I took a few photos and video to help your imagination see something completely different then what you might expect to see today. Video below or click on this link; Dancing Waters.
Just Look Up – Sometimes we can get to focused on only what is right in front of us and miss the big picture of what surrounds us.
The never ending, what seems to be bad news, pushed on us from all angles can be overwhelming at times. But for me, there is always one constant, one source of Light that shines every minute of every day that is breathtaking, encouraging and beyond anything our minds and hearts can comprehend at times.
Just look up and see the beauty of creation, see how small we really are and how important life is. Day or night the Light is there, within the stars, the clouds. It is always there.
Her Favorite Time of Year – Her eyes almost match the background. Our little cat is 7 years old this year. We were not looking to have a cat as a part of our family. This one was a stray and found as a kitten in the middle of winter years ago.
I could not say no to her and she has grown into a wonderful cat who gets along with dogs very well and loves to travel with us. But her favorite thing to do is go outside and sit on the porch railing and watch the birds and enjoy the sunshine on these cooler fall mornings.
I forgot to put the video on yesterday of the Blue Jays until later in the morning. So here is the link to it again, which includes footage of the White Squirrel as well. Blue Jay and White Squirrel
Frogs – Two frogs in my area that I know of and see regularly. The first being the Tree Frog. Such unusual eyes they have and very sticky feet. They can cling to anything, I only see these in the fall and usually hiding under something.
This frog below is called a Peeper, it is most visible in the spring as they emerge from their winter hibernation. I love the sound these frogs make in the spring, music to my ears as it means the snow is gone.
Shooting Stars Milky Way – August has been a good month for getting outside in the middle of the night. They say the northern lights are making a show in the north but they could be seen down as far as Iowa this week.
So I have been going outside every night, when ever I wake up and taking a few photos if the clouds are not to thick. I have not seen the northern lights yet, but there are a lot of shooting stars.
My camera settings for photographing the Milky Way are; 17mm lens, 6400 ISO, f 2.8 and shutter speed any where from 10 to 30 sec.
It is so fun to look at your photos later, because I don’t see any of these shooting stars with my eyes. Only the camera picks them up.
This photo below is a shooting star and I believe the star link satellites. Star link used to have 20 some satellites but every photo just about picks up only 6 in a row now.
O Sole Mio, translated as – my own sunshine. Some of you may have never heard O sole mio, it is a song from a long time ago. But when I saw these photos, it looks like these Saguaro Cactus are singing.
This photo is not photoshopped. It is exactly how they look when I took the photo. The holes are in just the right places to look like a face.
Most holes are caused by Gila woodpeckers and gilded flickers. They make their nests in the trunks of saguaros by hollowing out a space in which they will raise their young. In response to the birds’ activity, the wound created will dry out and harden off, forming a callus.
Now I did add to dark spots on the photo below to make it look like it has eyes.
An Incredible Journey is the flight of the Monarch Butterfly. Each fall, North American monarchs travel from their summer breeding grounds to overwintering locations. East of the Rocky Mountains, monarchs travel up to an astonishing 3,000 miles to central Mexico, whereas the shorter migration west of the Rockies is to the California coast.
Decreasing day length and temperatures, along with aging milkweed and fewer nectar sources trigger a change in monarchs; this change signifies the beginning of the migratory generation.
Similar to the Hummingbird as I mentioned last week. Amazing how these tiny little creatures both travel farther then most giant birds.
Orientation is not well understood in insects. In monarchs, orientation is especially mysterious. How do millions of monarchs start their southbound journey from all over eastern and central North America and end up in a very small area in the mountains of central Mexico?
From across the eastern U.S. and southern Canada, monarchs funnel toward Mexico. Along the way, they find refuge in stopover sites with abundant nectar sources and shelter from harsh weather. Upon reaching their destination in central Mexico beginning in early November.
Scientist say they do not learn the route from their parents since only about every fourth to fifth generation of North American monarch migrates. Therefore, it is certain that monarchs rely on their instincts rather than learning to find overwintering sites.
What kind of instincts might they rely on? Other animals use celestial cues like the sun, moon, or stars), the earth’s magnetic field, landmarks, mountain ranges or bodies of water.
Of these, the first two are considered to be the most likely cues that monarchs use, and consequently have been studied the most.
So when I see a monarch like this one who just stopped by my yard for one day, I imagine the incredible journey this little one is on. They have no worries about anything except survival, getting to their destination and continuing life as is written.
I Found These Photos that I had not edited yet. I had shared a couple of them quite awhile ago but I found more as I was cleaning up some of my photo files. This bird is the Vermillion Fly Catcher and we saw this one at Big Bend National Park in Texas a few months ago.
Technology is sure nice when it comes to organizing all the photos that I take. But even with it, I lose track of some of them. Luckily one only has to enter a word in the search bar to find things I have forgotten about.
I have a video down below or you can click on this link to hear some bird sounds of two different places where I was videoing birds in their area.
When the Night Has Come and the land is dark. The moon is the only light we will see. No I won’t be afraid, just as long as you stand by me.
I love these lyrics to the song stand by me by Ben King, video and music below.
Photos have a way of speaking to each one of us in a different way. That is the beauty of photography and one does not have to be a professional photographer for this to happen.
They provoke a feeling, a memory and a change in our spirit I believe. When I looked at these silhouettes of the hummingbird the song Stand by Me came to mind right away.
It was late in the evening as I was watching these two hummingbirds dancing around me, but the feeling did not arise until I saw this photo as if it is saying stand by me and I won’t be afraid.
For in the dark of the night, I know His presence, as He stands by me in the window pains of my heart.
How I Edit Bird Photos, these Ruby Throated Hummingbirds have been very active this past weekend. I have been sitting on my porch with my camera set on continuous high speed trying to get some good photos of these fast little birds in flight before they leave here and head south for the winter.
But because they are so fast, one can’t really get great compositions without doing a little post processing in the editing room.
So here are a couple of examples of how I crop a photo of these hummingbirds. The first photo is the original, the bird is off center and there are to many distractions with the wood post and the feeder to really see the bird itself.
I love the detail of its tail feathers in this shot, so I cropped everything out and brought up the exposure a bit because its body is in the shadow and now you can see a bit of its green color around the wings.
The sun is off to my right in these photos, so the bird is facing me and you can’t really see its beautiful throat colors without the sun shinning directly on them.
So again, I raised the exposure a bit in photoshop and used a vertical format for cropping to showcase the bird itself, now the one thing this composition is missing is its other wing. But, like I said they are so fast, we can’t see the wing movements to shoot at the exact time. Only high speed camera settings can do this and we can only take what we get.
If you notice the tail feathers are clear but the wings have a little motion blur, the average wing beat is around 53 beats per second and I have the camera set up at 1/4000 of a sec shutter speed.
It is so fun trying to get good shots of these beautiful little birds.
This photo below, I wasn’t sure I could isolate the bird from the feeder because it is so close to it. It is quite the challenge to photograph these birds flying away from you and to be able to see the tail feathers from the top like this photo.
Photoshop is a great tool for editing, along with light room. Again, I used a vertical format and really like the diamond shape light spot behind the bird. All these photos are taken with my camera set to 1/4000 sec shutter speed, f8, ISO 1200 and 600 mm lens.
Flower Art, the weather this past weekend was just perfect. Cool mornings, fire in the house stove in the mornings. I just love this time of year.
I was doing some flower arrangements as well. You may not know this, but I was actually a florist at one time, many years ago. I arranged these wildflowers with some of the sea shells and rocks I found during our trip. Plus some drift wood I had from Lake Superior as well.
I have done a few different jobs over the course of my life, from driving a Semi truck across country for a couple of years. Working in a flower shop and back then I made $100 dollars a week. After a couple of years my boss gave me a $50.00 a week raise. I felt as if I was rich at the time.
I have always lived a very simple life, I have never been much of a shopper or collecting things. Being out in nature was always more important and enjoyable for me. I would rather be outside then be anywhere in a building.
I accomplished everything on my bucket list from raising Draft Horses to riding a motorcycle, driving a Semi truck and climbing the highest mountain I dare climb this past year.
When the world seems so crazy around us, I just stop and remember that time is precious. What we do now, today is so important. I choose to enjoy each and every moment I have, not worrying about tomorrow. For we know not if it will even come.
There isn’t anything on this earth that we will take with us when our time here ends. Why try to build up so much more than what each individual needs. Why is it the rich seem to never have enough. Power and money changes people, they forget what is truly important in life.
I have had such a full life, yes I had many ups and downs. But through out it all, my constant has been, for me, my faith in our Father who will hold out His hand one day and say; ” child take my hand and come with me”. So that I may go home. For this place here is not home, I am just passing through.
Thank you to all that visit me here. I so appreciate the time that you take to look at my photos and to leave such wonderful comments. I am feeling grateful today and just wanted to say thank you. 🙂
Little Things that make the world seem normal. From fall flowers in bloom to the little critters of the world. Why is it that nature is so simple, is it that it lives by the laws of nature?
Trees in the Chiricahua Mountains, the rock formations in these mountains are amazing to see, but the trees are what caught my eye as well, as we made our way to Echo Canyon hiking trail.
Here is a link to Pancho Villa State park in Columbus New Mexico, with a bit of a time lapse. I am always a little ahead on these post compared to the video’s I put of these areas on my You Tube channel.
I have always been fascinated with trees and all the different kinds across the country. These here in the mountains of Arizona are quite unique as they grow out from the rocks in many forms. Twisted and curved, they are an artistic display of nature.