Before and After Art Work
Before and After Art Work – I talked a bit last week about imagination and photography. How I look at a photo and decide weather it is a keeper or not. Because I take a lot of photos and not always is the lighting right or the scene itself may be to busy with background noise like telephone poles and buildings.
It is always up to the artist on what makes a photo to them. For example, this first photo below, I had the exposure correct for the train itself but the background is completely blown out. Now one can take multiple photos and then stack them to put the entire scene together.
Or work a little magic in post processing, what ever is most suitable for the situation.
What I noticed first when I look at this photo is the reflection of blue along the side of the engine and that is when my mind starts seeing a different photo. There is a process to changing a photo to art work in photoshop, I won’t go into it because I just start working and every photo is different.
The main part is to get rid of the wires and telephone pole and the gentleman working on switching the track next to the train. Adding a blue sky from a different photo of mine and then let my imagination begin to fill in the area to what I see.

And this is the result below. Now I still create art the old fashion way with photoshop and lots of cutting, pasting, coloring, paint brushes, the whole thing.

Technology is changing even more now with something called AI, artificial intelligent with photography. Where you don’t have to do all the little steps like I do, there are programs where you just type in what you want and the computer will create it. I am not a fan of that, even though it is still art work in the end.
What ever your style, art work is an individual decision. Sometimes if you think your photo doesn’t look so good at first glance. Don’t just throw it away, look closer at it and let your imagination go.
Don’t just go by first impressions, because hidden behind every thing we see is something more beautiful and precious then one might expect.

Animated video below; it only works if you visit the website. They don’t show up in reader format.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Before and After Art Work