Tag: adventures outdoors

After the Rain

After the Rain

After the Rain here in the south the flowers come back to life even on the beaches. I want to say thank you to all of you that stop by to view my photos and read some of my words. I am not the best at writing but I have often said I like to let my photos speak for me. In a way that lets your imagination flow, a way for you to see a part of creation that is not always visible to all of us.

You may have noticed I have been posting photos from the southern states along the Gulf Coast for a few weeks now. Well, actually it has been since September. On September 30th 2021, I turned 60 years old and wanted to spend that day on the gulf coast which we did.

But, what I have not mentioned until now is that my husband and I have thought about this trip for some time now. We have been traveling for 5 months now and plan on skipping winter all together. I have always believed that life, for me, has never been on my timeline but on the creator’s timeline.

So this is the year that we are chasing 70 degree weather and so far it has been working out, is has been staying in the 70’s or less. The best part is not shoveling snow for the first time in my entire life.

Some may wonder how can one travel in times like this. It has always been my contention that the gaining of Knowledge cannot be decoupled from life experience which gives us a foundation of Wisdom. Simply put Common sense or the lack thereof of Common Sense determines one’s course or path in life.

Cognitive reasoning becomes distorted when we are given a daily dose of half truths to swallow in hopes of some redeeming value. Far to often in the realms of societal constraints imposed upon us, the daily rules and regulations, thousands of rules that regulate our everyday walk. We spend our waking hours in minute details of life.

The face of man kind is changing rapidly due to these effects. Society in large part has lost its bearings its common sense.

Opinions turn one into a thief to steal from others to maintain a feel good attitude.  A sense of superiority lording over others in a competitive spirit.


We can all have an opinion and facts have no basis in Reality because they don’t progress.  Truth lies in the opinion of the speaker and what he thinks. 

Progressions turn into distortions. We have lost respect for the construct of Creation and instead it becomes easier to explain life in what ever feels good at the time. Life becomes motionless at a standstill, you will decay, losing your bearings, your Nature in Creation.

If we leave our nature, the natural beauty that we are, we forget who we are and become someone else.

I see people creating life everyday around me. With their words and photos. Some will see the light some won’t that is just a fact of life. When your desire to live overrides what man told you on how to live. Your purpose in life might just be right in front of you. These are the thoughts that came to me by Creating my Vision.

After the Rain

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

After the Rain

by Sandra J

No Luck for That Osprey

No Luck for That Osprey

No Luck for That Osprey, he did not get his fish, he came up out of the water empty handed. I did not get a shot because my camera was buffering. But next thing I saw was another osprey coming from my right side and it did have a fish in its talons.

Now this might be a sad photo for the fish. But it is nature doing what it is designed to do. Fish is the main diet to the Osprey and its talons are created exactly for what it needs to do to survive.

Included below is a video of a variety of birds I have photographed here on the Gulf Coast, including the Rare Reddish Egret and my camera settings that I use to go with some of the photos.

As the bird reaches for a fish, its outer front toe swivels to the rear, giving it two grasping talons front and back. Its long, slender, arched wings help the Osprey get clear of the water too, as it takes flight with the fish’s head facing the front—the most aerodynamically efficient position.

It is Lunch Time
Shutter Speed Settings - New Bird - Sting Rays - Cute Birds - Fish Eating Birds, Gulf Coast Wildlife

It is Lunch Time

by Sandra J

Did He Get His Fish

Did He Get His Fish

Did He Get His Fish? Well his head is out of the water as he tries to flap his wings to go air borne again.

Did He Get His Fish

He is almost out, the talons are right there.

The water is nice and clear on this day. I have to go, I am making dinner right now and it is boiling on the stove. 😉

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post.

Did He Get His Fish

by Sandra J

Fishing With an Osprey

Fishing With an Osprey

Fishing With an Osprey, it hovers overhead looking for the fish of the day.

Fishing With an Osprey

It spotted the one it wants and off it goes.

Fishing With an Osprey

It gains speed as the wings tighten to its body.

Fishing With an Osprey

Talons are Out

And under the water it goes.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post to see if he caught his fish. 😉

Fishing With an Osprey

by Sandra J

Sharp Hooked Claws

Sharp Hooked Claws

Sharp Hooked Claws A bird’s talons are the sharp, hooked claws at the end of the toes. Birds have one talon on every toe, and they may differ in overall shape, curvature, and thickness depending on how the bird will use its talons and how worn individual talons may be.

Sharp Hooked Claws

I was walking along a pier and this beautiful Osprey was perched on a pole. It wasn’t to spooked as I got closer and closer so I was able to get a wonderful photo of this beautiful bird.

On tomorrow’s post I will show you this bird going into a head dive to catch a fish. It actually went full body into the water. I thought they just swooped down like an Eagle to get their fish.

Sharp Hooked Claws

Sharp Hooked Claws

by Sandra J

Did You Hear

Did You Hear

Did You Hear , One pelican is asking the others this question; ” Did you hear the saying that humans say about us?”

“No, what”?

They say; ” How beautiful is the pelican who’s bill holds more then their belly can”.

Did You Hear

Ba ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha,

Hmm, George seems to really like this joke 😉

Still laughing 😂

Have a great weekend.

Did You Hear

by Sandra J

Birds Can Make You Smile

Birds Can Make You Smile

Birds Can Make You Smile, they sure do lighten my day and that is why I love birding. Not only is it a challenge at times but some photos you just can’t help but smile when you see their expressions.

The pelicans of course, if you can catch them while they are doing a stretch, makes it look like they are smiling.

Birds Can Make You Smile

Take this photo of the Reddish Egret, it looks so regal and beautiful the way it holds its head up and the feathers blowing in the wind.

But you take a photo with it looking right at the camera does make one smile. Taking a photo of a bird looking at the camera is usually a no no just like photographing a person looking right at the camera. You always want the person to have a bit of a profile look, as they turn their head slightly and chin up is usually the best way for people and birds.

reddish egret

I don’t know what this bird is below, but looking right at the camera makes it look like it has a lot of feathers on top of the head.

yellow bird

Birds Can Make You Smile

by Sandra J

New Bird at the Beach

New Bird at the Beach

New Bird at the Beach, when we got to the end of the Pelican beach, I first noticed all the orange bills again. I knew I had stumbled across more Royal Terns. I had not seen any of them in days and here at the end of this long walk they are hanging out with gulls and pelicans.

But to my surprise after I got home and looked at the photos on the computer there is a new bird in the group. I did not see them when I was out there with them taking photos. I was quite far away from them, hence the blurry photos. But the birds with the black wings are Skimmers. A very unique looking bird with an orange and black bill.

New Bird at the Beach

The strange, uneven bill of the skimmer has a purpose: the bird flies low, with the long lower mandible plowing the water, snapping the bill shut when it contacts a fish. Strictly coastal in most areas of North America, Black Skimmers are often seen resting on sandbars and beaches.

It is hard to tell in my photo the bill so I will add a photo off of the internet so you can see it closer.

Unlike most birds, their eyes have vertical pupils, narrowed to slits to cut the glare of water and white sand. Flocks in flight may turn in unison, with synchronized beats of their long wings. The world’s three species of skimmers are sometimes placed in their own separate family, although they are clearly related to the terns.

New Bird at the Beach

New Bird at the Beach

by Sandra J

Mountain or a Beach

Mountain or a Beach

Mountain or a Beach, a little fun with forced perspective photography. Sometimes you have to get down low to the ground and take your photos. It can give a new perspective on what you are looking at and lets the imagination think of a world that is beyond what is right in front of us.

When I see this photo it looks like a mountain range along a lake.

Mountain or a Beach

So this is what I imagine. I added a small person silhouette to give it my perspective. But picture him smaller and it will look like a mountain.

Mountain or a Beach

All it takes is One spoken word or written to change Ones world into a different perspective then what they have become used to.  Or One spoken word or written to destroy Ones world.

Mountain or a Beach

This is what it looks like from above.

drone shot of a beach

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. 

Mountain or a Beach

by Sandra J

Its a Bird Its a Plane

Its a Bird Its a Plane

Its a Bird Its a Plane, its lots of birds with wings down. I have put two videos on my you tube channel showing these little birds roaming around the beaches. Along with my camera settings I typically use while photographing birds. The videos are a little longer than usual so I will just put the links here; 5 Tips for Sharper Wildlife Images and Shutter Speed Settings – New Bird – Sting Rays

Its a Bird Its a Plane

Wings up

Its a Bird Its a Plane

I can’t remember if I told you all, but I made a list of all the birds in North America, I think it is 900 plus. I made a spread sheet of the names and I check them off as I photograph them. So I have two new birds to add to the list. This one below is called the Greater White Faced Goose. They are found mostly west of the Mississippi.

And these two below are called Black Neck Stilts, I am wondering is it because of their long legs, stilts? But they don’t have black necks either. But that is what they look like when I tried to find what type of bird these are.

I am up to 104 different birds photographed as of today.

Oh and this one below, just two wings. It is kind of a bird in the air.

Its a Bird Its a Plane

by Sandra J

The Real World is Hard

The Real World is Hard

The Real World is Hard and often draining on the mind and body. Human beings have been drawing on cave walls since the dawn of time to inspire themselves.

Human brains are wired to appreciate and be inspired by art. The right brain, for example, is stimulated deeply by art. Artworks inspire creative and innovative thinking; the right brain takes what it sees and expands upon it.

The Real World is Hard

Staring into a picture of a forest, the right brain envisions walking through the forest, looking to the corners just beyond the frame to see animals and new vistas. 

That is what I do when I look at artwork and photos and it inspires me to create art with my own photos. Like the top photo, I took that photo early one morning. There wasn’t any reflection but the water was calm. So I made a reflection to show you what I was picturing as I stood there on the beach watching this shrimp boat sitting still on the water.

The Real World is Hard

Sometimes nature creates its own art work, like the photo below. I think the curve of the sand along the edge of the island is so unique. I walked this spot quite a few times and it only looked like this once. It changed everyday I was there.

Have a Great Weekend

The Real World is Hard

by Sandra J

The Sands of Time

The Sands of Time

The Sands of Time keep on blowing. Time is like ever-shifting sand, it is never at a standstill. 

The Sands of Time

For what is life, it is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.

The Sands of Time

The Sands of Time

by Sandra J

Piper Plovers

Piper Plovers

Piper Plovers, these are the cutest birds on the shores. They are so tiny but move very fast. There are about three dozen species of plovers, 15 to 30 centimetres (6 to 12 inches) long, with long wings, moderately long legs, short necks, and straight bills that are shorter than their heads. 

Piper Plovers

If you look close you can see this Plover pulling a very small worm type thing out of the sand. You can imagine how small this bird is, there is probably no way we could see this little worm in the sand.

Piper Plovers

I read that birds tuck one foot up in their feathers to preserve their heat. They lose heat through their feet and on this morning it was pretty cold out. But they still stand in the water.

Cuteness overload.

Piper Plovers

by Sandra J

Reflections of Times Past

Reflections of Times Past

Reflections of Times Past We sometimes take Light for granted. It turns out that, with a bit of persuasion, Light would show us things we thought we would never see.  A beautiful reflection of you or me.

Reflections of Times Past
reflections on water
Reflections of Times Past
dock reflections
Reflections of Times Past

Reflections of Times Past

by Sandra J

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and here is to a new year full of love, laughter and faith.

“There is no fear within the walls of faith with our Father.”

Happy New Year
Happy New Year

“There is no fear within the walls of faith with our Father.”

Happy New Year

by Sandra J



INCOMING!!! Look Out 😉 As the one brown pelican checks its backside to get his tail feathers out of the way for the two diving behind him. Whew, close call.

Happy New Years Eve,

We went for a walk along the beach on a windy day and there were dozens of brown pelicans diving all in one area, but when I looked closer I noticed they appeared to be following some dolphins. As the dolphins moved around the pelicans were not to far behind. A short video below will show this amazing sight we saw.


I mentioned before about how the brown pelicans turn ever so slightly to the left to protect their esophagus. You will see this in the video below.

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Have a Great Weekend


by Sandra J

In the Morning Light

In the Morning Light

In the Morning Light

When the world is screaming
Stirring up fears
I long for a place
Where the noise disappears

In the Morning Light

A walk into this place
Surrounding me here
In the morning light
Where the noise disappears

It’s so refreshing
The Word spoken clear
This glorious sound
Where the noise disappears

In the inner room
Of intimate prayers
Let my soul dwell
Where the noise disappears

In the Morning Light

Genesis tells you this, there is eternity in the Spirit.  By the time your eyes open in the present the future has already become your past.  

In the Morning Light

by Sandra J

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court, well this is the closest I have been to these birds this week. I have driven by this marina many times since I took these photos and have not seen any birds there since. But I am always on the look out for the next exciting bird sighting. There are some new birds still to come as we venture along the gulf coast.

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court
The Royal Terns Have Left the Court
The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

by Sandra J

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve from our home to yours. A variety of colors from all our feathered friends. To brighten this day with cheer and love. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Merry Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas Eve
printed bird photo
Merry Christmas Eve
songbird,gray cat bird, nature, wildbirds,
Gray Cat Bird
Merry Christmas Eve
tiniest of birds
birds by Christmas tree

Merry Christmas Eve

by Sandra J

The King of the Royalty Court

The King of the Royalty Court

The King of the Royalty Court standing above all the others is of course the Brown Pelican. Mostly because of their size, they take what ever post they want and make the other birds leave. But they are such a beautiful bird as well I think. Dressed in all their brown plumage.

They are a facinating bird, especially when they are fishing. But I have noticed one thing here on the gulf coast, when the dolphins are around the pelicans follow them. Looking for the fish the dolphins round up I suspect.

The King of the Royalty Court
The King of the Royalty Court

The King of the Royalty Court

by Sandra J

There is More

There is More

There is More, I took plenty of photos of this beautiful bird in case I never see one again. There is one in the line that is different from the rest. Can you see it? 3rd bird down, he wants to be a Royal Gull I think. Standing with all the other Royals.

There is More
Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography
There is More

There is More

by Sandra J

Its the Tern’s Turn This Week

Its the Tern’s Turn This Week

Its the Tern’s Turn This Week, The Royal Tern to be exact. We stopped at a marina because we saw a lot of birds flying around down at the end of a dock. So I got my camera out thinking they were all going to be Gulls and Brown Pelicans, but to my surprise there is a new bird at the end that I have never seen before.

The gorgeous birds with the orange bills of course, what a surprise. I love seeing new birds to add to my list. There are a lot of different kinds of Terns like most species, I looked at them all to determine which one this is and I believe it to be the Royals. They do sport a bit of a crown of feathers on their heads.

Its the Tern's Turn This Week

They seem so arrow dynamic on windy days as they lean into the wind perched on post.

Its the Tern’s Turn This Week

by Sandra J

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret, we went out for a bike ride on this particular morning. The sun was still low in the sky and as we crossed a small bridge we came to a sudden stop. As we noticed this beautiful Egret perched on a branch just above the creek.

I slowly got my camera out, the sun was behind us creating a beautiful spot light, it turned to look towards me and I took the photo as you see. Sometimes when I am least expecting it, an average morning bike ride turns into a site that can take my breathaway.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Portrait of the Snowy Egret
Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

by Sandra J

A Southern Christmas

A Southern Christmas

A Southern Christmas at Bellingrath Gardens, a beautiful place to visit anytime of year. It is a historic home in Alabama where they have the most beautiful flower gardens all year long. In December they put up beautiful Christmas lights throughout their gardens in many different flower shapes and trees. Video below.

Merry Christmas and may we all have a wonderful season of love and giving. Have a Wonderful Weekend.

A Southern Christmas
Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography
A Southern Christmas
A Southern Christmas

A Southern Christmas

by Sandra J

What is Snowy and Great

What is Snowy and Great

What is Snowy and Great, that would be two different species of Egret Birds. The Snowy Egret has a black bill and a touch of yellow around the eyes. Much smaller than the great egret as well.

What is Snowy and Great
What is Snowy and Great

The Great Egret, as shown below, has always impressed me with their large wing spans. I love to try and photograph these beautiful birds when the are flying over water, to capture the tips of their wings just grazing the water is a fun challenge to do. One has to sit patiently for quite awhile to do this sometimes.

egret flying over water

The Snowy Egret below enjoying the fresh catch of the day.

What is Snowy and Great
What is Snowy and Great

What is Snowy and Great

by Sandra J

Birds Flying In Sync

Birds Flying In Sync

Birds Flying In Sync, I love watching birds in flight, especially in a group or a pair. Amazing how the timeing of their wing beats can be so in sync for just a moment in time as you watch them. To see them fly in formation is breathtaking to me as well.

There are two well-supported and complementary explanations for why birds fly in formation. One is to conserve energy by taking advantage of the upwash vortex fields created by the wings of the birds in front. The other is to facilitate orientation and communication among the birds.

Birds Flying In Sync
Birds Flying In Sync
goose landing on water
Birds Flying In Sync
  • pelicans in flight
brown pelicans flying together

Birds Flying In Sync

by Sandra J

Christmas in the Park

Christmas in the Park

Christmas in the Park; Bringing some holiday cheer. Christmas is a time of year where I find time to reflect on years past and present. It reminds me to think; “What’s Your Purpose in Life”,

Christmas in the Park

An age-old question that each of us tries to answer throughout our lives. In the cycle of life that whirls around us like a wheel from the time the Sun rises to the time the Sunsets.  We only have two absolutes to work with to answer that question;

Birth and Death an absolute that cannot be changed.

Male and Female an absolute that cannot be changed

Christmas in the Park

These are two absolutes that exist within our spirits that made us who we are.  If you try to alter the absolutes. All one is doing, is trying to create life, by changing the Laws of absolutes.  We all create an alternative reality that shines brightly in our eyes, like the moon at night, to displace the darkness that engulfs us all.

To give our lives meaning.  We run to and fro from one event to the next event in our lives picking up colorful jewels to hide our hurts.  That overtime lose their luster.  Then we look for other jewels to mask our hurts from prior events.  So, others cannot see.  We create a pseudo reality from the colorful jewels we clothe ourselves with.

This happens to so many people this time of year. Getting lost in the things of this world. Trying to become something they are not, trying to become what others say they should be like. I know, it happened to me years ago.

So, to answer the question, “What is my Purpose in Life?”.

I walked back one year to the Garden of Trees and sat in silence so that I may hear. 

I am the One that created you, I gave you my life, my breath within you. I gave you words within you to raise yourself from the dead to become like one of us.

I do not deny the One who created me. Cut out the middle man, the serpent that blocks your eyes to the One that created you.  That will only happen when your desire to live overrides what man told you on how to live.

Christmas in the Park

by Sandra J