Every Bridge I Cross

Every Bridge I Cross

Every Bridge I Cross

Life is an adventure with many bridges that need to be crossed. Some bridges are hard to cross like this first one, literally and metaphorically.

We have to choose which bridges to cross to see what might be on the other side. This bridge in the first photo is the only one I have not crossed. But I can see the other side from here and I know it is just as beautiful as this side.

I will cross that bridge when I am called to. 🙂

Every Bridge I Cross



Every Bridge I Cross

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

22 Replies to “Every Bridge I Cross”

    1. Thank you Kellye, There is one other bridge I would not want to cross and that is the Mackinaw bridge, even though I went across it many times as a child. I never payed attention to how long it was back then.

    1. You are right, it is Arizona not Nevada. It is Glen Canyon Dam, I love that name. Instead of Grand Canyon it is Glen Canyon and just as beautiful as the grand with a lot less people. How cool you knew what bridge it is. 🙂

      1. We crossed over a few times while visiting Page many years ago. Hard to forget the elegant arch several hundred feet above the river.

        1. Yes, it was gorgeous there. The river was very low when we went there last year, but there were still boats on the water off to the right of it.

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