Birds Cabin in the Woods

Birds Cabin in the Woods

Birds Cabin in the Woods, my husband made this bird house for me last year to hang up in the yard. I watched to see if a bird was using it and did not see any activity around it all summer. But now this winter I noticed that their is nesting material inside the house.

Birds Cabin in the Woods

And it looks like who ever wanted to live in it, chipped away at the door way to make it a little bigger. When my husband gets time he said he will make some more, with a bigger door already installed for them.

Birds Cabin in the Woods

Birds Cabin in the Woods

by Sandra J

34 Replies to “Birds Cabin in the Woods”

  1. My neighbor Marge had several birdhouses on her deck, mostly ornamental, all different sizes and shapes, but the wrens liked to nest in them. The sparrows however constantly evicted them! I’m glad your husband is making you more nesting boxes …. more photos for us to see down the line.

      1. Mine jump on me in the morn to get to the window where the birds are.

        I’ve seen a couple of the stray cats walking along the top of the fence and trying to get to birds.

  2. I made a birdhouse once. It was eaten by squirrels. True story. I put seeds in the house to attract birds. the hole was too small for the rodents so they ate the house to get the seeds.

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    1. That sounds.about right, others mentioned that it is a woodpecker that chipped the doorway out. One petson said the next house he builds to put metal around the doorway. He said he would try that.🙂

        1. Yes, the squirrels up here are the little red squirrels, I already saw one squeeze his but into a different house, have not gotten a photo, yet.🙂

  3. If I were a bird I would definitely select a bird cabin. Your husband did a great job! The chipping away at the entrance indicates you have Downey or Hairy Woodpeckers visiting your cabin. Keep a close look you may just catch them at work. If a future cabin is built with a smaller hole size in hopes of attracting chickadees or Jenny wrens the hole will need to be surrounded by a metal cutout so the woodpeckers don’t expand the entrance to the point where a smaller bird won’t use it in the spring. Hoping your cabin soon has a resident for you to enjoy.

    1. Thank you very much Beth, I had no idea what was chipping the entrance, I do have the Downey woodpeckers. I will keep an eye on it, I was wondering if they would actually use the house. I told my husband what you said. Thank you for the information. Have a wonderful day.

      1. Sandra, a thought on getting the Downeys to use the house. Is is possible that a layer of wood chips added to the bottom of the cabin might encourage them to stay? My father and brothers build and maintain Wood Duck houses. Each year, they put a fresh layer of cedar chips on the bottom which attracts the Mama Wood duck or screech owl whomever lays claim first to use the box. I’m wondering if the same would be true with woodpeckers.

  4. I have never seen a bird cabin in my locality and in woods. But, we have bird feeder in our terrace and backyard. I am so glad to see it😍.

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