Abstract Colors and Shapes

Abstract Colors and Shapes

Abstract Colors and Shapes, I like to take photos of just about anything that has to do with nature. But sometimes I like to create abstract type prints, with bright colors and or shapes and patterns. All taken from the nature around me.

Abstract Colors and Shapes

Here is an idea for you, I am making these photos into puzzles this year to give to my family for Christmas presents. I don’t like to buy gifts from a store because I never know what they really like and I am not a good shopper. I do not like going in stores at all, I would rather be outside.

Abstract Colors and Shapes

So I was thinking these photos will make great puzzles. I have not done a puzzle in years, so I am getting one for myself also. So incase you are needing an idea for a gift. Try taking any photo and making a puzzle out of it. It could be so much fun for the family. I am using a site called Zazzle.com to make the puzzle.

Have a great Wednesday. ๐Ÿ™‚

Abstract Colors and Shapes

by Sandra J

22 Replies to “Abstract Colors and Shapes”

  1. Thanks for the info on Zazzle. How do you use them before? I like the idea of making puzzles out of a few of my photos.

    1. I found them because I was looking for someone to make business cards. And it was real easy to design my own with them. Plus they have all sorts of merchandise you can put your own photos on. The puzzles looked like a great idea for a gift. Using your own photos. So much fun.

  2. OH WOW!!! That’s an absolutely crazy cool idea!!! Love it! Thank You, Sandra! I may do that with some of my art….hmmmmm. ๐Ÿง๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿค—

    1. Yes, I love to make gifts with my photos. You can put a picture on anything now a days. My sister always saves my photos on her work computer for screensavers. She really liked the fall photo, so I am sending her that one as a puzzle. She doesn’t know it yet. It will give her something to do this winter. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. I’m glad you fixed the comments section. Yesterday I said something about this post and it wouldn’t let me send it. ๐Ÿ™ I liked the rocks picture… that’s was the idea more or less. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you Jo, someone else had mentioned it was leaving an error message. I could not find anything on my end. I am glad to k ow it is working again. Thanks for telling me.

  4. That’s a great idea Sandra. My mom used to love doing jigsaw puzzles. I store some of my photos on Shutterfly and they have puzzles there too. You can use their template or make your own. What a fun gift that will be.

    1. Yes, I have used zazzle for business cards and greeting cards using my own photos. It is fun and unique ideas Maria.

  5. These are great, Sandra. Youโ€™re an artist. I especially like the one with the rocks, which displays such a perfect array of colors and shapes. Making puzzles is a great idea. Be Blessed today.

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