The Horse of Course

The Horse of Course

The Horse of Course – I don’t have horses any more, but I am so thankful one of my nieces loves them and she has a few on her farm in Iowa. So I can get my horse fix on when visiting family every year.

The Horse of Course
The Horse of Course

The Horse of Course

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

28 Replies to “The Horse of Course”

  1. Wife grew up with horses as she was a Girl’s Scouts riding instructor. Thankfully she agreed not to have her own – waaaay too much for me to handle versus the toy poodles we have!

  2. The most extraordinary animals on the planet. I miss my little Arabian, Dolce, every single day. I’m grateful for the nearly 15 years we had together, the last of the 33 years he graced the planet. THANK YOU for capturing and sharing equine majesty and beauty. You are a treasure.

  3. Excellent, Sandra. Thank you. I’m glad you are branching out even more in doing different kinds of photography and art work and are receiving good responses. I watched the autumn leaves video and this also shows y’all have learned that craft well. Keep it up! Blessings

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