The Colors of the Season

The Colors of the Season

The Colors of the Season, I have set my bird feeder back up in my yard and the song birds have come back wearing their brightest colors. My favorite thing to photograph is birds, of all sizes. I have placed a short video of the larger birds I photographed last month.

The Colors of the Season
The Colors of the Season

I placed this small Christmas Tree by the bird feeder. I will be posting photos of song birds in front of this tree as they start to use the feeder.

The Colors of the Season

Thank you to all of you who take time out of your day to visit here. I enjoy reading all the wonderful comments and enjoy looking at all the photos and stories you share as well. I wish you all a wonderful weekend, stay safe and be strong in these trying times. May He Bless us All.

Have a Great Weekend

The Colors of the Season

by Sandra J

62 Replies to “The Colors of the Season”

  1. I left here after leaving my comment and belatedly remembered the video – I was awestruck by the still shots I guess. The video is beautiful. The music is soothing, the images are soothing – your voice and words are as well. Thank you for giving us beautiful birds and scenery to enjoy and make us feel a part of what you see. Nature will continue to be the balm to help soothe us in these troubled times Sandra.

  2. These are such beautiful bird photos Sandra – I look forward to seeing your birds and Christmas decor photos which will be sure to put a smile on our faces. I have never seen a Flicker, just photos of them. How close-up these beautiful birds area.

    1. Thank you Linda, I did not know that was a flicker until another blogger mentioned it. That is so nice of others to help us like that.

      1. Once a blogger I follow had one at her feeder and she took a photo of it … I would have thought it was a woodpecker from its markings or a mourning dove from its size.

    1. You are very welcome Mr.Ohh, I am thankful to have met you as well, you bring a smile and laughter to my heart, over the little things In life that many people stress over. To find the lighter side of life is what makes us human. 🙂

  3. Sandra, your video put huge tears in my yes. So heart touching. So beautiful. What a testimony that Mother is the true Source where God can be found. I am so blessed and so thankful! xo

  4. Beautiful pictures and it is always relaxing and interesting, to watch birds.
    As for your birds… picture nr. 1 is a female Cardinal, and picture nr. 2 is a Northern Flicker, nr. 3 is a Blue Jay and nr. 4 is a male Cardinal.
    As I did not know, which one you ment with the „ brown“ bird, I identified them all and I hope that you do not mind my interfering!😉🙂☹️

    1. Thank you very much, I was not sure what the brown one was. I really appreciate that. I will remember that name. I do not see that one as much. It sure is beautiful.

  5. Our birds have seemingly vanished, nary even the ubiquitous chickadee. Thanks for the colorful reminder how precious birds are to behold.

    1. Thank you Gerry, it takes them a little getting used to the tree sitting there. I did see a tiny bird land in the tree, but it left real fast.

  6. They are so, so beautiful, Sandra! I have no words. For some reason the blue bird caught my eye today. But I have a beautiful thought for the brown bird with spots as well. 🙂

    1. Thank you Jo, the blue Jays are looking so vibrant this time of year. And the brown bird is a woodpecker, I am not sure the name. I have to look it up. Have a great weekend.

      1. A woodpecker? It looks different from our woodpeckers. But l like them. They are very useful birds. 🙂 And your American woodpecker looks cute.

        1. I know, it is so unique looking. It is called a Northern Flicker, another blogger just told me that. There are a few different kinds of woodpeckers. This one is so pretty.

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