Tag: water

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand, Legend of the Sand Dollar

Sand dollars are actually burrowing sea urchins. When they wash up on the beach and are bleached by the sun, they look like a large silver coin, hence the moniker.

legend about these creatures says they represent the story of Christ:

You Find it in the Sand

On the top of the shell is a symbol that looks like a star, a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem that led wise men to the Christ Child. Around the star is an outline of an Easter lily, a reminder of the Lord’s resurrection.

You Find it in the Sand

There are five holes in a sand dollar – four around the ends of the star and one in the center. According to the religious legend, the four holes represent the four wounds of Christ when his hands and feet were nailed to the cross. The center hole represents the wound made from a soldier’s spear.

When you turn over the sand dollar, you see the outline of a poinsettia, the Christmas flower. And if you break open a sand dollar, five dove-shaped pieces emerge. Doves are often used in art and literature as a symbol of peace and goodwill.

Now you know the legend of the sand dollar, a story of hope and peace. See if you can find one on your next visit to Alabama beaches.

You Find it in the Sand

You Find it in the Sand

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Trees of the South – Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.

I do love photographing and studying trees. They are designed with a purpose and each one is so unique.


Trees of the South


Trees of the South

New Mexico

Trees of the South

Big Bend Texas

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Sandra J

The Light of the Nights

The Light of the Nights

The Light of the Nights When we accept that there is only One Father, we have no ethnicity to any group.   By that we are different just by the virtue we accepted one thought, One Father, One Creator One Creation

Time Lapse Video from Day to Evening to Lighting Storm at Night; Time Lapse Clouds

In whatever condition each was called, there let them remain with the Father

While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened.

Life is a teaching experience we are either taught or we mimic back.

bright moon in the sky

The Light of the Nights

Have a wonderful weekend.

Sandra J

Its the Simple Things

Its the Simple Things

Its the Simple Things that make me smile the most. Like this first photo, I did not have the camera prepared for this shot, but this little hummingbird showed up out of the blue and I just clicked away. Capturing a bit of light illuminating its beautiful colors.

Life can be a long bumpy road at times, but a journey worth taking, as it is a gift. The idea that any of us are here at all is worth thinking about. The true miracle of birth is something that I think about often, for I have never had children of my own. But, when you stop and remember how we are even here, that we all started from a tiny little cell.

(Video Below; A Moment in Time)

Its the Simple Things

That everything around us started from something so small, microscopic in some cases, birds, flowers.

Yet as a gift, we only have it for a short time. What we do with this gift is a journey we are all on.

So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

Its the Simple Things

Thank you to Garfieldhugs blog, someone who makes me and others smile with the simple things in life.

Life is but a Moment in Time

Desert Clouds Time Lapse, A Moment in Time

Its the Simple Things

Sandra J

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas, this area of Texas is our first look at the vastness of the south west. A terrain that is so different than anything I have ever seen.

Here is a video of the Pecos river and all the goats; Sometimes my videos go on after I make the post but I will add the link the next day. Wild Goats on the Pecos River

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

It is a place that has changed over the years, where people used to live and provide for themselves and others. When water was flowing high in the Pecos River.

seminole canyon

As we were standing at the bottom of the canyon, I looked up and squinted as I tried to see what these 4 rock type things are. So I zoomed in on them with my camera and it appears to be cement braces trying to hold up the two giant rocks on the side of this cliff.

My main thought is, how did they get those up there. Hmmmm, 🙂

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas
Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Sandra J

From the Mountains of No Names

From the Mountains of No Names

From the Mountains of No Names comes faith as small as a mustard seed, where nothing is impossible.

I have lived in the mid west my entire life and never ventured west until this year. I have always wanted to see the mountains and it is truly a sight to behold. To be able to climb to the highest peak that I can climb to and then look out over this vast landscape for miles and miles.

Not only is it breathtaking but it makes me see how small we really are, like standing next to the ocean. Areas that are bigger than my imagination and more beautiful then I could ever dream of. Creation is truly a gift.

The mountains started in southern Texas, below we climbed to the top of Franklyn Mountains in El Paso Texas.

From the Mountains of No Names

This photo below is Seminole Canyon in Texas, taken with the drone looking at the Rio Grande river which is very low water levels. We have noticed the lack of water all through out the south.

Below is the wide open spaces of Arizona, BLM land, that is our camper in the photo. BLM land is free to camp on. You just find an empty spot and stay there up to 14 days. The dust was blowing here all the time.

From the Mountains of No Names

Utah is amazing, the red rocks and canyons are amazing to see. This photo below is Zion National Park, it was taken with the drone outside of the park. Looking west. It is quite something how on top of the mountains it looks flat almost everywhere.

From the Mountains of No Names

This mountains range below and valley is quite the place. Its location speaks of much history on how folks lived back in the day. It is called Spring Valley in eastern Nevada, it is full of natural springs all along the valley. The water is flowing even now as we visited this place.

The green valley floods with the monsoon rains in the spring and summer and many many years ago, people lived along the valley and all this water would freeze in the winter. Cutting ice out of the frozen water was a way to make a living here. I will have more information on these places as I get to them individually.

Another mountain in Nevada below, we drove to the top of this one which was nearly 10,000 ft elevation. It is quite the road to get to the top. There is snow up there and you definitely want 4 wheel drive going up this back country road. But what a view from the top.

We continue our travels north, thank you so much for following along. I appreciate all your wonderful comments you leave on these post and enjoy being able to talk to each and everyone of you when I can. The internet is not always the best in some of these places we have been to. But thank you very much, I appreciate it. Have a wonderful day.

From the Mountains of No Names

Sandra J

Mr and Mrs Stilt

Mr and Mrs Stilt

Mr and Mrs Stilt, more new birds to my list. I believe the first photo is a female stilt because the second photo is the male and he was sure guarding this first bird as if it is his mate.

Black-necked Stilts are among the most stately of the shorebirds, with long rose-pink legs, a long thin black bill, and elegant black-and-white plumage that make them unmistakable at a glance. They move deliberately when foraging, walking slowly through wetlands in search of tiny aquatic prey. When disturbed, stilts are vociferous, to put it mildly, and their high, yapping calls carry for some distance. ​

Mr and Mrs Stilt
Mr and Mrs Stilt

Of course Texas is a great place to see the the Greater Roadrunner. They actually have some color along the side of their face and wings and tail feather. Which I did not know and yes they do run very fast. Video of the Greater Roadrunner below or click HERE; The Greater Roadrunner

The Greater Roadrunner The Symbol of the Desert Southwest, A Very Fast and Colorful Desert Bird

Mr and Mrs Stilt

by Sandra J