Tag: seasons

Change of Season with Birds

Change of Season with Birds

Change of Season with Birds, most of the time people notice the change of seasons to Autumn by the colors of the leaves and temperature. But this year is the first time I have noticed exactly when certain birds have left my area. Migration is a big thing in the spring and fall, especially for birders like my self.

These Red Winged black birds made their presence known all summer. They are very territorial and nested all around the pond here and two days ago they were all gone, just like that. Not one is here. The days are getting shorter by 1 minute a day. Birds sense this along with, weather, geography, food sources, day length, and other factors.

Change of Season with Birds

I had a pair of Robins that built a nest right by the cabin. They really enjoyed the bird bath I set out this year. Every day they were using the bath, especially on hot days. But, they are all gone now as well. Robins don’t mind the cold weather as much, they can handle that. They leave for warmer areas because of lack of food here in the colder months. Flocks of them arrive in Florida to spend the winters.

Change of Season with Birds

Yes, all the moths and butterfly’s are gone, along with my summer flowers not producing anymore. But the fall flowers are just starting up. A welcome sight, all the rich warm colors.

But, despite the birds telling us winter is coming soon. There are some exciting things that have returned since the summer birds have left. Take for example the Ravens, this one in particular I have named Edgar. Now he never left all summer, but he could not come visit as often as he would like because the Red Winged black birds would always chase him away. Now, he is back on his perch, high above the forest and comes and goes as he pleases.

Change of Season with Birds  raven

Migrating birds can cover thousands of miles in their annual travels, often traveling the same course year after year with little deviation. First-year birds often make their very first migration on their own. Somehow they can find their winter home despite never having seen it before, and return the following spring to where they were born.

Taking a journey that can stretch to a round-trip distance of several thousand miles is a dangerous and arduous undertaking. It is an effort that tests both the birds’ physical and mental capabilities. The physical stress of the trip, lack of adequate food supplies along the way, bad weather, and increased exposure to predators all add to the hazards of the journey.

To me, seeing what nature has to endure to get to the end results, speaks to me from that silent voice within us. We are on a similar path. The ups and downs, the long journey finding our way in this world. There will always be some hard times and ruff roads to travel and a lot of good things as well. But in the end we will find our way home, to where we were born. None of us die, we just go home.

Change of Season with Birds

by Sandra J

The Road to Spring

The Road to Spring

The Road to Spring is a long one here in my neck of the woods. But I do enjoy each season and you cannot rush it. So I try to capture each moment of each season by taking the road less traveled, finding places off the beaten path. There are plenty of places to explore on this beautiful road called life. Enjoy the ride, you can never get enough of nature.

The Road to Spring
The Road to Spring

Have a Wonderful Weekend

The Road to Spring

by Sandra J

The Year in Review

The Year in Review

The Year in Review, a collection of photos from the same location showing the changes of a sunrise. I love to travel and I go to many different locations as much as possible. But, on occasion I find a spot where my spirit is at peace. A place that I can return to and have that bit of familiarity and yet the scene is different every time.

This this is one of those spots that I go to quite often as you can see by the different sunrises. The tree line is always the same and has been for many years, only the colors change depending on the seasons. I like that.

The Year in Review

My entire life I was searching for that place of solitude, that place where I can hear the soft voice in my mind. That place where there are no distractions from the outside world.

sunrise over water

But I had a revelation a couple of years ago, come to find out I was looking in all the wrong places. All along I had to discover who I was, I had to quit running away from everything and run towards where my spirit and heart have been my entire life. The gift of life that is given to us from the very beginning.

reflections on a lake

That is when my eyes were opened, that is how I see creation. I don’t have to run anymore, I found what I was looking for, it has always been right in front of me.

The Year in Review

One particle of pure Light, Intelligent design of Creation yours , mine, not the gods of man.

Therefore what He has put together, let no one separate.

The Year in Review

The Year in Review

by Sandra J

The Colors of Autumn

The Colors of Autumn

The Colors of Autumn, Yes, this is my favorite season. Warm, comforting colors surround us in nature. I have been so busy getting outdoors as much as possible. The weather is so nice right now, cool mornings give me more energy to enjoy walks in the park. So yesterday we went out for a stroll to see some fall colors and they did not disappoint.

The Colors of Autumn

In the fall, because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor.

The Colors of Autumn

Autumn leaves turn fiery-red in an attempt to store up as much goodness as possible from leaves and soil before a tree settles down for the winter. 

The Colors of Autumn

It is a nice bright sunny day when I took this photo below of the yellow flowers. One thing I like to do with flower photography is create a dark background to bring out the colors of the flowers.

A simple way to do this with your camera is to use a fast shutter speed. This photo is shot at 1/2000 of a sec. Which is the speed I use to photograph birds flying also. It is a fun little trick to try, it gives the photo a nice look like a portrait I think.

The Colors of Autumn

Give time to love, Give time to speak and Always give time to laugh!  

The Colors of Autumn

by Sandra J