Tag: power of the sun

The Art of Cold Weather

The Art of Cold Weather

The Art of Cold Weather, What do you think this might be? To me it looks like a topographical map. Looking at a mountain range from the air in the winter. It almost has a 3 dimensional look to it. Video below.

The Art of Cold Weather

It is the frost on my windshield this morning. Single digit temperatures can create quite the art pattern on glass. I have never seen anything like it.

The Art of Cold Weather

The Power of the Sun

Creation is so beautiful in its simplest form. From the smallest things like the sun melting the frost from the side of my car. There seems to be a lot of chaos going on around the world. But if you can relax in the thought of the Father, you don’t worry so much about what man is doing without the Father.

I can see Stability more and more with Him, then without Him. Stability to me means no fear, it gives us the power to stand strong within our faith. Stability is often used to describe structures that won’t collapse or fall down. 💕

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Sandra J's Photography

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

The Art of Cold Weather

by Sandra J