Tag: Pine grosbeaks

New Bird at the Feeder Today

New Bird at the Feeder Today

New Bird at the Feeder Today, what a fun surprise when I looked out the window and saw this gorgeous color of pink and gold. I do love seeing new birds and finding out what they are. These are called Pine Grosbeaks.

New Bird at the Feeder Today

The pink one is the male and the golden colors are the females. They are not known to be in my area, they are usually farther north and out west in the high mountains.

Despite its name, these birds prefer Spruce and Fir trees, not pine trees.

New Bird at the Feeder Today

It is also absurdly tame, allowing very close approach; ironically, this sometimes makes it easy to overlook in dense coniferous forest, since it may sit motionless as a birder walks by. And these hardly moved when I went to fill the bird feeder. It was so exciting to be that close to them.

I have only seen them the one day. Hopefully they will come back for another visit this winter yet.

New Bird at the Feeder Today

New Bird at the Feeder Today

by Sandra J