Tag: joke

What Did the Heron Say to the Egret

What Did the Heron Say to the Egret

What Did the Heron Say to the Egret, (The Heron is on the Left) he says to the White Egret.

” Hey Egret, do you want to hear a joke?”

White Egret, “No, don’t bother me, I am fishing”

Heron, ” Ok, two Herons walk into a bar, 😂😂, no just kidding. Wait, don’t go.

What Did the Heron Say to the Egret

Ok, here it is, ” I went birdwatching the other day, but didn’t see anything.

Still, no egrets. 😂🤣😉”

I crack myself up 🤣😂🤣😊

What Did the Heron Say to the Egret

Hey Egret, come backkk, I was just joking. I still have no egrets, 😂😉😁


by Sandra J