Tag: frost

What Might This Be

What Might This Be

What Might This Be, I have always been one to stop and look at everything since I was a child. Photography has made it even more fun to look at all the little things that we tend to walk right by without a second glance. How close can I get? What does this look like really close? That is what I am thinking.

What Might This Be

Now granted, there always seems to be something that makes me stop and take a second glance. On this particular day, as you might guess, the sparkles of light reflecting off the frost caught my eye right away. I love it when this happens. It can take me along time to take a walk outdoors, because He shows me daily that life is to be enjoyed, to slow down and see, really see everything around us.

What Might This Be

Even; Shingles on a Roof

But it is the Light that always stops me and enables me to take a deep breath and just smile.

What Might This Be

by Sandra J

Where the Noise Disappears

Where the Noise Disappears

Where the Noise Disappears, I had tuned in to some news reports yesterday. To have an idea what is going on in this country here. It got to the point I could not listen to anymore. Why is it when humans speak, it becomes a level of noise beyond comprehension at times.

Where the Noise Disappears

But when I walk out into this place that surrounds me here, in the early morning Light, the noise disappears. The silence is healing to me, it is refreshing, it is glorious.

Where the Noise Disappears

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

by Sandra J