Tag: ballet

Pirouette Plié Tour en l’air

Pirouette Plié Tour en l’air

Pirouette, Plié, Tour en l’air, What do these words mean? Well, to me these beautiful Egrets look like they are doing a ballet. These words are terms for specific moves for ballet, they mean; a turn in the air; a rotation or spin; bending – of the knee or knees.

I hear; Ta Da,,,, Bravo,,,,

Pirouette, Plié, Tour en l'air

Dance with me 🙂

Adagio; is a succession of slow, soft, lyrical, and continuous movements. Adagio creates the illusion that the positions flow from one into another.

Pirouette, Plié, Tour en l'air

Or they are just scraping for territorial rights. But our imaginations can see something else, something so beautiful. I have never been to a ballet, until today.

Pirouette, Plié, Tour en l’air

by Sandra J