Tag: autumn leaves

First Snow Makes Colors Pop

First Snow Makes Colors Pop

First Snow Makes Colors Pop, yesterday was our first bit of snow. The song birds are back in my back yard. I set my camera up in the back window and just enjoy watching all the beautiful birds coming back to the feeder. Seems like they have been gone for a few weeks lately.

First Snow Makes Colors Pop

This is the last of my carrot plants in my garden. Gently holding up the snow on their leaves.

First Snow Makes Colors Pop

I went for a walk down to the lagoon, as the snow was sticking to all the leaves making the green colors look even more vibrant.

And across the pond there was one red tree left that had not dropped its leaves. There was not a lot of color around my area this year. And there are still a lot of leaves that are still green, so they will be falling off the trees after tonight’s freezing weather I suspect.

First Snow Makes Colors Pop

First Snow Makes Colors Pop

by Sandra J