Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds

Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds

Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds, I just posted a video on my you tube channel highlighting all these wonderful birds and the sounds they make. The bird one hears the most is the White Winged Dove, but the most interesting one I think is the Gambel’s Quail.

Link to; Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds

Scale Quails

Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds

Gambel’s Quail

Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds

Desert Cardinal

Curved Billed Thrasher

White Winged Dove

Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds

Sandra J

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21 Replies to “Songs and Sounds of Desert Birds”

    1. They have such an intense look in their eyes sometimes. Like you can hear them making a sound like grrrrrr 😊

  1. I (Kellye) so love birds! Your beautiful photos really show their features. One of my bucket list items is to to see a pyrrhuloxia (desert cardinal) and photograph it. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us, Sandra!

    1. You are very welcome Kellye, I had never even heard of a desert cardinal until this year. They are so cool looking..😊

  2. Beautiful birds that live in Texas. I mainly like the Scale Quails and the Gambel’s Quail that I discover.
    The waterfall attracts a lot of species and I love squirrels, chipmunks and prairie dogs…
    Your video is a treat, Sandra.😊

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