Police Horse

Police Horse

Police Horse, another beautiful Belgian horse who’s name is Murphy I found out. There are a lot of pretty horses in this parade, but I take the photos as they are passing by and I choose the best ones to make a painting out of. I don’t usually post photos that have people in them.

But I like this one with the gentlemen on the ground with his hand over his heart as the flag goes by.

Police Horse

I sent this photo to the police department where they are stationed out of. They loved it and said thank you and that is where they told me the horses name is Murphy. Very fitting I think.

Police Horse
Police Horse

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Police Horse

Sandra J

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24 Replies to “Police Horse”

    1. Thank you very much Mr. Ohh, I appreciate that. It is fun to do, I always like to be able to create what my mind thinks of. 😊

    1. Thank you very much Kellye, I did find the department where the officer works from and I sent it to them via there facebook messenger. They did contact me later and said thank you that they loved it. They posted it on their page. It was so nice to hear that from them. 🙂

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