27 Replies to “My Bird Photography Post”

    1. Thank you so much Mark, I have always loved birds and seeing all the different, colorful birds around us. Photography makes it even better so I can look back and see them again and again.

      1. Not sure if it will be temporary, or permanent, but the link to my blog is now: marlandphotos.wordpress.com My domain expired!?! 🙁 At this point is is expensive to purchase again. Hopefully this won’t interrupt your receiving of my posts. Sorry for whatever inconvenience it causes you. Any recommendations would be welcomed, as well. Marland

  1. Very nice photos here. However when I checked your other website, assuming you have taken those photos, I realize the serious skill-gap we have between us 😀 Thanks for liking my photos 🙂

    1. All the photos on both sites have been taken by me. Nature photography is my passion. I enjoyed looking at your photos also. I find beauty in most all photos along with seeing places I may never visit is what I enjoy the most. Thank you.

  2. Hi Sandra, and thanks for the follow! Well done for following your heart and changing your life around. Love your photos! Good luck with your travels and new life. All the best, Marina

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