Tag: light

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary near Paducah KN. I just looked at the map and saw a green area not far from us. So we took a drive to see what it was.

This area had a nice size man made lake with a road that you can drive all around it. Plenty of habitat for a lot of birds and people out fishing on the lake as well.

We discovered this new bird walking along the shore line.

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary
New Bird Sanctuary

Dozens of Egrets in the trees and on land. I will definitely be visiting this park again to see more birds.

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Discovering the New Bird Sanctuary

Sandra J’s Into the Light Adventures

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

By Sandra J

#escapetonatureforu #nikond850

Flower Garden

Flower Garden

Flower Garden – Well I planted lots of flowers two months ago and they are in full bloom. So many wonderful colors and I am happy to say the hummingbirds are still here. They appear to be having a blast going to all the flowers and chasing each other.

I have two flower gardens that way the hummingbirds have plenty of room to check out all the flowers.

Flower Garden Finally Blooming
Flower Garden Finally Blooming
Flower Garden Finally Blooming

Flower Garden Finally Blooming

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Sweet Color of Sunlight – Out of all of the colors, Yellow is the most noticeable to human eyes. This color is said to aid in analytical thinking. It also brings up feelings of happiness and optimism in those who see it.

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Though too much yellow at one time can actually lead to annoyance and agitation from viewers and may also make you visually fatigued. Who knew one color held so much power!

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Have a wonderful weekend.

Sweet Color of Sunlight

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Opposite of Blue is Orange

Opposite of Blue is Orange

Opposite of Blue is Orange, The sea is blue. From the color wheel, we can clearly see that the opposite of blue is orange, so orange is a contrasting color to blue.

Contrasting colors are colors that can be clearly distinguished, so when we are in danger at sea and need rescue, blue contrasting orange becomes the best choice.

shrimp boat on the gulf
Opposite of Blue is Orange
Opposite of Blue is Orange
Opposite of Blue is Orange

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Opposite of Blue is Orange

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

In the Arms of an Angel

In the Arms of an Angel

In the Arms of an Angel, this photo reminded me of this song by Sarah Mclachian.

In the arms of an Angel, fly away from here, From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie You’re in the arms of an Angel; may you find some comfort here

In the Arms of an Angel

I have shared some poems in the past, written by a very talented writer named Daryl Madden. He has a blog page here on word press where he writes the most beautiful poems inspired by other folks post. I treasure the words he writes when he chooses one of my post to create a poem with. https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/23196989

I then like to add his words to one of my videos. The result is below or click this link here; IF I

Poem - IF I - by Sandra J's Photography ASMR Cloud Time Lapse with An Osprey Bird in its Nest
Sarah McLachlan - In the arms of an angel

In the Arms of an Angel

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Trees of the South – Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.

I do love photographing and studying trees. They are designed with a purpose and each one is so unique.


Trees of the South


Trees of the South

New Mexico

Trees of the South

Big Bend Texas

Trees of the South

Trees of the South

Sandra J

Cumulus Clouds

Cumulus Clouds

Cumulus Clouds are clouds which have flat bases and are often described as “puffy”, “cotton-like” or “fluffy” in appearance. 

They are my favorite type of clouds to photograph especially with potential rain in the area. Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

Cumulus Clouds
Cumulus Clouds

Cumulus Clouds

Sandra J

An Incredible Journey

An Incredible Journey

An Incredible Journey is the flight of the Monarch Butterfly. Each fall, North American monarchs travel from their summer breeding grounds to overwintering locations. East of the Rocky Mountains, monarchs travel up to an astonishing 3,000 miles to central Mexico, whereas the shorter migration west of the Rockies is to the California coast. 

An Incredible Journey

Decreasing day length and temperatures, along with aging milkweed and fewer nectar sources trigger a change in monarchs; this change signifies the beginning of the migratory generation. 

Similar to the Hummingbird as I mentioned last week. Amazing how these tiny little creatures both travel farther then most giant birds.

Orientation is not well understood in insects. In monarchs, orientation is especially mysterious. How do millions of monarchs start their southbound journey from all over eastern and central North America and end up in a very small area in the mountains of central Mexico?

An Incredible Journey

 From across the eastern U.S. and southern Canada, monarchs funnel toward Mexico. Along the way, they find refuge in stopover sites with abundant nectar sources and shelter from harsh weather. Upon reaching their destination in central Mexico beginning in early November.

Scientist say they do not learn the route from their parents since only about every fourth to fifth generation of North American monarch migrates. Therefore, it is certain that monarchs rely on their instincts rather than learning to find overwintering sites.

What kind of instincts might they rely on? Other animals use celestial cues like the sun, moon, or stars), the earth’s magnetic field, landmarks, mountain ranges or bodies of water.

Of these, the first two are considered to be the most likely cues that monarchs use, and consequently have been studied the most.

So when I see a monarch like this one who just stopped by my yard for one day, I imagine the incredible journey this little one is on. They have no worries about anything except survival, getting to their destination and continuing life as is written.

An Incredible Journey

Sandra J

When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come and the land is dark. The moon is the only light we will see. No I won’t be afraid, just as long as you stand by me.

I love these lyrics to the song stand by me by Ben King, video and music below.

Photos have a way of speaking to each one of us in a different way. That is the beauty of photography and one does not have to be a professional photographer for this to happen.

When the Night Has Come

They provoke a feeling, a memory and a change in our spirit I believe. When I looked at these silhouettes of the hummingbird the song Stand by Me came to mind right away.

When the Night Has Come

It was late in the evening as I was watching these two hummingbirds dancing around me, but the feeling did not arise until I saw this photo as if it is saying stand by me and I won’t be afraid.

For in the dark of the night, I know His presence, as He stands by me in the window pains of my heart.

YouTube player

When the Night Has Come

Sandra J

Flower Art with a Flashlight

Flower Art with a Flashlight

Flower Art with a Flashlight, there are some beautiful wild flowers growing around our place this summer. So I was feeling a little artsy today and decided to try something new.

I picked this one flower and put it in a vase and brought it inside. Grabbed a flashlight and pointed it directly at the flower and if you hold the light close enough it will create a dark background as well.

Light always brings out the details of any object and lets you see the extraordinary creation in front of you so much clearer. 🙂

Flower Art with a Flashlight
Flower Art with a Flashlight

But, my cat decided to get in on the photo shoot. She stuck her nose in just as I clicked the shutter button. She is good for wanting to be up front and getting more attention from me.

Flower Art with a Flashlight

Flower Art with a Flashlight

Sandra J

Downtown El Paso Texas

Downtown El Paso Texas

Downtown El Paso Texas, we do not go into big cities very often. But we were camping here for 2 weeks and had to run in for supplies so decided to go down town and walk around a bit. I do love architecture as well and taking photos of buildings when I see some I like.

Downtown El Paso Texas

I like the older ones that have been restored or just kept up nice.

Downtown El Paso Texas

This is an overlook area facing south looking over the city of El Paso, everyday there was a bit of a haze over the city. Somedays we could not see the mountains in the background at all.

Downtown El Paso Texas

Sandra J

Its the Simple Things

Its the Simple Things

Its the Simple Things that make me smile the most. Like this first photo, I did not have the camera prepared for this shot, but this little hummingbird showed up out of the blue and I just clicked away. Capturing a bit of light illuminating its beautiful colors.

Life can be a long bumpy road at times, but a journey worth taking, as it is a gift. The idea that any of us are here at all is worth thinking about. The true miracle of birth is something that I think about often, for I have never had children of my own. But, when you stop and remember how we are even here, that we all started from a tiny little cell.

(Video Below; A Moment in Time)

Its the Simple Things

That everything around us started from something so small, microscopic in some cases, birds, flowers.

Yet as a gift, we only have it for a short time. What we do with this gift is a journey we are all on.

So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

Its the Simple Things

Thank you to Garfieldhugs blog, someone who makes me and others smile with the simple things in life.

Life is but a Moment in Time

Desert Clouds Time Lapse, A Moment in Time

Its the Simple Things

Sandra J

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas, this area of Texas is our first look at the vastness of the south west. A terrain that is so different than anything I have ever seen.

Here is a video of the Pecos river and all the goats; Sometimes my videos go on after I make the post but I will add the link the next day. Wild Goats on the Pecos River

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

It is a place that has changed over the years, where people used to live and provide for themselves and others. When water was flowing high in the Pecos River.

seminole canyon

As we were standing at the bottom of the canyon, I looked up and squinted as I tried to see what these 4 rock type things are. So I zoomed in on them with my camera and it appears to be cement braces trying to hold up the two giant rocks on the side of this cliff.

My main thought is, how did they get those up there. Hmmmm, 🙂

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas
Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Leaving Seminole Canyon Texas

Sandra J

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life, as winter disappears and the spring rains start to come back to quench the thirst of this earth. Those standing alone who thirst for this water of life will come back to life in full beauty, that which is given to everything under the Sun as is designed.

Video of Black Swans in a Pond Below or click Here, Swans

Water Gives Life

And the earth she became chaos and vacancy and darkness over the surfaces of the abyss.

And the
Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters.

Waters is an idiomatic expression for our spiritual nature

Water Gives Life

Water Gives Life, Nature/Creation speaks to us everyday.

He gives us life in the Garden of Trees

The One who moves over the face of waters In the Garden of Trees

Will never destroy us.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of the Father, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Black Swans to Music, Nature at its Best #shorts

Water Gives Life

by Sandra J

The White Ibis

The White Ibis

The White Ibis When we left the state of Mississippi, I found a small campground in southern Louisiana that was our next stop. On this trip we are doing this year, we try not to travel more than 3 hours on travel day. That way we don’t get so tired when we get to the next spot.

We have been meeting so many nice people this year, everyone is very friendly at the campgrounds, it is such a joy to visit with folks. Plus getting to know some of the campers that live in the areas we are visiting has been so helpful with finding the hot spots for birding and they also share where the good restaurants are and sightseeing locations.

That is what happened here in Louisiana, I was looking on google maps around the area we are camping in and found a National Wildlife Refuge, I am always looking for these. So off we went traveling on a road I found that goes to this park. Well, there was not one bird there and this is back in January, so I thought maybe we were to early to see birds in migration here.

Two days later we got to visiting with some other folks that just pulled into the campground and they were from the area. So, we told them about our lack of birds found at their wildlife refuge. They proceeded to tell us that we were at the wrong side of it. He gave us directions to a road that was very hard to see on the map and we headed out there the next day.

The White Ibis

What a surprise for us, this is where I got to see the Ibis for the first time and lots of them. Not only this strange looking bird, but as we entered the Wildlife Refuge, my heart skipped a beat I think, there are so many birds here, many that I have never heard of and the best part is the flock of snow geese we came upon out in a field. I will be showing those photos soon.

As we continue this journey around America, I am so thankful for the people that we are meeting. The kindness from others is a wonderful thing to experience and it gives hope that this world is still a beautiful place.

The White Ibis

So much has happened over the last couple of years for everyone. But for me the one constant in my life and in my heart is the faith that I have in our Father and His children.

Sometimes we need to just turn off the news, Go Outside and Breathe, you were not meant to carry the burdens of the whole world.

The White Ibis

Have a Wonderful Weekend

The White Ibis

by Sandra J

Desert Surprises

Desert Surprises

Desert Surprises, it has been very dry in the desert this past month, I was beginning to think we were to early to see any flowers on this trip. But, we walked down to the Rio Grande river one morning right at sunrise and this lone yellow flower was blooming right in the middle of rocks and dry dirt.

A lovely surprise for sure.

Desert Surprises

Along with this one growing at the base of more rocks.

Even the cactus has just a touch of color with their red pointy needles.

Desert Surprises

Now this plant below, I believe is in the Agave family, you definitely would not want to trip and fall on one of these. Those things do not bend at all. They are as hard as a rock.

Desert Surprises

Sandra J

Look at Everything

Look at Everything

“Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time:

Look at Everything

The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.

Look at Everything

Look at Everything

Sandra J

Artwork In Nature

Artwork In Nature

Artwork In Nature, this morning there is a bit of humidity outdoors and on my way back from my early morning walk, the sun started to makes its way through the trees and light up all the different cob webs hanging in the forest next to the path.

I did not even notice them until the sun touched them all and boy there is lot of them. One would not want to walk in the forest on a cloudy day. Good thing there are paths everywhere to walk on.

Artwork In Nature

Nonetheless, they are very artistically made by the small creatures of the woods.

Artwork In Nature

Now this little guy may look like a spider, but it is actually a crab on the beach.

Artwork In Nature

by Sandra J

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow, I was photographing the sunrise on this day facing east and when I turned around to look at what was behind me I found a different kind of light. It was an off white hue and I actually did not even see the rainbow until I looked at the photo later.

I love that about photography, the little surprises you see in your own photos.

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow
Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

Rocky Shoreline and Rainbow

by Sandra J

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground, Mr. Pelican is coming in with the intention of taking the pole the Royal Tern is on. But Tern is not budging and appears to be yelling at the big boy coming in for a landing to get his own pole. But, , ,

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Mr. Pelican takes what ever pole he wants, as you can tell in the photo the lighter colored pole is where the Tern was standing and now the Pelican has it. He did take the pole and Tern had to move up to the next one. there is a stern look from the Tern towards the Pelican.

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

Then they both relax and quit staring at each other and just enjoy the sunshine together.

Royal Tern Is Holding its Ground

by Sandra J

Winter Color in the South

Winter Color in the South

Winter Color in the South, it has been getting colder even down here in the south. But on a sunny day you can still spot a butterfly or two with some yellow flowers strewn about.

Winter Color in the South
Winter Color in the South
Winter Color in the South
yellow daisies

Winter Color in the South

by Sandra J

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us – Tranquility does exist.  Off the beaten path, taking the road less traveled and returning to creation.  That is us down there on the left side of the photo. Husband takes care of the photos from above as I photograph from below.

A way to show any one that happens to see these photos that the beauty of creation still exist.

Looking Down at Us

I am the One who gave you hands to use your talents to create life around you.

Looking Down at Us

Looking Down at Us

by Sandra J

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us Simplicity, beauty, purpose. That is what I see when I am in nature surrounded by the beauty of creation.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.

Nature Speaks to Us
Nature Speaks to Us
Nature Speaks to Us

Nature Speaks to Us

by Sandra J

Mountain or a Beach

Mountain or a Beach

Mountain or a Beach, a little fun with forced perspective photography. Sometimes you have to get down low to the ground and take your photos. It can give a new perspective on what you are looking at and lets the imagination think of a world that is beyond what is right in front of us.

When I see this photo it looks like a mountain range along a lake.

Mountain or a Beach

So this is what I imagine. I added a small person silhouette to give it my perspective. But picture him smaller and it will look like a mountain.

Mountain or a Beach

All it takes is One spoken word or written to change Ones world into a different perspective then what they have become used to.  Or One spoken word or written to destroy Ones world.

Mountain or a Beach

This is what it looks like from above.

drone shot of a beach

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. 

Mountain or a Beach

by Sandra J

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court, well this is the closest I have been to these birds this week. I have driven by this marina many times since I took these photos and have not seen any birds there since. But I am always on the look out for the next exciting bird sighting. There are some new birds still to come as we venture along the gulf coast.

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court
The Royal Terns Have Left the Court
The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

The Royal Terns Have Left the Court

by Sandra J

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret, we went out for a bike ride on this particular morning. The sun was still low in the sky and as we crossed a small bridge we came to a sudden stop. As we noticed this beautiful Egret perched on a branch just above the creek.

I slowly got my camera out, the sun was behind us creating a beautiful spot light, it turned to look towards me and I took the photo as you see. Sometimes when I am least expecting it, an average morning bike ride turns into a site that can take my breathaway.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Portrait of the Snowy Egret
Portrait of the Snowy Egret

Portrait of the Snowy Egret

by Sandra J

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge to New Adventures We Go 😉

Someday is Here

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge

You know how some of us say; ” Someday I am going to go on that big trip”, or Someday I will do __________.

Well, the word someday usually means never. I heard that in a movie that the actor Tom Cruise is in. He said that line.

Someday is here and our journey continues. I look forward to sharing photos of God’s Country along the way. I wish you all a wonderful weekend. Try to never put off what you can do today until someday. Life is a gift,

Watch this video on YouTube.
Sandra J's Photography

Life is a gift and death is a homecoming to me.  Our body’s are on loan to us just for a short time to enjoy the wonderful things He gives us.  I did not grow up in a Christian family at all.  A neighbor told me a little bit about it when I was 10 years old and I have been searching for the truth ever since.

He never meant for it to be a mystery; it is the gift of life. Finding my purpose has been the journey, the end will just be the beginning.

Through the Tunnel & Over the Bridge