

Wisteria, a beautiful flowering hanging plant, similar to the lilac group. I love seeing these plants, and down south they look like they grow everywhere.

I planted one where I live, but it might just be a little cold up here. It has not bloomed yet and I have had it a couple of years.



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15 Replies to “Wisteria”

  1. I saw your title and it immediately brought back wonderful memories – my parents lived on Wisteria Dr. These flowers always hold a special place for me.

  2. Very beautiful flowers Sandra. A fellow blogger lives in Cleveland and has a wisteria vine that is very old and her husband built her a long wooden arbor where the vine grows and winds around. She sometimes posts a photo of it.

      1. My neighbor had a wisteria vine and she had it entwined in an arbor – it was pretty, but it was not mature enough to have the big “dripping” blossoms and her son cut it down.

  3. They are beautiful, but they remind me of the one in our front yard where I grew up, and I hated mowing anywhere near it because of all the bees. I was really scared of them! 😬

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