When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come

When the Night Has Come and the land is dark. The moon is the only light we will see. No I won’t be afraid, just as long as you stand by me.

I love these lyrics to the song stand by me by Ben King, video and music below.

Photos have a way of speaking to each one of us in a different way. That is the beauty of photography and one does not have to be a professional photographer for this to happen.

When the Night Has Come

They provoke a feeling, a memory and a change in our spirit I believe. When I looked at these silhouettes of the hummingbird the song Stand by Me came to mind right away.

When the Night Has Come

It was late in the evening as I was watching these two hummingbirds dancing around me, but the feeling did not arise until I saw this photo as if it is saying stand by me and I won’t be afraid.

For in the dark of the night, I know His presence, as He stands by me in the window pains of my heart.

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When the Night Has Come

Sandra J

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20 Replies to “When the Night Has Come”

  1. The good photographs always effect the viewer, a new place, a new perspective, a new concept and as you experienced, a revived memory. I think this is what photography is all about!

  2. Interesting how you captured their pictures like this Sandra – in fact, in silhouette they look much larger than when you see them blitz by you in the yard.

  3. lovely silhouettes


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