We Made It Home

We Made It Home

We Made It Home – we are back home and enjoying the warm weather. The robins are scraping for territory. I just happened to have my camera with and these two just kept chasing each other around. So I upped my shutter speed to catch them dueling in flight.

Capturing birds in action like this is what makes photography so much fun. It is that one awesome shot that makes me want to go out and get more.

Camera settings are; 1/2500 sec, ISO 6400, f6.3 500 mm.

Needless to say, I have a backlog of photos to go through yet, which is good because I am in the middle of planting flowers for the hummingbirds and butterfly’s. Planting some garden as well. I will definitely enjoy going through the photos and sharing them with you here.

We Made It Home

We Made It Home

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

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40 Replies to “We Made It Home”

  1. People ask me why I take so many photos when we are out. I even started to shoot less. Now that I’m not allowed out in the boonies for months I am thankful for my heavy shutter press. Never have too many images (if they are decent).

    1. I agree, I do try to take a few less then I used to but it depends on what is is front of me. 😊

  2. It’s always good to be home. Scrappy Robins you have there.

    1. Yes it is Tim, so good to be back. Lots of planting going on right now, yes the robins are chasing each other all over the place right now. 🙂

      1. The only things I see chasing robins around here are hummingbirds and Cooper’s Hawks. They seem to be too busy defending themselves and staying out of harms way to fight with each other.

        1. That makes sense, robins can really go pretty fast also when I watch them chasing each other. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much, it was a long trip but we stopped at my sister’s place and had a great time there. 😊

  3. Welcome back, Sandra ! Looking forward to enjoy your new photos. And this picture of the robins is fantastic ! Have a wonderful day 💙🙏💙

    1. Thank you Francine, it is good to be back. It was a wonderful couple weeks with family. Have a wonderful day also. 😊

    1. I saw my first monarch yesterday and 2 hummingbirds. They really add to a garden having lots of flowers.

  4. Beautifully and skillfully captured Sandra, being in the moment ! Yes, glad you returned home safely after a great adventure.

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