Unusual Critters

Unusual Critters

Unusual Critters I have seen this week. I was walking across a board walk early in the morning when this snail was slowly making its way across the path. What a strange little creature this is and such a long journey it must be for them when they move. Being it is at such a snails pace. 🙂

Unusual Critters

The next morning I went out onto the beach when it was still very dark outside. I had my flashlight with and in front of me I could see things moving very fast in the shadows of the soft light. One such creature stopped when my light shined on it. So I took a quick photo of this crab, another strange looking creature of the seas. Creation never ceases to amaze.

Unusual Critters

Unusual Critters

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

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20 Replies to “Unusual Critters”

  1. I’ve never seen a crab on the move – good thing you had your flashlight with you. Very cool picture of the snail. I remember you said you had a similar experience seeing a snail when I posted my snail pic last month. You really got close-ups of both of these little critters.

    1. Thank you Kellye, there are so many beautiful things in this world, even the smallest creatures are amazing to watch. The journeys they are on 😊

  2. there was a big perfectly round one that showed up elevated right next to my left hand a couple of days ago. I saw a big bunch of those things babies in a forest in mid-oregon a year ago, must’ve been thousands mini ones littered on barks and twigs.

  3. The world is full of wonderful things when we “slow down” enough to enjoy them.

    1. Yes it is Brad. I think photography has helped me to do just that. I look at things differently and want to see everything up close. 🙂

    1. A wonderful way to say it Katherine, I agree. So many things He created that are unique and have a purpose for sure. I would love to see that animated movie. It looks really good. 🙂

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