The Young Eagle

The Young Eagle

The Young Eagle This beautiful young eagle has been visiting our place lately. He is very noticeable just from his size alone. Even hidden in the shade of these trees, his silhouette is quite breathtaking when I notice him on the branch of this aspen tree.

The Young Eagle
The Young Eagle

The plumage of juvenile and immature bald eagles shows a good deal of variation. In fact, immature bald eagle plumages are among the most complicated and difficult to classify among North American birds. 

The Young Eagle

Have a Great Weekend

by Sandra J

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76 Replies to “The Young Eagle”

    1. Thank you very much, yes I had the camera focused on him incase he decided to take flight. They always swoop down and then up. They are pretty fast. 😊 a wonderful weekend to you also.

  1. Thanks Sandra. Great pictures!

    “The plumage of juvenile and immature bald eagles shows a good deal of variation. In fact, immature bald eagle plumages are among the most complicated and difficult to classify among North American birds.”

    Is there a lesson here? One wonders if a juvenile eagle’s plumage is somehow related to its individual makeup in that maturing correctly denotes its eventual proper colors. The condition of the eagle in its proving stage is make it or break it in that there is apparently no guarantee of full maturity without making the right choices along the way. How many juveniles actually make it to adulthood? I’m sure there must be stats on this but your post has certainly piqued one’s interest. Becoming a fully functioning adult eagle cannot be easy.

    Blessings to you

    1. Thank you RJ, yes another way to see nature and how it changes which relates to us. There are so many lessons given to us through what we see in nature. He speaks to us daily.

    1. Thank you Ellen, yes I believe there is a nest around here somewhere, he seems to be visiting more often. So this may be his territory.

    1. Thank you Jo, I don’t let my small dog out with out me being near her. They could pick her up very easy. So I keep a close eye on them both plus there are wolves around also. So my dogs are always close to me.

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