The Snowshoe Hare

The Snowshoe Hare

The Snowshoe Hare is wandering around my yard enjoying the new spring grasses and weeds. There are two things very unique about this rabbit. One being it turns white in the winter, which I have never been able to get a photo of one that is white. Well, that means I would have to be here in the winter as well. 🙂

The Snowshoe Hare
The Snowshoe Hare

The other is the size of their back feet. This size helps to keep them on top of the snow during the winter. Hence the name snowshoes. 🙂

The Snowshoe Hare

The Snowshoe Hare

Sandra J

Sandra J’s Photography & Fine Arts

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44 Replies to “The Snowshoe Hare”

      1. I like seeing them in the early morning with the light coming through their ears, so you can see the soft pink and veins in those ears.

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