The Kingfisher

The Kingfisher

The Kingfisher, I am getting closer to taking a good photo of this beautiful bird. I take my chair and camera and just sit still where it likes to fish. One has to have lots of patience and sit very still for these birds to not take off. This is the fun part of wildlife photography for me.

The Kingfisher
The Kingfisher

The Kingfisher

Sandra J

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39 Replies to “The Kingfisher”

  1. Great pictures Sandra. Kingfisher’s are such industrious and delightful birds. There is a river where I like to take the dogs walking when visiting my parents. There’s been many a morning where I’m treated to the sights and sounds of the kingfisher hunting for breakfast.

    1. Yes, they are quite something. Where I am at now, this one actually hovers over the water. Almost perfectly still as it looks down for a fish and then dives so quickly into the water from a great height. Amazing to see.

    1. Thank you very much Denzil, yes bird photography takes a lot of patience. But I sure to enjoy it. πŸ™‚ have a great day.

        1. Yes, I will read it later when I get my computer out. The links don’t seem to open on my phone as I am reading your comment here.

    1. πŸ™‚ thank you Kellye, well he is pretty far away so I am sitting patiently waiting for that one shot where he is really really close πŸ™‚

    1. That is so true Ted, this one has been hovering a lot of the water doing his fishing, So I am trying to get a good shot of that as well. He just needs to come a little bit closer πŸ™‚

  2. He’s beautiful. Great shots, I usually see the Great Fishers out here zooming by and full speed.

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